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All-Russian Sambo Federation signs agreement with national training centre

  • Sambo

The All-Russian Sambo Federation (VFS) has signed an agreement with the Centre for Sports Training of Russian National Teams, with the aim of promoting cooperation between the two parties.

Tashkent in November, topping the medal table with eight golds due to sanctions imposed by the World Anti-Doping

Exclusive: President insists busy IFAF calendar can "showcase what we are capable of" and aid Los Angeles 2028 bid

  • Los Angeles 2028

New International Federation of American Football (IFAF) President Pierre Trochet has argued a busy calendar of events in the next two years is an opportunity to "showcase what we are capable of" as the organisation pursues inclusion at the Los Angeles 2028 Olympics.

There's an ongoing process where we need to show all partners, WADA [World Anti-Doping Agency], the IOC

IMMAF founder Wallén hails organisation's progress in 10th anniversary year

  • Mixed Martial Arts

International Mixed Martial Arts Federation's (IMMAF) founder and Honorary President August Wallén has hailed the "incredible" progress made by the organisation and said he is "very proud" as it celebrates its 10th year anniversary.

the Global Association of International Sport Federations ongoing.Last month, it received World Anti-Doping

Russian President signs into law bill on introduction of documents for fans attending sports events in country

  • Russian Sport

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed into law a bill on the introduction of Fan-ID, a document that will be required by fans attending certain sporting events in the country from June.

Sport ruling, Russia cannot hold major sporting competitions until December 2022 due to a two-year doping

sanction imposed by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) after data at the Moscow Laboratory was found

IMMAF aiming for GAISF recognition despite Ferriani's dissolution proposals

  • Mixed Martial Arts

International Mixed Martial Arts Association (IMMAF) chief executive Densign White said he was unsure whether the proposals to disband the Global Association of International Sports Federations’ (GAISF) would impact on their bid to join the Olympic Movement.

Last month it was announced that the IMMAF had gained World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Code signatory

Sporting hat-tricks - what is it about the abiding power of three?

  • The Big Read

On this day in 1879, Australian fast bowler Fred Spofforth dismissed three English batsmen with consecutive deliveries at the Melbourne Cricket Ground to complete Test cricket's first "hat-trick".

100metres, 200m and 4x100m events.A bit of the lustre fell off that achievement when a retrospective doping

Gabor Deregan: Everyone is a fair player at heart

  • Inside the Blogs

Incredible as it may seem, the concept of fair play has been around for centuries. Even British playwright William Shakespeare described it several times, for example in The Tempest, he wrote "Yes, for a score of kingdoms you should wrangle, And I would call it, fair play."

integrity, solidarity, tolerance, care, excellence, joy, team spirit and, of course, sport without doping

Number of IOC members set to fall as Sir Craig Reedie reaches age limit

  • Olympics

The number of full International Olympic Committee (IOC) members is set to fall by one to 101 as 2021 draws to a close, with Sir Craig Reedie switching to honorary member status.

more than 25 years ©Getty ImagesHis most challenging post was probably as President of the World Anti-Doping

Agency from 2014 until the end of 2019, a term dominated by the Russian doping crisis.If that taxed

ROC chief claims Moscow can "expect" to host future Olympics

  • Russian Sport

Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) President Stanislav Pozdnyakov has claimed Moscow can "expect" to host a future edition of the Olympic Games.

under the terms of the sanctions imposed on the country following the fallout to the state-sponsored doping

Exclusive: Egypt’s weightlifters face another ban - two-and-a-half years after stimulant positives

  • Weightlifting

Egypt returned to international competition at this month’s International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) World Championships after a controversial two-year suspension.

Now it faces another ban because of doping positives discovered more than two and a half years ago but

still in process.The International Testing Agency (ITA), which carries out all anti-doping procedures

Federations Sanctions Panel, the same body that suspended Egypt in 2019, nearly three years after a doping

methylhexaneamine, a supplement that is allowed in training but is banned in competition under the World Anti-Doping

coaches started attending ITA seminars, we started to cooperate with the Egyptian NADO (National Anti-Doping

Mixed martial arts step closer to becoming Olympic sport after IMMAF sign WADA Code

  • Mixed Martial Arts

The International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) has been awarded World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA

than 600 sports organizations that have already pledged their support to the harmonized global anti-doping

the completion of an extensive Code Compliance Questionnaire to demonstrate the quality of their anti-doping

policy based on the World Anti-Doping Code and Standards in 2015.

, at UK Sport to develop its anti-doping policy and programme."

federation for MMA with WADA signatory status, following six years adherence to WADA compliant anti-doping