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Director of Ukraine's Anti-Doping Agency resigns amid WADA violation claims

  • Latest

Director of Ukraine's National Anti-Doping Organisation (NADC), Ivan Kurlishchuk, and his deputy Yaroslav

Kruchek have resigned after being accused of breaching international standards by the World Anti-Doping

The agency claimed that it had evidence that the NADC had violated doping sample collection rules by

The Ministry of Youth Sports is categorically against the manipulation of doping in sports," said Ukraine's

The Ministry says we take a clear position in the fight against doping and will not allow anyone to break

the anti-doping rules."

in-competition samples as out-of-competition samples, infringing various articles of the World Anti-Doping

Russia found "100 per cent compliant" with UNESCO International Convention against Doping in Sport

  • Russian Sport

The Russian Ministry of Sports has claimed that the Anti-Doping Logic system at the eighth session of

Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) International Convention against Doping

and developing proposals that help with the implementation of the International Convention against Doping

in Sport, which was introduced in February 2007.Major anti-doping decision makers, including the World

Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) President Witold Bańka have gathered in Paris.Bańka yesterday called for Governments

held to account for the commitments they have made" to fulfilling the International Convention against Doping

, flag and anthem has been banned from World Championship and Olympic events since the Russian Anti-Doping

Ukraine athletes "given advance notice of out-of-competition testing since 2012," WADA report claims

  • News

Ukraine’s National Anti-Doping Organisation (NADC) has been giving athletes advance notice of what should

unexpected out-of-competition tests since 2012 according to a report published today by the World Anti-Doping

in-competition samples as out-of-competition samples, in contravention of various articles of the World Anti-Doping

organisation ©Getty ImagesThe Doping Control Forms (DCFs) for the six misreported samples confirm they

way, a positive test could be incorrectly categorised as negative and an athlete could evade an anti-doping

Ukraine’s National Anti-Doping organisation has committed the wrongdoings since 2012, the WADA report

Operation Echo, which found evidence of wrongdoing by representatives from British Cycling and UK Anti-Doping

Oleg Matytsin meets with WADA President Witold Bańka and addresses UNESCO anti-doping conference

  • Russian Sport

Russia's Minister of Sport Oleg Matytsin met with the President of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA

Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) International Convention against Doping

The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) was declared non-compliant by WADA in December 2019 after the

 "WADA oversees the World Anti-Doping Code while UNESCO is the custodian of the Convention which

country the ability to prosecute individuals for doping schemes at international sports competitions

in Sport offers an important means of support to help countries tackle doping."

The problem of doping has no nationality and no state borders," he added."

Russian weightlifter out of World Championships after testing positive for Oral Turinabol

  • Weightlifting

A Russian weightlifter has been provisionally suspended after being charged with doping offences nine

RWF is not an anti-doping organisation.

comprehensive assistance to anti-doping organisations in investigating the incident."

Commenting in detail on this case is prohibited by the IWF Anti-Doping Rules and the World Anti-Doping

Bochkov, 28, was targeted by the ITA, which carries out all anti-doping procedures for the IWF, after

evidence was provided to it from Richard McLaren’s investigation into allegations of systemic doping

Anti-doping decision-makers head to Paris for UNESCO International Conference against Doping in Sport

  • News

Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) International Conference against Doping

The hybrid gathering is set to attract major figures in the anti-doping movement and various sports powerbrokers.Russian

among a number of high-profile politicians due to attend, and a meeting between Matytsin and World Anti-Doping

was "concerned with the sudden resignations of three Supervisory Board members" at the Russian Anti-Doping

the other.WADA President Witold Bańka is among the prominent anti-doping figures due to attend COP8

in Sport and monitoring how the Convention against Doping in Sport is being implemented.WADA's funding

Indonesian Olympic Committee expects to resolve WADA issues to green light hosting ANOC World Beach Games

  • ANOC News

Raja Sapta Oktohari has expressed confidence the non-compliance status of the country’s National Anti-Doping

Indonesia later this year, with a view to formally declaring Indonesia as the host.The Indonesian Anti-Doping

Agency (LADI) is currently non-compliant, with World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) determining that it has

being awarded the right to host any regional, continental or World Championship events by a World Anti-Doping

Application phase for RUSADA director general post to begin tomorrow

  • Latest

Applications for the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) director general are set to be accepted tomorrow

the allegations, said he was removed because of his zero-tolerance approach to doping.The World Anti-Doping

voiced concern at his sacking after he was appointed in 2017 to clean Russian sport after multiple doping

was declared non-compliant by WADA in December 2019 after the country was found to have manipulated doping

Indonesia set to host 2023 ANOC World Beach Games

  • ANOC World Beach Games

ANOC) World Beach Games - but can only be awarded the event if a ban on the country's National Anti-Doping

formally declaring Indonesia as the host.But that process has been complicated by the Indonesian Anti-Doping

Agency (LADI) being declared non-compliant by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) because of its failure

being awarded the right to host any regional, continental or World Championship events by a World Anti-Doping

Sweden go top at World Wheelchair Curling Championship

  • Wheelchair Curling News

With another two victories on the second day of competition today, Sweden remained unbeaten at the World Wheelchair Curling Championship at the "Ice Cube" in Beijing, now with three wins to their name.

title in 2020 - but the nation's flag, name and anthem are prohibited this time around under World Anti-Doping

Ian Adamson and Michel Cutait: The World Obstacle pathway

  • Inside the Blogs

World Obstacle was born from the desire to legitimise, promote, develop and grow obstacle sports around the world. 

This culture emphasises diversity, SafeSport, anti-doping, sport for all and moral conduct.To achieve

Indonesian Olympic Committee President fighting to have WADA ban lifted

  • OCA

ANOC) General Assembly to lobby international officials to have a ban on the country’s National Anti-Doping

The Indonesian Anti-Doping Agency (LADI) was declared non-compliant by the World Anti-Doping Agency (

awarded the right to host any regional, continental or World Championship events by any World Anti-Doping

Broto.Among the action taken is to settle a four-year-old debt of $21,220 (£15,425/€18,225) to the Qatar Anti-Doping