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Hirshland aims to hit ground running as USOC chief executive begins work amid challenges

  • PASO

Sarah Hirshland has claimed she is ready to "hit the ground running" having officially begun her role as United States Olympic Committee (USOC) chief executive today.

Olympic Games, with Tokyo 2020 drawing ever closer.A focus will also be placed on preparations for the 2028

Olympic and Paralympic Games in Los Angeles.Hirshland's appointment has been welcomed by Los Angeles

2028 chairman Casey Wasserman last month.She had previously worked in Wasserman's consulting division

Los Angeles 2028 begin preparations to launch sponsorship campaign with $2.5 billion target

  • Los Angeles 2028

Los Angeles 2028 has taken its first major steps towards launching its marketing plan to raise

A new structure has been established under the leadership of Los Angeles 2028 President Casey Wasserman

 Under the rules of the International Olympic Committee, Los Angeles 2028 will not be able to sign

 Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028 could work together on joint marketing agreements to maximise the

It has been claimed that Los Angeles 2028 sponsors could also associate their branding with the United

 Another idea under discussion is Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028 signing joint marketing deals,

David Owen: Test match cricket, the Olympics and when history repeats itself in sport

  • Inside the Blogs

History repeats: when we address this issue in classrooms or ordinary life, we are often struck by humanity's obstinacy, our tragic inability to adapt.

I would like to make one small plea, which will be as relevant in all likelihood to Paris 2024 and Los

Angeles 2028 as it is to Tokyo.This is that security and live audience arrangements be coordinated as

Olympic Council of Ireland welcome Government funding boost

  • EOC

The Olympic Council of Ireland (OCI) has welcomed a Government commitment which will double the funding for sport.

£10 million/$13 million) to €30 million per year.The report has also targeted 20 medals at the 2028

Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, as well as breaking into the top 50 in the American city.Ireland won

Liam Morgan: esports should be nowhere near the Olympics but it is too late because the train has already left the station

  • Inside the Blogs

Forums, such as the one held in Lausanne yesterday, rarely produce concrete outcomes but a prevailing theme once the gaming world had departed the Olympic Capital was clear; someday, somehow, a form of esports will be part of the world’s biggest sporting event.

Paris 2024 will come too soon for esports at the Olympics, thankfully, but Los Angeles 2028 seems a far

Should that go to plan, an Olympic gold medal being won at Los Angeles 2028 becomes an even more

David Owen: Infantino scores in Russia - and perhaps soon with the IOC

  • Inside the Blogs

It can be only a matter of time now, surely, before Gianni Infantino becomes a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

World Cup, divided between the United States, Canada and Mexico, will come just two years before the Los

Angeles 2028 Summer Olympics and Paralympics.Indeed, things could get even more crowded if the IOC decides

Olympic Museum in Russia tops agenda as Bach concludes Moscow visit by meeting ROC President

  • Olympics

Plans for an Olympic Museum and other "visionary projects" were among the main items on the agenda as International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach met Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) counterpart Stanislav Pozdnyakov in Moscow.

events including Sochi 2014.The 2036 Games is the earliest edition Russia could feasibly bid for as the 2028

Olympics have already been awarded to Los Angeles and the IOC are not expected to return to Europe in

Hirshland announced as United States Olympic Committee chief executive

  • PASO

The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) have announced Sarah Hirshland as the organisation's new chief executive.

Wasserman.The organisation’s chairman and chief executive is Casey Wasserman, who is the chair of the Los

Angeles 2028 Organising Committee.Hirshland worked in Wasserman's consulting division, leading the development

with sports and entertainment firm OnSport, and sports news and technology company Total Sports.Los Angeles

2028 chair Casey Wasserman has welcomed Sarah Hirshland's appointment ©Getty Images"The Olympic and

a visionary leader and exactly the right person to lead the USOC as we collectively build to the LA 2028

Olympic Movement should learn value of promiscuity after Putin lesson during Russian "Decade of Sport"

  • The Big Read

It began with a speech on 4 July in 2007 in Guatemala and it will end with handshakes, disappointment, joy and presentation of a small gold trophy in Moscow’s Luzhniki Stadium on 15 July 2018.

placing the next three editions of the Summer Olympics in world cities of the stature of Tokyo, Paris and Los

Angeles, such was the concern for 2028 if the two remaining candidates for the 2024 Olympics - Paris

and Los Angeles - had been allowed to pummel one another into submission that it was decided to gift

that 2028 event to the US city uncontested.It is possible to construct an argument to the effect that

Evans nominated for FINA Bureau position by USA Swimming

  • Swimming

Four-time Olympic champion Janet Evans is set to secure a place on the International Swimming Federation (FINA) Bureau after USA Swimming nominated her a role on the ruling body.

Evans, who served as vice-chair of Los Angeles' bid for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, was put

elect a specific number of representatives on the Bureau.Janet Evans was seen as a crucial figure in Los

Angeles being awarded the 2028 Olympics and Paralympics ©Getty ImagesThe Americas, Asia, Europe and

Angeles successful bid for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.The American city was awarded the 2028 edition

Angeles 2028 as it may allow her to closer coordinate preparations between the Organising Committee

Nick Butler: Why the Olympic Movement is trapped in a cycle it cannot seem to break

  • Inside the Blogs

We have all been understandably distracted by what is already shaping up to one of the most entertaining FIFA World Cups on record, but there have also been some fairly interesting revelations over the last week about how the Olympic Movement has - or has not - changed.

One thing both Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028 did in their successful Summer Olympic bids last year