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10000 results Showing results 1921 to 1935

Malagò leads criticism over World Athletics award snub for Italian Olympic gold medallists

  • Athletics

Italian National Olympic Committee President Giovanni Malagò has accused World Athletics of "a lack of respect" after the country’s two Tokyo 2020 gold medallists were left off its short list for the Male World Athlete of the Year award.

was announced after Tokyo 2020 that British sprinter CJ Ujah had been provisionally suspended for a doping

British Para cyclist McBride given three-year doping ban

  • Cycling News

Para cyclist Erin McBride has been banned for three years after testing positive for an outlawed selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM).

McBride, who joined British Cycling’s Paralympic World Class Programme on March 16, was found by UK Anti-Doping

Beijing 2022 points at stake at World Wheelchair Curling Championship

  • Wheelchair Curling News

Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games qualification points will be on offer for the last time at the World Wheelchair Curling Championship in the Chinese capital, which gets underway tomorrow.

Paralympic champions and hosts China, the Russian Curling Federation, competing as neutrals due to the doping

Matytsin to meet WADA President at anti-doping conference in Paris

  • Russian Sport

Russian Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin is poised to hold a meeting with World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA

) President Witold Bańka in Paris as part of the International Convention against Doping in Sport.

integrity, while participants will have the opportunity to consider the impact of COVID-19 on the anti-doping

approval of a framework of consequences for non-compliance with the International Convention against Doping

lifted at the end of next year.WADA imposed a four-year package of punishments on Russia after it found doping

panel cut the period of sanctions to two years last December following an appeal by the Russian Anti-Doping

Russian triathlete Polyanskiy receives three-year ban for doping prior to Tokyo 2020 Olympics

  • Tokyo 2020

Russian triathlete Igor Polyanskiy has been suspended for three years by World Triathlon after doping

drug.The urine and blood sample was collected by World Triathlon during an out-of-competition anti-doping

Ceremony the Olympics.World Triathlon said it was then informed of the positive case by the World Anti-Doping

following the positive test.Polyanskiy's ban was cut from four years to three after he admitted to the doping

ImagesThe suspension will be a blow to Russia which has been hit by a series of sanctions by WADA after doping

halved by the Court of Arbitration for Sport last December following an appeal by the Russian Anti-Doping

WADA report confirms wrongdoing by British Cycling and UK Anti-Doping over collection and storage of

  • Cycling

A report published today by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has confirmed wrongdoing by representatives

from British Cycling and UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) in connection with accusations that cyclists' samples

contamination of supplements.The report finds British Cycling did not follow rules in the World Anti-Doping

analysed.Operation Echo found that riders' samples were collected by British Cycling staff instead of doping

test the products in question, before accepting the results of the analysis at the subsequent anti-doping

Cycling said: "While the member of British Cycling staff who coordinated the 2011 study with UK Anti-Doping

We agree that anti-doping organisations should be held to the highest standards and we will fully consider

Exclusive: Europe to elect new weightlifting leader after vote of no confidence in Agapitov

  • Weightlifting

Members of the European Weightlifting Federation (EWF) will vote in a new permanent President two days before the sport’s global governing body holds its own elections.

three months later, on June 27, he stood aside as EWF President after being charged with a serious doping

President when he is officially Interim President, and for stating that Russia had had no in-competition doping

Barbados Olympic Association holds seminar encouraging COVID-19 vaccinations

  • PASO

The Barbados Olympic Association (BOA) director and family physician Dr Adrian Lorde led an online seminar for the organisation answering queries on COVID-19 vaccines and encouraging participants to receive their jabs.

also President of the Barbados Sports Medicine Association and chairman of the Barbados National Anti-Doping

CHINADA director Chen insists China will maintain "tough stance" on doping for Beijing 2022

  • Beijing 2022

The director of the China Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) Chen Zhiyu has insisted the country will maintain

a "tough stance" on doping as it prepares to host the Winter Olympics and Paralympics next February

The attitude of the Chinese government toward the doping problem has always been zero tolerance, and

Drug testing is obviously a vital part of anti-doping work, and we need more advanced testing technologies

Agilent also supported China's anti-doping programme as Beijing hosted the summer edition of the Games

then on offences including luring cheating athletes into using substances banned by the World Anti-Doping

worker to avoid the risk of unintentional doping," and that they need to be "responsible for everything

Russian Sports Minister "ready to assist" RUSADA's bid to regain WADA compliance

  • Russian Sport

Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin has said his Government department is "ready to assist" the Russian Anti-Doping

Agency (RUSADA) in its efforts to be re-instated by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

provide support during a meeting of the Government’s commission on International Convention against Doping

was declared non-compliant by WADA in December 2019 after the country was found to have manipulated doping

These issues were discussed in detail during my meeting with the President of the World Anti-Doping Agency

2022 Winter Olympics.Matytsin has recently been praised for adopting a strong stance in Russia against doping

The problem with doping is not a problem of individual countries, it is a global task for the entire