September 3 - The Prime Minister (pictured) and the Cabinet met at the Olympics site in East London today for their first meeting since the summer recess and he praised the progress being made on the project.

Earlier Gordon Brown had joined Olympics Minister Tessa Jowell, Sebastian Coe, the chairman of London 2012, and John Armitt, chairman of the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA), for a tour of the Olympic Aquatics Centre.

Brown said the Centre, designed by Zaha Hadid, would be “one of the highlights of London’s landscape for many years to come”.

He also praised the work taking place at the Olympic Park saying the construction has created thousands of jobs and apprenticeships for local people.

He said: "I think the whole of our country will be proud to see that the preparations for the Olympics are not only on time and on budget, but that these superb buildings are going to be ones that grace the whole world.

"Staging the Games will fuel our passion and enthusiasm for sport and will also leave a lasting legacy of social and economic regeneration."

When he was Chancellor, Brown had been one of the main opponents to London bidding for the Games when it was being discussed in 2003 but now he claims it will help fuel Britain's recovery from the current economic crisis. 

He said: "We are already reaping the benefits from a massive capital investment programme to build the venues and infrastructure.

"At a time of enormous economic upheaval the opportunities which hosting the Games are bringing to this country cannot be overestimated,"

During the Cabinet meeting Brown outlined the main themes for the G20, which will be held in Pittsburgh later this month, and discussed his visit to Afghanistan last week.

Cabinet members also discussed the importance of the mission in Afghanistan, the economy, schools building programme, the latest swine flu situation and NHS preparations for the winter.

With less than three years until the opening ceremony, Jowell also addressed members of Cabinet about the preparations taking place for the 2012 Olympics.