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2208 results Showing results 1906 to 1920

Los Angeles Metro approves new transport initiative to improve city infrastructure by 2028 Olympics

  • Los Angeles 2028

A "Twenty-Eight by '28" initiative has been announced by Los Angeles' Metro in order to complete 28 key

Winning the 2028 Olympic Games gives us the chance to re-imagine Los Angeles, and ask ourselves what

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti pictured on the metro in the city ©Getty ImagesUsing the Olympic and

Paralympic Games to improve the city's transport infrastructure was a key part of the Los Angeles bid.It

Washington in a statement circulated following a Board meeting finalising the plans.A delegation from Los

Angeles 2028 delegation is currently attending IOC Orientation Seminar here to assist both them and

IOC Coordination Commission chair admits Paris 2024 vital for future reputation of Olympic Games

  • Paris 2024

International Olympic Committee (IOC) Coordination Commission chair for Paris 2024, Pierre-Olivier Beckers-Pierre-Vieujant, admits that the event will be crucial in shaping the long-term future of the Olympic Games.

2024 Games uncontested on September 13 at the IOC Session in Lima as part of a joint-awarding at which Los

Angeles received the 2028 hosting rights.A major early challenge now concerns finalising personnel to

IPC President sees Los Angeles 2028 as opportunity for Paralympic Movement

  • Los Angeles 2028 Paralympics

International Paralympic Committee (IPC) President Andrew Parsons has said the organisation sees Los

Angeles 2028 as an opportunity for the Paralympic Movement because of the Organising Committee’s desire

Parsons was speaking at a press conference during his first visit to Los Angeles since his election as

Angeles (UCLA), the home of the 2028 Paralympic Village.The delegation was accompanied by Los Angeles

also presents a chance for Los Angeles in terms of changing perceptions of people with impairment."

Although Los Angeles will become only the second city to host the modern Olympics three times in 2028

Los Angeles 2028 welcomed IPC President Andrew Parsons to the city with an action-packed agenda ©LA 2028

IOC question FIS decision to lift suspensions against Russian cross-country skiers

  • Cross-Country

An International Ski Federation (FIS) decision to lift the suspensions of six Russian cross-country athletes disqualified from the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games on doping charges has been questioned by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

The IOC had a win-win-win earlier this year [with the dual awarding of the 2024 and 2028 Olympic Games

to Paris and Los Angeles] but this is more likely to be a lose-lose," he added to insidethegames.International

Paris 2024 announces dates for 2018 Olympic and Paralympic week

  • Paris 2024

Paris 2024 has announced the dates for its 2018 Olympic and Paralympic week.

and Paralympics at the International Olympic Committee Session in Lima in September.At the same time, Los

Angeles was awarded the 2028 Games as part of an historic double-award.An inaugural Olympic and

French Sports Minister presents Paris 2024 Olympic Law to Council of Ministers

  • Paris 2024

French Sports Minister Laura Flessel has claimed Paris 2024 recognise it is their "national duty" to ensure financial transparency in the Organising Committee after she presented the Olympic Law to the French Council of Ministers today.

seven years' time.This was criticised as the Session was effectively a coronation for Paris 2024 and Los

Angeles 2028."

Athlete Charter and "Athlete365" brand discussed at Forum in Lausanne

  • Olympics

Progress towards finalising an Athletes' Charter of Rights and Responsibility as well as a new "Athlete365" brand have been discussed during an International Athletes' Forum in Lausanne.

Updates were also given by representatives from Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028 to explain how athletes

2024, and four-time Olympic swimming gold medallist Janet Evans, director of athlete relations, at Los

Angeles 2028.

South African Minister joins war of words over 2023 Rugby World Cup host selection

  • Rugby Sevens

The South African Sports Minister has joined in the war of words over the host selection process for the 2023 Rugby World Cup, drawing parallels between the "attempted undermining" of the current South African bid and the 2010 FIFA World Cup bidding process.

of the last major sports event host selection process - that for the 2024 - and, as it turned out, 2028

- Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games.Paris and Los Angeles were awarded the respective Games.South

GAISF moving away from political influence after signing MoU with IOC

  • Olympics

Patrick Baumann believes the future of the Global Association of International Sport Federations (GAISF) lies more as a servicing rather than a political body following the signing of a agreement with the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

International Basketball Federation secretary general and chair of the IOC Coordination Commission for Los

Angeles 2028.

Mike Rowbottom: Paris 2024 follows through on the "athlete-centred" thing

  • Inside the Blogs

Want to bid for an Olympics - or come to that, a Commonwealth or European or Asian Games? Fine. So long as you understand that, whatever else you propose, it will have to be an "athlete-centred" event.

Committee Session in Lima confirmed that Paris would host 2024 and - everybody leaves with a party bag - Los

Angeles would host 2028, the first action of consequence by the Paris 2024 team was to consult with

United States edge Japan in Beat the Streets Los Angeles benefit event

  • Wrestling

wrestlers claimed six victories from 10 bouts against Japan at the fourth edition of the Beat the Streets Los

Angeles benefit event.

The competition in the city due to host the 2028 Olympic Games was arranged raise money for

650 boys and girls are claimed the benefit from the organisation’s summer futures camp and downtown Los

Angeles wrestling academy on an annual basis.Around 700 fans at the Japanese American Cultural &

Kendall to remain chair of ANOC Athletes' Commission for fifth year

  • ANOC News

New Zealand's Barbara Kendall will remain chair of the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) Athletes' Commission for another year after a decision was made to bring it into line with its other committees.

is currently still the vice-president of the International Surfing Association and a member of the Los

Angeles 2028 Olympic Advisory Board.Estonia's Olympic gold medallist Gerd Kanter is set to replace Belgium's

Beckers and Baumann named chairs of Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028 Coordination Commissions

  • Olympics

the respective International Olympic Committee (IOC) Coordination Commissions for the Paris 2024 and Los

Angeles 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

of Israel, Lingwei Li of China and Gerardo Werthein of Argentina.Patrick Baumann is chairman of the Los

Angeles 2028 panel ©Getty ImagesAssociation of Summer Olympic International Federations (IF) President

Paris and Los Angeles were each named as hosts at the IOC Session in Lima ©Getty ImagesBaumann's colleagues

on the Los Angeles 2028 panel have not yet been announced."

Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028 now share a strong bond, a common history and are embarking on an exciting

Gray set to make comeback at Beat the Streets Los Angeles benefit event

  • Wrestling

competition tomorrow when the United States face Japan in the fourth edition of the Beat the Streets Los

Angeles benefit event.

Competition in the city, due to host the 2028 Olympic Games, will raise money for the Beat the Streets

650 boys and girls are claimed the benefit from the organisation’s summer futures camp and downtown Los

Angeles wrestling academy on an annual basis.Competition is due to feature 10 American wrestlers