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World Athletics provides updated guidance for Russian ANA applications

  • Russian Sport

World Athletics' Doping Review Board has updated its procedures for the applications of athletes from

weeks before the entry deadline for the relevant international competition, and may be required by the Doping

cap on the number of Russian ANAs eligible to compete at other international competitions, and the Doping

and under-20 events, while for under-15 meets athletes may compete as ANAs without applying to the Doping

and published by World Athletics.RusAF has been banned since November 2015 following revelations of doping

Mexican cyclist handed four-year doping ban after lengthy case

  • Cycling

Mexican cyclist Luis Ricardo Villalobos Hernandez has been handed a four-year ban after failing a drugs test for GHRP-6.

an out-of-competition test in April 2019.He has now been found guilty of a violation by the UCI Anti-Doping

 Only laboratories accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency are able to test for GHRP-6, and cycling

prevent potential conflicts of interest.The initial sample was collected by the Mexican National Anti-Doping

Salazar loses appeal against life ban from US Center for SafeSport

  • Athletics

Alberto Salazar's lifetime ban from involvement in any Olympic or Paralympic sport in the United States has been upheld in the latest legal blow for the disgraced coach.

punctuated by stunning success and multiple controversies.Salazar is currently serving a four-year doping

and is also the world champion in those events, but the medals came after Salazar was banned on anti-doping

grounds.Salazar was suspended for four years by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) in 2019

for "orchestrating and facilitating prohibited doping conduct" while NOP chief.A building named after

the coronavirus pandemic, but ultimately rejected.Salazar committed three breaches of the World Anti-Doping

Michael Pavitt: Revisiting seven areas of interest for 2021

  • Inside the Blogs

At the start of 2021, I identified seven non-Tokyo 2020 areas to keep an eye on throughout the duration of the year: Thomas Bach, Protests and activism, Athlete representation, athlete welfare, the European Olympic Committees, the Commonwealth Games and increased female representation.

Olympic ice hockey bronze medallist Emma Terho of Finland now chairs the Commission.The World Anti-Doping

Beijing Institute for International Olympic Studies founded in Chinese capital

  • Universiade

The Beijing Institute for International Olympic Studies has been officially established in the Chinese capital.

ceremony to unveil the institute.Its first endeavour will be the National Youth Olympic Knowledge and Anti-Doping

been sponsored by the Chinese Olympic Committee and will aim to spread the Olympic spirit and anti-doping

Venues for 2022 Volleyball Men's World Championship announced

  • Russian Sport

The organisers of the 2022 International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) Volleyball Men's World Championship in Russia have confirmed the venues in 10 host cities, set to take place in August and September.

for Sport ruling that the nation cannot hold major competitions until December 2022 due to a two-year doping

sanction, reduced from four years initially given out by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).Other sanctions

IPC seeks two independent members for new Nominations Panel

  • Paralympics

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has advertised for two positions on an independent Nominations Panel, following governance reforms approved at its General Assembly earlier this month.

Disciplinary Tribunal, Appeals Tribunal, Board of Appeal of Classification, Elections Oversight Panel and Anti-Doping

Berger and Mäkäräinen both get 2013-2014 Biathlon World Cup crystal globes after doping ban changed points

  • Biathlon

2014 season, following an International Biathlon Union's (IBU) Executive Board ruling in response to doping

fair solution for both athletes based on the principle that clean athletes cannot be punished for the doping

It is always disappointing to hear about a doping offence of a competitor, which causes a recalculation

I just hope not to go through this again and wish that the present and future of our sport is doping-free

WADA report shows Russian and Italian athletes responsible for most anti-doping rule violations in 2019

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has published its anti-doping rule violations (ADRVs) report for

results of samples collected by North American organisations, which are not signatories of the World Anti-Doping

Testing remains an important tool for anti-doping organisations to utilise in the protection of clean

In terms of the detection and deterrence of doping, there will always be a need for in-competition and

ADRVs report gives us a good insight into the outcomes of the testing programmes conducted by anti-doping

Clearly, the work of WADA I&I and similar teams within some anti-doping organisations in this area

Wellbrock smashes six-year-old 1500m freestyle world record on final night in Abu Dhabi

  • Swimming

Germany’s Florian Wellbrock shaved more than one second off the men's 1500 metres freestyle world record on an action-packed final session of this year’s International Swimming Federation (FINA) World Swimming Championships (25m) here in Abu Dhabi.

haul.Russian athletes are competing as the RSF in Abu Dhabi, as part of sanctions imposed by the World Anti-Doping

WBSC brings in term limits after new statutes approved

  • Baseball and Softball

The World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) has introduced term limits for its elected officials after new statutes were overwhelmingly approved at an Extraordinary Congress.

all member nations must now include the procedural rules necessary to "effectively implement" anti-doping

Weightlifting elections put off until June as vetting process starts again

  • Weightlifting

The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) will restart its electoral process from scratch and wait until June before voting in new leadership, it announced after a Congress today in which 101 nations took part.

certain conditions and undertakes a "culture change".One of those conditions is punishing nations for doping

places at Paris 2024.IOC President Thomas Bach demanded the IWF improve its governance and address doping

believed there is a proposal for nations to lose one quota place, from a maximum of six, for every doping

Mac Neil breaks 50m backstroke world record at World Swimming Championships (25m)

  • Swimming

Margaret Mac Neil smashed the women’s 50 metres backstroke world record as Canada claimed a hat-trick of gold medals on the penultimate day of the International Swimming Federation World Swimming Championships (25m) here in Abu Dhabi.

Russian athletes are competing as the RSF in Abu Dhabi, as part of sanctions imposed by the World Anti-Doping

Spanish wheelchair basketball player disqualified from Tokyo 2020 over doping offence

  • Wheelchair Basketball News

Spanish wheelchair basketball player Amadou Diallo Diouf has been disqualified from the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games following a positive drug test.

finding.The IPC said the sample contained Sibutramine metabolites.Sibutramine is included on the World Anti-Doping

rules, should more than two members of the athlete’s team be found to have committed an ADRV (anti-doping

Youth Olympic taekwondo champion Valinejad given two-year doping ban

  • Taekwondo

taekwondo at the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games, has been given a two-year ban due to an anti-doping

build-up due to ailments such as heart failure, liver scarring or kidney disease.It is on the World Anti-Doping

World Taekwondo was in contact with the Iran National Anti-Doping Organisation who confirmed that Yalda

World Taekwondo is committed to implementing a robust anti-doping programme and ensuring the protection