November 12 - Henri Serandour (pictured), the former President of the French National Olympic Committee (CNOSF), died today at the age of 72 after a long illness.


Serandour, who was also a former head of the French swimming federation, was CNOSF president from 1993 to May 2009 when he handed power to Denis Masseglia, a vice-president.

He was also a member of the International Olympic Committee until 2007.

Serandour, a former water polo player, had a colourful and controversial career at the CNOSF.

He was shattered in 2005 by France's failure to win the right to host the 2012 Olympics when Paris were the hot favourites but were beaten by London.


Saerandour also caused controversy in 2008 when he opposed moves by French athletes to wear badges calling for "a better world" at the Beijing Games.

In 2006, Serandour was handed a three-month suspended prison sentence for conflicts of interest.

Serandour, also fined €20,000 (£18,000), was found guilty of having made two transactions on behalf of the CNOSF with a communications company for which his wife, former champion swimmer Catherine Poirot, worked.