September 7 - Graham Stringer (pictured), a Manchester MP has claimed that the Football Association is making cities and towns across England waste money on being made to bid to host matches if the campaign to stage the 2018 World Cup is successful.

Stringer, who represents Manchester Blackley, has said that the city is being forced to spend £150,000 on bidding to be part of the event even though Old Trafford and the City of Manchester Stadium are among the top grounds in the country.

Both have staged England internationals and  European finals and easily meet the guidelines set down by world governing body FIFA to host World Cup matches.

Stringer said: "This pointless exercise is just a ludicrous waste of public money that will only go on pumping up the egos of the blazers who run the FA."

Stringer, the former Leader of Manchester City Council, who was heavily involved in Manchester's failed bid to host the 2000 Olympics, believes that England's bid would not be able to function if it did not include at least one of the city's two grounds, which both easily meet the FIFA criteria of capacity's over 40,000.

He said: "They would be in a total mess if Old Trafford (pictured) and Eastlands were not involved in the bid."

Old Trafford, the home of three-time European champions Manchester United, is the biggest ground in England outside Wembley with a capacity of 76,212 and staged the 2003 Champions League final between Juventus and AC Milan.

The City of Manchester Stadium, also known as Eastlands, was built for the 2002 Commonwealth Games and then converted into a football arena for Manchester City with a capacity of 47,726.

It hosted the 2008 UEFA Cup final, which Russia's Zenit St Petersburg won by beating Glasgow Rangers 2-0.

Stringer said: "They are two of the top three stadiums in the country.

"Let's see them [the FA] try and run it without us."

Manchester is one of 16 candidates who have applied to the FA to be part of the World Cup.

Manchester Council chief executive Sir Howard Bernstein has set up a World Cup bid team in an attempt to make sure the city does not miss out.

It includes Manchester United, Manchester City and Salford and Trafford Councils.

Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive, Greater Manchester Police, Manchester Airport and Marketing Manchester are also involved.

He said: "Manchester is part of a bidding process which is being run by the FA in accordance with FIFA best practice guidelines which are designed to ensure a rigorous examination of each city's case.


"Welcoming an event of the magnitude of the World Cup in Manchester would bring enormous economic benefits to the city.

"Analysis shows that £80 million poured into Munich's economy as a result of hosting games in the last tournament [Germany 2006] and we would expect even greater benefits if we are successful.

"On top of the jobs and investment the event would bring, it would ensure a buzzing festival atmosphere and underline Manchester's international reputation."

A spokesman for the FA said: He said: "Sixteen cities from across the country are currently involved in the England 2018 Host City Evaluation Programme.

"The process is a key component of the England 2018 technical bid and is specifically designed to ensure that the cities bidding to be part of our bid to FIFA are able to provide all areas of infrastructure, including stadiums, security, transportation and accommodation at the level required to satisfy the criteria laid down by FIFA.

"England 2018 is currently undertaking the second set of inspection visits as part of the evaluation process and we have been extremely encouraged by the ambition, creativity and passion all 16 cities have so far demonstrated."

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