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FINA reveals statistics from "successful" Tokyo 2020 anti-doping testing programme

  • Swimming

International Swimming Federation (FINA) has released statistics from its Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games anti-doping

tested country.Controversy had erupted at Tokyo 2020, with the chief executive of the United States Anti-Doping

Murphy clarified that his remarks were not aimed directly at Rylov, but he added: "I do believe there’s doping

comments by claiming the country had answered critics who claimed "our athletes can't compete without doping

In this endless but fundamental fight to eradicate doping from our sport, we have counted on the support

Congress in June 2021.A new Reform Committee has been formed, chaired by François Carrard, with anti-doping

Lee Chong Wei "had no idea" of match-fixing attempts regarding 2006 Asian Games semi-final

  • Asian Games

Malaysian badminton player Lee Chong Wei claimed to be shocked to hear his semi-final in the 2006 Asian Games against Indonesia's Taufik Hidayat was the subject of match-fixing attempts.

 In April 2015, he was handed an eight-month backdated ban for an anti-doping violation.He was stripped

competition in May 2015 as the Badminton World Federation (BWF) opted for a softer punishment as Lee was not "doping

Commitment to clean sport

  • Russia Sport pages

Commitment against dopingRussian sport has announced a firm commitment to eradicating doping in the country.A

policy of "zero tolerance" towards doping transgressions has been adopted - with work beginning to install

samples were taken as part of Russia's testing programme.Education on doping is a key theme.More than

are also required to post mandatory anti-doping information on their websites.Oleg Matytsin attended

of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)."

Frankie Lucas

  • Commonwealth Sport Legends

Frankie Lucas was a very good boxer - a tough middleweight from Croydon, South London - but in the view of those who governed the sport in England he had an attitude problem and they made him pay for it.

disqualification of the two runners who finished ahead of her, one for a false start and the other for a doping

WADA revokes accreditation of Athens Laboratory

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has revoked the accreditation of the Athens Laboratory due to non-compliances

suspended, was immediately notified of the ExCo decision; and, as such, remains ineligible to analyze doping

control samples for Anti-Doping Organisations that are compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code," a

lack of funding in the laboratory was among the issues uncovered by inspectors from the global anti-doping

Russian Luge Federation coach optimistic prior to Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

  • Luge

Russian Luge Federation head coach Sergey Chudinov has expressed optimism as preparations continue for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

2014, as well as being part of the mixed team relay squad which matched that result at the Games.The doping

against the country.The sanctions were implemented after state authorities were found to have manipulated doping

Delayed IIHF Women's World Championship poised to begin in Calgary

  • Ice Hockey

The International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) Ice Hockey Women's World Championship will get underway tomorrow, with the preliminary stage of the tournament taking place behind closed doors.

will compete under the banner due to the Court of Arbitration for Sport decision in the Russian Anti-Doping

Salazar’s name removed from Nike building after lifetime ban by SafeSport

  • Athletics

The Alberto Salazar Building at Nike’s Beaverton campus in Oregon has been renamed after the disgraced athletics coach was handed a lifetime ban for sexual and emotional misconduct.

decision is subject to an appeal by Salazar, who received a four-year ban from the United States Anti-Doping

Lance Armstrong Fitness Center at Nike’s Beaverton campus in Oregon was renamed after Lance Armstrong's doping

scandal came to light ©Getty ImagesSalazar was banned for "orchestrating and facilitating prohibited doping

substance testosterone to multiple athletes, and tampered or attempted to tamper with NOP athletes' doping

Exclusive: Russia’s dispute with Britain and Hungary turns personal and widens rift in weightlifting

  • Weightlifting

Weightlifting’s warring factions are involved in a dispute that could end in legal action concerning the Acting President of the European Weightlifting Federation (EWF), Maxim Agapitov.

2020 qualification system, praised by the IOC President Thomas Bach, which punished nations with poor doping

one male and one female athlete to Tokyo, as were several other nations that had amassed 20 or more doping

Interim President Mike Irani - to overcome potential eligibility problems.Agapitov, 51, served a two-year doping

federation, when its President, Hasan Akkus of Turkey, "stepped aside" after being charged with an historic doping

IFAF launch rebrand in preparation for Birmingham 2022 World Games

  • Non-Olympic Sports

The International Federation of American Football (IFAF) has introduced a rebrand of its website and logo in preparation for the National Football League and college football seasons, which commence next month, and the Birmingham 2022 World Games in Alabama.

including the IOC, the United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace, and the World Anti-Doping

Exclusive: Weightlifting crisis deepens as "old guard" stands firm over new constitution

  • Weightlifting

Relations between the two sides of weightlifting’s big divide have worsened in the past few days as the Executive Board of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) has refused to change course despite strong warnings about its future from inside and outside the sport.

under the original version of the Constitution and Agapitov would have been ineligible because of a doping

ROC Olympic team welcomed back to Moscow for Red Square celebration

  • Tokyo 2020

The Russian national anthem and flag - banned at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics - both featured in Red Square as the country's athletes were welcomed home from the Games.

of sanctions against the country, implemented after state authorities were found to have manipulated doping