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IESF says Indonesia "confirmed" as World Championships host but anti-doping cloud persists

  • Non-Olympic Sports

confirmed" as host of its World Esports Championships later this year, despite the country's National Anti-Doping

Organisation (NADO) being declared non-compliant by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

right to host any regional, continental or World Championship events by signatories of the World Anti-Doping

In the past 8 years, we have developed a clear protocol and made sure robust Anti-Doping programmes are

The IESF is dedicated to the fight against doping and is committed to enforcing and promoting clean sport

Doping test numbers up by 60 per cent in 2021 but still not at pre-pandemic levels, WADA figures show

  • Beijing 2022

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has revealed that global testing managed to stay close to normal

New figures released by WADA show that 274,254 doping control samples were collected by 256 Anti-Doping

The latest testing figures show that the anti-doping community has managed to maintain high levels of

It has already proven to be effective to detect doping retrospectively as science advances."

What makes this even better for the Anti-Doping Organisations is that the transport and storage costs

As we look ahead to the Beijing Games, WADA has also encouraged and supported Anti-Doping Organisations

Bahrain stars win top prizes at IMMAF Amateur MMA Awards

  • Mixed Martial Arts

Bahrain won the male and female athlete of the year prizes at the International Mixed Martial Arts Association (IMMAF) Amateur MMA Awards.

of excellence" went to Australia for its youth programmes.Michele Verroken, who has led IMMAF's anti-doping

received the President's Award after the governing body was accepted as a signatory of the World Anti-Doping

lobbying and legal action, is a crucial development for the sport's Olympic ambitions.Bulgaria won an anti-doping

IFA to celebrate birthday with World Fistball Day

  • Non-Olympic Sports

World Fistball Day will mark the 62nd birthday of the International Fistball Association (IFA) tomorrow.

Facebook Live session called "Ask the President" at 8.30am GMT.A workshop on safe sport and anti-doping

WorldFistballDay attached.This will be followed by an entourage workshop on Microsoft Teams, which focuses on anti-doping

CAS hits back at "lack of expertise" criticism in Tokyo 2020 WADA independent observer report

  • Tokyo 2020

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has hit back at the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) following

The WADA independent observer report claimed some judges on the six-person CAS Anti-Doping Division (

ADD) at Tokyo 2020 had an "an insufficient level of anti-doping knowledge".Their "understanding of some

department and has at no point been raised with the CAS ADD directly".The WADA report praised the anti-doping

programme at Tokyo 2020 but raised concern over some of the CAS judges on its Anti-Doping Division ©

the basis of their solid experience, national and international, and background in the area of anti-doping

Beijing 2022 quashes COVID test tampering claims by Snowboarding Germany President

  • Beijing 2022

Beijing 2022 has dismissed claims that COVID-19 tests could be manipulated at next month's Winter Olympics here, insisting there will be "no room for error".

Hölz, who previously worked for the German National Anti-Doping Agency, compared the doping system with

We know how the topic of doping is dealt with in countries with such constitutions," he said.

 "A comparison between doping and COVID-19 tests is absolutely in order."

Milan Cortina 2026 signs MoU to promote Olympic spirit among Italian youth

  • Milan Cortina 2026

Milan Cortina 2026 and the Italian Ministry for Youth Policies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in a bid to promote the spirit and value of the Olympic and Paralympic Games among young people.

initiatives and activities with the aim of spreading the culture of sport, social integration and fighting doping

UCI anti-doping programme praised after WADA audit

  • Cycling

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has praised the International Cycling Union (UCI) following an audit

of its anti-doping programme.

organisation added there were "very few findings to report on, given the quality of the UCI as an anti-doping

organisation and its anti-doping programme".The ITA set up a dedicated cycling unit last year as part

of the UCI’s decision to transfer anti-doping operations from the Cycling Anti-Doping Foundation (CADF

) to the ITA.The CADF, an independent entity mandated by the UCI to oversee anti-doping in cycling, had

that role since 2008.WADA said there was very little to report, given the strength of the UCI's anti-doping

Seven Pyeongchang 2018 champions return for ROC men's ice hockey squad for Beijing 2022

  • Beijing 2022

A group of seven members of the Pyeongchang 2018 gold medal winning men’s ice hockey team have been selected in the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) squad for Beijing 2022.

after beating Germany 4-3 in overtime in the final.The team was required to compete at the OAR due to doping

ROC at Beijing 2022 to comply with the Court of Arbitration for Sport decision in the Russian Anti-Doping

UCI confirms COVID-19 protocols for 2022 road season

  • Cycling

The International Cycling Union (UCI) has confirmed COVID-19 protocols for the 2022 road season, with the governing body stressing national laws will take precedence at events.

Tour races during the season.The requirements will apply to riders, UCI personnel, Commissaires, anti-doping

Egyptian weightlifting coach banned for life - five years after doping scandal

  • Weightlifting

Khaled Korany, who has been a successful head coach of the Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia national weightlifting teams, has been banned from the sport for life.

He has been held responsible for a doping scandal in 2016 when seven young Egyptian weightlifters tested

positive for the anabolic steroid metandienone at a training camp.The delay in dealing with the doping

yet been announced by the International Testing Agency (ITA), which has formally carried out all anti-doping

and Thailand were banned from competing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games last year as a result of the doping

-year-old girls, two 16-year-olds and a 17-year-old.Those five are all considered minors under anti-doping