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Egypt to pay $160,000 in hope of weightlifting World Championships reprieve

  • Weightlifting

Mohamed Ehab, one of the world’s most popular weightlifters, has been planning a spectacular return to competition at the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) World Championships next month - but his name does not appear on the list of entries.

bronze medallist - he was third in the 77 kilograms at Rio 2016 and could move up to second when a doping

support personnel and a schedule of national team training camps.It was also told to organise anti-doping

following up with its athletes and giving all possible advice, guidelines and information pertinent to anti-doping

Gupta joins WADA Foundation Board after becoming ONDCP director

  • News

Doctor Rahul Gupta has joined the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Foundation Board prior to its meeting

raising concern over the organisation's governance reform.Richard Baum, the White House coordinator for doping

angered WADA by pushing through an act which gives the nation the power to prosecute individuals for doping

Yemen Athlete Committee hosts two-day anti-doping, clean sport and fair play workshop

  • OCA

Yemen Athlete Committee, under the guidance of the Yemen Olympic Committee, conducted a two-day anti-doping

Olymp Asia Hall on November 20 and 21 and funded by Olympic Solidarity, the workshop focused on anti-doping

other governing bodies.The course was attended by 30 coaches and athletes.The workshop focused on anti-doping

and the damage of a positive test ©OCAIt included content on the testing procedure that anti-doping

prove they are competing clean and the updated list of banned substances, published by the World Anti-Doping

process.Al-Ahjri added that education and awareness are key to avoiding future doping issues.

ITA enlisted to operate anti-doping programme at World Games 2022

  • Birmingham 2022

The International World Games Association (IWGA) has entrusted the management of its anti-doping programme

Winter Olympic Games.It will work with the Birmingham Organising Committee to establish a dedicated anti-doping

function and will liaise with the function to implement the anti-doping measures at the competition.Prior

major event organisers see the value of ITA’s expertise and independence in leading high-quality anti-doping

expected to deliver an education program for athletes participating, aiming at raising awareness about the doping

clean-sport training workshops.Additionally, it is set to provide online and on-site training sessions for doping

Ex-European high jump champion Shustov loses appeal against doping ban based on McLaren Report evidence

  • Athletics

Former European high jump champion Alexander Shustov's appeal against a four-year doping ban has been

Shustov had already once been found guilty of a doping offence at the CAS, in a ruling issued in June

first-instance Panel in full, dismissing the appeal", read a CAS statement.Shustov was charged with a doping

the Athletics Integrity Unit on the basis of the findings of the McLaren Report into state-sponsored doping

convict him of using drugs at the first CAS hearing.Alexander Shustov's appeal against a four-year doping

test "clean" when sent to international competitions.These athletes were in fact subject following a doping

Ofcom change director Rumble to take over as UK Anti-Doping chief executive

  • News

Jane Rumble has been named as UK Anti-Doping's (UKAD) new permanent chief executive, assuming the position from March next year.

important time and will work closely with partners around the world leading the UK’s fight against doping

UKAD has had a difficult few months and in October was accused of wrongdoing in a  World Anti-Doping

Exclusive: Dozens barred from standing - but crucial weightlifting elections set for delay

  • Weightlifting

Dozens of candidates have been barred from standing in the most important elections in the history of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) - but those who have been cleared will have to wait for a chance to be elected.

ethics who sits on the World Athletics disciplinary tribunal and is a former chair of the World Anti-Doping

involving a minor; being disqualified or banned from being a director of a corporation; being guilty of a doping

which they voted for in August.This states that any nation which has had six or more sanctions for doping

Exclusive: Davies hails new FINA desire to "right some serious wrongs from the past"

  • Swimming

upgrade to her Olympic medal having finished behind East German rivals proven to have been involved in doping

move came almost 22 years after Kipke was convicted in a criminal court of playing a key role in the doping

independent Aquatics Integrity Unit - similar to the one working within World Athletics - to deal with anti-doping

FINA goes upstream to put things right - but will it go back as far as the GDR?

  • The Big Read

Six years after the fundamental shake-up of athletics as a world sport, aquatics is putting itself through the same process. The circumstances are very different, but the process, reaching towards greater transparency, independence and integrity, is the same. But how retrospective is it going to be?

It came almost 22 years after Kipke was convicted in a criminal court of playing a key role in the doping

Marketing, communication, governance, anti-doping, gender equity, safeguarding, major events, helping

statute of limitations in terms of addressing past anti-doping cases ©WADAThe 2021 World Anti-Doping

Code Article 17 on this topic reads thus:"No anti-doping rule violation proceeding may be commenced

creation of WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) or a single, globally-applicable Anti-Doping Code.

Geoff Berkeley: Sambo overcomes dance jibe to stake Los Angeles 2028 claim

  • Inside the Blogs

International Sambo Federation (FIAS) President Vasily Shestakov is used to being faced with doubters when voicing his lofty ambitions for the sport.

We have a good working relationship with WADA [World Anti-Doping Agency] and we are working on a lot

flag were banned from the World Championships because of WADA sanctions imposed on the Russian Anti-Doping