MAY 7 - DAME TANNI GREY THOMPSON has revealed UK Athletics could consider implementing a period of quarantine for athletes returning to the sport after a drugs ban.


That is one of the ideas former Paralympic champion who will examine in her review of anti-doping policies for UK Athletics.


Dame Tannirevealed the terms of reference for her review and the names of those who will assist her.


She will examine UK Athletics' policy regarding anti-doping, the penalties they could impose under World Anti-Doping Agency (WADFA) and International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) rules and the education of athletes and coaches.


She will be assisted by legendary hurdlers Ed Moses and Colin Jackson, John Scott - director of drug-free sport at UK Sport - and Mike Lee, former director of communications and public affairs for the London 2012 bid.


Dame Tanni admitted it was unlikely anything would change before the Olympics this summer, meaning Dwain Chambers could yet compete if he can overturn a British Olympic Association ban.


But she is determined her recommendations will make a difference in the fight against drugs.


"I wouldn't have agreed to do this if I didn't think it would make a difference," said Dame Tanni


"I genuinely believe it's not a huge problem but I also believe we have to have some really strict procedures in place to discourage athletes.


"I will be looking at whether we could potentially bring in a period of quarantine.


"You can't compete for another year (after a ban) but you get tested every week.


"The idea is to make sure an athlete comes back clean. It's like probation.


"The recommendations will hopefully go before the board (of UKA) just before the Olympics,


"I don't think there will be anything that will change the status quo before the Olympics.


"Athletes need to know where they stand because at the minute it's not simple.


"They can compete in the UK Championships and trials but not go to the Olympics."


That could lead to a repeat of the embarrassing situation when Chambers qualified for the British team for the World Indoor Championships in Valencia.


UK Athletics had wanted to exclude Chambers from the trials in Sheffield because he had not been on their out-of-competition drug-testing register for a minimum of 12 months before his latest comeback.


However, they were overruled by the IAAF and Chambers went on to win a silver medal in the 60 metres in Spain.


Dame Tanni is keen to meet Chambers but also wishes to avoid a repeat of what happened earlier this year.


She said: "We can't do anything that goes against international rules, there will be no point making recommendations that do that because we would then be back in court again.


"I can make recommendations that would be very personal but that might not be any use.


"I'm very keen to meet Dwain, it's important to meet him to understand why he took that decision (to take drugs).


"I want to canvass as many people as possible.


"What has been useful is that it has given us a chance to sit down and think.


"There is a lot of knee-jerk reaction when it comes to drugs but it's important that we step back from that."