July 24 - Preliminary results from a study undertaken in Beijing in order to measure the impact of last year's Paralympic Games for China and its capital have been presented to the International Paralympic Committee (IPC).



A delegation from the Chinese capital presented the results in Bonn, where the IPC are based, with representatives from Renmin University and the China Disabled Persons Federation (CDPF), organisations which performed the impact study for the Paralympic Games.



Others attendees to the presentation and the related discussion included representatives from the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Vancouver 2010 and Sochi 2014.


The preliminary results showed tremendous progress and a significant legacy in fields like public perceptions and awareness, self-esteem, employment opportunities, media attention, accessible facilities and networks and sport participation.


The study proved that the Paralympic Games have significantly promoted the participation and integration of people with a disability into social life, officials claimed.


Apostolos Rigas, the IPC's head of strategic projects, said: "At the IPC, we felt that the Beijing 2008 Paralympics created a strong legacy in China and contributed to significantly improving life for people with a disability.


"This is the first time that the impact of the Paralympic Games has been measured in a scientific way.


"And now, we are able to understand the areas and the specifics as to the effects of that impact.”


The study is still ongoing, with an updated report on Paralympic impact which will be available in 2010.


The final report will be presented in 2011, and will include both the Olympic and Paralympic Games.


Rigas said: “We are very much looking forward to receiving additional results from the study in the future."