November 24 - The Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) is considering taking legal action against a company involved in producing last week's Crawford Report into Australian sport.


The AOC claims sports marketing and consultancy group Gemba provided inaccurate funding details while the report was being prepared.


It alleges the Gemba group showed a shortfall of around $13 million (£7.8 million) in revenue provided to athletes by the AOC.


The report was commissioned by the Australian Government and has suggested a review of the way funding is divided between Olympic and non-Olympic sports.


But it dismissed calls from the AOC for a $100 million (£55 million) funding increase to ensure Australia stays in the "top five" of the Olympic medal count, saying it is not an appropriate measure of performance.


In launching The Independent Sport Report, David Crawford said medal counts were not the best way to gauge Australia's success in the international arena.


AOC president John Coates said he found the report insulting and was "pissed off" by the recommendations.


While the AOC criticised it, the AFL, NRL and Rowing Australia are among those peak bodies that welcomed the recommendations, including the focus on participation.



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