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Mass timber could be key material in Brisbane 2032 Athletes' Village

  • Brisbane 2032

Mass timber will be a preferred construction material when the Brisbane 2032 Athletes' Villages are built, it has been reported.

the claim during a symposium on using timber in business.The material is seen as a way of fighting climate

timber as a building material {that} has great potential in achieving the Government's commitment to a climate-positive

Timber is seen as a useful tool in the fight against climate change ©Getty ImagesHamilton Northshore

nbsp;"The Palaszczuk Government has firmly recognised the value of timber in the context of creating a climate

Paris 2024 behind new tool to help sporting events reduce carbon footprint

  • Paris 2024

Organisers of next year’s Olympics and Paralympics in Paris have helped develop a new tool that looks to assess and reduce the carbon footprint of sporting events in France.

French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) and the French Ministry of Sports to create the "Climate

organisers of sporting events to look at decarbonisation initiatives.Paris 2024 is looking to address climate

The Games act like a laboratory for developing solutions, as the Climate Coach for Events, that can be

French Sports Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra believes the Climate Coach for Events will help organisers

adapt their events in line with the Paris Agreement - a legally binding international treaty on climate

Grill elected FFR President after commanding defeat of vice-president Buisson

  • Rugby Sevens

Florian Grill has been appointed as the new French Rugby Federation (FFR) President after receiving 58.14 per cent of the vote and will lead the country through its hosting of this year's World Cup.

I think we have calmed the climate of French rugby a little," Martinez said on The Third Half."

French pupils to visit United Nations as part of Paris 2024 Olympic Truce project

  • Paris 2024

A party of schoolchildren from the areas which will stage the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics are set to travel to the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York after taking part in a "Model United Nations Olympic Truce Project".

said.The pupils were asked to draw up proposals on sport and peace, gender equality, the fight against climate

German Interior Minister claims Munich 2022 report shows country "excellent host of sustainable major sporting events"

  • Munich 2022

Organisers of the Munich 2022 European Championships have published a final report on sustainability, claiming the multi-sport event "created long-term effects at economic, environmental, and social levels" and showed Germany's potential as a host nation.

European Championships, the re-use of around 5,000 kilograms of banners and flag fabrics and 10,962 climate

single-use bottles were saved through the installation of water dispensers and re-usable bottles, and "climate

FIFA's claim of carbon neutral Qatar 2022 World Cup branded "misleading" by regulator

  • World Cup

FIFA's claim that the Qatar 2022 World Cup was carbon neutral was based on a "false and misleading" impression, a Swiss regulator has ruled.

statements, thus creating the false and misleading impression that the 2022 World Cup in Qatar was already climate

In particular, the fact that the 2022 World Cup in Qatar will be climate neutral or CO2 neutral.

FIFA is fully aware that climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time and believes

it requires each of us to take immediate and sustainable climate action," the governing body said."

fans around the world who were pushed to believe that their favourite tournament has no impact on the climate

UTSNZ joins Sport for Climate Action Change to promote sustainability and reduce emissions

  • Universiade

University and Tertiary Sport New Zealand (UTSNZ) have tied up with Sport for Climate Action Change aiming

Launched by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Sport for Climate

Action Change brings together sports organisations and athletes from around the world to help address climate

Becoming a signatory of the Sports for Climate Action Framework is a first important step."

Alongside this we have incorporated sustainability and climate action into our business KPIs, aligning

will be to raise awareness among our participants and partners to inspire them to increase their own climate

JJIF updates stakeholders on sustainable activities for Earth Week

  • Ju-jitsu

The Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) has marked Earth Week by hosting a seminar reporting on its sustainability activities.

development goals and how the JJIF is helping to achieve them.The JJIF has been a signatory of the Sports for Climate

commit to undertaking systemic efforts to promote greater environmental responsibility, reduce overall climate

impact, and educate for climate action.It is also committed to promoting sustainable and responsible

consumption and advocating for climate action through communication as part of the Framework.Participants

of Sports for Climate Action are expected to incorporate these principles into their strategies, policies

Danish NOC draft recommendations to address sportswashing concerns while awarding events

  • EOC

The National Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation of Denmark (DIF) has presented a set of recommendations to address sportswashing and human rights concerns while awarding international sports events.

group feels screening bidding countries and examining their human and workers' rights record and the climate

authoritarian regimes with no popular backing, no respect for universal human rights, and no regard for climate

EOC reflective as it plans pioneering Refugee Team at 2023 European Games

  • The Big Read

In his closing remarks at the 43rd European Olympic Committees (EOC) Seminar in Paris yesterday, the EOC President Spyros Capralos observed: "There was no better way to finish this Seminar than hearing the words from our Ukrainian friends. They remind us that we need solidiarity, we need to work for peace, and I hope that we will all continue working together and providing our help  as we have done up to now for Ukraine."

When plans for the team were announced last month Capralos said: "Ongoing conflicts, persecution and climate