October 13 - Juan Antonio Samaranch (pictured), the former President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), has suffered a mild heart attack in Monaco.


Samaranch, 89, was taken ill at the Grimaldi Forum, where he was attending the Sportel international sports television festival.

He was taken to the Princess Grace hospital, where tests revealed an irregular heartbeat, but a medical source said he had responded well to treatment.

However, he was set to stay in hospital for two or three days as a precaution owing to his age.

Samaranch succeeded Lord Killanin as head of the IOC in 1980 and was succeeded by Jacques Rogge in 2001.


Earlier this month, Samaranch, who is now the honorary lifetime President of the IOC, made an emotional plea to its members to award Madrid the 2016 Olympics during the official presentation in Copenhagen.


He told them he was "near the end of his time" and asking them to award the 2016 Games to Madrid.

He said: "I know that I am very near the end of my time.


"I am, as you know 89 years old.


"May I ask you to consider granting my country the honour and also the duty to organise the Games in 2016."


The IOC awarded the Games to Rio de Janeiro, who beat Spanish capital in the final round.



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October 2009: David Owen - Madrid snub signals ends of the Samaranch era

October 2009: Samaranch delivers emotional plea for Madrid 2016