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FISU Acting President Eder helps to open UTS World Virtual Youth Festival

  • Universiade

International University Sports Federation (FISU) Acting President Leonz Eder was among the speakers on the first day of the United Through Sports (UTS) World Virtual Youth Festival.

are due to be held tomorrow, with International Testing Agency director Benjamin Cohen and World Anti-Doping

World Anti-Doping Agency reveals Independent Observer teams for Beijing 2022

  • Beijing 2022

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has announced its Independent Observer teams for the 2022 Winter

A combination of WADA staff, anti-doping experts and other specialists within the field have been selected

to provide an independent review of all aspects of the anti-doping programmes due to be carried out

the Games, Independent Observer team members are set to visit various venues to observe how the anti-doping

programme is being implemented.Test distribution planning, the work of chaperones, how the doping control

The teams selected for Beijing 2022 represent a range of anti-doping professionals and athletes, all

Seven candidates bid to replace Agapitov as European Weightlifting Federation leader

  • Weightlifting

Britain, Ireland and The Netherlands are among the nations that have nominated candidates to become the new leader of the European Weightlifting Federation (EWF).

his tenure Akkus stepped aside when he was charged by the International Testing Agency (ITA) with a doping

he is ineligible to stand as an IWF candidate - a decision he is challenging - because of multiple doping

" Conflitti said.Conflitti, who has overseen a "clean-up" of weightlifting in Moldova after serious doping

governance and marketing, should he become President ©David KipshidzeMasic also said that countering doping

Paralympic gold medallist dies five weeks after being banned by IPC for drugs

  • Powerlifting News

Nigeria’s Paralympic powerlifting gold medallist Paul Kehinde, suspended for 30 months last month after a positive drugs test, has died at the age of 33, it was announced today.

substances hydrochlorothiazide and amiloride detected in an out-of-competition test.It was Kehinde’s second doping

violation, according to the IPC.IPC anti-doping director James Sclater revealed that Kehinde had been

Indonesia named host of 2022 IESF World Championship Finals

  • Non-Olympic Sports

Indonesia was confirmed as host of the 2022 International Esports Federation (IESF) World Championship Finals as the 13th edition of the event concluded.

last month, with ratification expected when the non-compliance status of the country’s National Anti-Doping

Organisation is lifted by the World Anti-Doping Agency.The IESF has also confirmed that Romania will

Russian Sports Minister hopes World Athletics ban will be lifted in 2022

  • Athletics

Russian Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin is optimistic that his country will be restored to full membership of World Athletics in 2022.

and Tokyo 2020, under a neutral flag since they were banned following allegations of state-sponsored doping

President Sebastian Coe, however, admitted that continuing uncertainty over the status of the Russian Anti-Doping

Five 2012 European weightlifting champions were on steroids, ITA finds in sample reanalysis

  • Weightlifting

charged with offences by the International Testing Agency (ITA) as a result of its investigations into doping-related

, according to an earlier ITA statement.Today’s announcement by the ITA, which carries out all anti-doping

the over-105kg category at the London 2012 Olympics ©Getty ImagesThe ITA’s investigations into anti-doping

In the scope of the work carried out by the ITA on the series of allegations of mishandling of anti-doping

 "The further analyses were conducted by the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency)-accredited laboratory

Pursuant to the IWF’s delegation of its anti-doping programme to the ITA, the prosecution of these cases

Coe accepts RUSADA status may undermine efforts to bring RusAF back into fold

  • Athletics

Sebastian Coe, President of World Athletics, has expressed concern at the length of time it is taking for the suspension of the Russian Athletics Federation (RusAF), announced in November 2015, to be lifted.

RusAF to international competition, that continuing uncertainty over the status of the Russian Anti-Doping

Recognition of RUSADA (Russian Anti-Doping Agency) as a properly functioning entity is part of that reinstatement

The 53rd World Athletics Congress heard concerns about the status of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency which

competition ©World AthleticsThe RusAF was initially suspended in November 2015 due to a state-sponsored doping

Former President Dmitry Shlyakhtin and four other officials were then banned for obstructing an anti-doping

IOC makes Youth Olympic Games Education Programme material available to event organisers

  • Youth Olympics

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has made material from its Youth Olympic Games (YOG) Education Programme at Youth Sporting Events available to event organisers, National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and International Federations (IFs).

The first section of the programme features work produced by the IOC in collaboration with the Anti-Doping

Taskforce chair Andersen says RUSADA status "issue of concern" at World Athletics Congress

  • Athletics

The status of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) remains "an issue of concern", according to Rune

December 2020, the CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport) declared RUSADA non-compliant with the World Anti-Doping

being met or whether RUSADA is able to perform its role as the independent Russian NADO (National Anti-Doping

Andersen reminded delegates that RusAF was required to establish a culture of zero tolerance towards doping

for RusAF, RUSADA and the public authorities in Russia to "work together to create an effective anti-doping

allows them and World Athletics (now through Athletics Integrity Unit) to work effectively on anti-doping

RusAF suspension remains as Privalova tells World Athletics Congress there can be "no return to the past"

  • Athletics

The Russian Athletics Federation (RusAF) remains suspended pending the completion of its reinstatement plan, the World Athletics Congress ruled today, as the RusAF acting President, Irina Privalova, told delegates there could be "no return to the past."

these changes are reflective of a new culture within RusAF, one that is generally looking to reject the doping

The RusAF actively promotes a zero-tolerance policy regarding doping."

virtually for the first time, heard that the culture within the Russian Athletics Federation with regard to doping

after former president Dmitry Shlyakhtin and four other officials were banned for obstructing an anti-doping

Doctor removed from FINA honours list 21 years after East Germany doping conviction

  • Swimming

the International Swimming Federation (FINA) honours list 21 years after his conviction relating to doping

silver pin award in 1985 as a member of the FINA Medical Commission before his role in East German doping

There is no place for doping in aquatics and certainly no place for individuals who have been found guilty

 "Kipke was convicted for the leading role he played in doping East German swimmers in the 1970s

Al-Musallam said: "There is no place for doping in aquatics and certainly no place for individuals who

The German Democratic Republic (GDR) sponsored doping programmes throughout the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s

Russia’s weightlifting leader Agapitov heads for CAS after being barred from IWF elections

  • Weightlifting

Maxim Agapitov has reacted angrily after being told that he cannot stand as a candidate in the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) elections next month.

have been informed that they are ineligible to nominate candidates because of multiple sanctions for doping

Our #sport is looking for new faces, fresh ideas and an updated approach to anti-doping policy.

on data from the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory."

The RWF today is the world’s leader in the struggle against doping.

 "We provide assistance to all anti-doping organisations, and we have achieved good results."

Russian ice hockey player Nichushkin facing ban over 2013 doping test

  • Ice Hockey

Russian ice hockey player Valeri Nichushkin reportedly faces a four-year ban over a reported positive drug test in 2013.

The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) reportedly confirmed to the country’s state news agency TASS

Prior to the decision on disqualification, the anti-doping organisation, in the proceedings and jurisdiction

This need arises from the specifics of anti-doping cases, where the qualification of the violation is

substance testosterone has been alleged, following reanalysis of samples conducted by the World Anti-Doping

were required to compete under the OAR banner at Pyeongchang 2018 under IOC sanctions following the doping