By Tom Degun in Manchester


December 2 - To mark the 1,000 days to go until the 2012 Paralympic Games in style, Deloitte – the official professional services provider to London 2012 – tonight played a game of wheelchair basketball against players from Great Britain’s men’s and women’s wheelchair basketball squads, which included athletes funded by Deloitte through the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS).


While the Deloitte team were captained by Sharon Fraser, their North West-based Head of Regions Audit, the all-star GB side included players such as the precocious TASS 2012 athlete Laurie Williams from the women’s wheelchair basketball senior team who is tipped to be one of the stars at the London Games.

Needless to say, that while the Deloitte team mastered the basics - despite one Deloitte-manned-wheelchair that failed to brake nearly impaling this reporter - the stars of the show were undoubtedly the British athletes who dazzled with their sublime skills and unbelievable athleticism.

Fraser said: "1,000 days to go provided a reminder that there are 1,000 ways to have a go.

"The commitment of these athletes, some of whom are Deloitte-funded through TASS, is incredible and having the opportunity to learn from them this evening was a real privilege.

"I seized the opportunity to try out a new sport and was inspired by our Deloitte Disability Sport programme to come and meet some of the athletes as they begin the last 1,000 days of their preparation for London 2012.".


Williams also emphasised the importance of the TASS to athletes such as herself who are involved in full-time education.

She told insideworldparasport: "Without TASS, there is no chance that I would be able to train enough to play at the standard that I do so for me, the scheme has truly changed my life and really helped me to balance my sport and education.

"TASS has given me the opportunity to try and fulfil my dream of competing at the London 2012 Games and with hard work, there is a chance we could make the podium at the Games although there are some really tough teams out there."


Heather Hancock, the lead partner for London 2012 at Deloitte, was keen to emphasise that there could still be stars of the future out there.


She said: "We are exceptionally proud of Deloitte Disability Sport, which will inspire, support and develop disability sport in the UK up to 2012 and beyond.


"I would encourage any disabled person out there who is even thinking about getting involved in sport to access Parasport (click here).


"They can find out which sport is most suited to their abilities and how to get involved.


"They might even find they have the potential to be a Paralympian.”


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