November 27 - Singapore has unveiled the mascots for first Summer Youth Olympic Games (YOG), Lyo and Merly, who will be the face of next year's event.


Lyo, which is pronounced Leo, is short for "Lion of the Youth Olympics".


Merly got her name from “mer” (meaning the sea) and “ly” stands for liveliness and youthfulness.


Goh Kee Nguan, the chief executive of Singapore 2010, said: "As mascots for Singapore 2010, Lyo and Merly have to appeal to the international community and the youth. 


"At the same time, they must also possess a strong Singapore's identity.


"As the host city for the inaugural YOG, we hope to share our culture with friends around the world. 


"What better way to do it than to have Lyo and Merly represent us and the youth, and be the faces of the first YOG."


Entries were received from more than 20 countries after the public were invited to name the mascots.


Lyo and Merly will be appearing at many Singapore 2010 events in the coming months to help create buzz and excitement for the Games. 


Lyo and Merly plush toys and other Singapore 2010 merchandise are now also available for purchase.



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