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2012 - London

  • Olympic Games History

And our Team GB athletes are ready, aren't they?"

through injury.Just over 20 minutes later, long-jumper Greg Rutherford won a surprise gold medal for Team

GB with a jump of 8.41 metres to become only the second British man to win an Olympic gold medal in

GB athlete, Mo Farah, was competing in the 10,000 metres, and the Somali-born runner pulled off a blistering

performance at an Olympic Games since the first time London held the Games in 1908.Mo Farah completes Team

Teenage sensation Jones takes silver on World Championships debut in South Korea

  • Taekwondo

By Tom DegunMay 4 - Teenage taekwondo star Jade Jones (pictured right) showed exactly why she will be a strong medal prospect at the London 2012 Olympics after claiming a silver medal at the World Championships at the Gyeongju Arena in South Koreaon her debut at the event.

In the past we haven't been great, but as a team were getting much stronger."

the Championships will have gone a long way to justifying one of the two available female slots for Team

GB at the 2012 Olympics in London.Stamper, 24, had no complaints after his defeat in the -68kg division

Spence and Prentice to compete at Hungary World Cup

  • Modern Pentathlon

By Mike RowbottomMay 3 - Mhairi Spence (pictured) and Freyja Prentice, already medallists in this year's modern pentathlon World Cup series, will both compete at the third World Cup of the year in Hungary next week.

earlier this month.Spence is originally from Inverness but now lives in Bath and trains at the Pentathlon GB

world number 30 Katy Burke, originally from Cleveleys near Blackpool, completes the British women's team

compete at Szazhalombatta just south of Budapest with the aim of staking their claims for places on GB

to achieve qualification places for the London 2012 Olympic Games.The competition for places on the GB

women's team is particularly intense, with six athletes featuring in the top-40 in the world.Only four

Exclusive: FIFA letter guaranteeing independence makes no difference to Team GB opponents

  • Football

Olympic Games look set to continue their boycott despite a written guarantee from FIFA that a unified team

general secretary Jerome Valcke promising that London 2012 would be a one-off in terms of an all-British team

so - to lobby FIFA on behalf of the three rebel Associations who fear that taking part in a unified team

[FIFA President} Sepp Blatter has stated it [a British Olympic team] would not affect in any way the

would harm women's game most, says RobertsonApril 2011: London 2012 Team GB set to contain non-English

GB at London 2012

Exclusive: Drugs cheats should be banned from Olympics claims head of IOC Athletes' Commission

  • London 2012

By Tom Degun in DohaMay 2 - Frankie Fredericks, chairman of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Athletes' Commission, has revealed he wants the Olympic ban on drugs cheats to remain in place despite a challenge from the United States who want it to be scrapped in time for London 2012.

could challenge the BOA's by-law 25 which prevents any athlete with a doping ban from representing Team

GB at the Olympics.The BOA have stated that they will keep their lifetime ban for drugs cheats regardless

Korea, but will need a change in US policy to do so as current eligibility standards for the American team

Exclusive: UK Anti-Doping back USOC over trying to scrap drugs rule for London 2012

  • London 2012

By Duncan MackayApril 28 - UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) has backed the United States' attempt to have the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) controversial eligibility rule that will stop defending 400 metres champion LaShawn Merritt from running at London 2012 scrapped, even though it would open the way for British drugs cheats like Dwain Chambers (pictured) to compete at the Olympics.

Association's (BOA) by-law which prevents any athlete with a doping ban from representing Team

GB at the Olympics.Parkinson has previously criticised the rule, claiming that it confuses the situation

GE triathlon campaign to be spearheaded by British athletes

  • Triathlon

campaign to raise the profile of the sport as London 2012 approaches, as part of a scheme announced by Team

GE's support with technology and expertise could help the sport become one of the success stories for Team

GB at London 2012."

exciting programme that will promote and support the performances of six of our GE Great Britain Triathlon Team

USOC hope to abolish rule that stops drug cheats competing at London 2012

  • London 2012

By Duncan MackayApril 27 - The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) and International Olympic Committee (IOC) have agreed to let the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) decide whether a controversial eligibility rule that is set to keep defending Olympic 400 metres champion LaShawn Merritt out of next year's Games in London should be upheld.

Olympic Association's by-law 25 which prevents any athlete with a doping ban from representing Team

GB at the Olympics.Merritt received a 21-month suspension after testing positive in 2009 and 2010 for

Korea, but will need a change in US policy to do so.Current eligibility standards for the American team

Britain top medal table at IWAS World Junior Championships in Dubai

  • Latest (Paralympics)

By Tom DegunApril 26 - Britain produced a superb display at the International Wheelchair and Amputee Sport Federation (IWAS) World Games 2011 in Dubai as they finished top of the medal table.

The team claimed 23 gold, 15 silver and 10 bronze medals across the three sports contested - athletics

Hollie Arnold in the F46 under-23 javelin and Thomas Green in the F32 club throw.Britain's athletics team

The team finished number one in the medal table so credit to all of them, but it was a great team effort

overall, so congratulations and thanks also to the team coaches, management and medical staff, we've

story at [email protected] storiesMarch 2011: Cockroft heads selection for GB

Failure to field UK football team would harm women's game most, says Robertson

  • Football

Olympic football row today by warning that the women's game would lose out most if there is no unified UK team

have said, which is that there is no threat to their independence by contributing to a Great Britain team

," he told fellow MPs.Britain has not fielded a men's team in the Olympics, primarily an under-23 event

The pity about some of the politics going on around this team GB business will not make an iota of difference

GB set to contain non-English players as Home Nations admit they are powerlessApril 2011: Robertson

GB at London 2012March 2011: Exclusive - FIFA vice-president determined to find solution to Team GB

Britain and Brazil sign Olympic agreement to work together until Rio 2016

  • Rio 2016

By Duncan MackayApril 23 - Britain's and Brazil's Olympic Committees, whose cities are organising the next two summer Games, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) after agreeing to work more closely and identifying areas of mutual cooperation.

host National Olympic Committee for London 2012, the BOA's primary focus is to ensure the success of Team

GB at London 2012 whilst creating a legacy infrastructure for success in Rio 2016 and beyond."

Ex-soldier prepares to oar up for Britain at World Cup regatta

  • Latest (Paralympics)

By Mike RowbottomApril 22 - Britain's adaptive rowing squad for next month's World Cup regatta in Munich will feature a British soldier who lost his legs while serving with the Royal Engineers in Afghanistan.

time.The Paralympic-class events will see former world medallists James Roe, Naomi Riches and Dave Smith team

We saw some really focused and tight racing at the trials," said GB Rowing's lead adaptive coach

Huckle to represent Britain at ISSF World Cup

  • Shooting

record in the men's Three Positions Rifle at the World Cup in Changwon, South Korea, will be among a team

the 50m prone rifle men and 50m three positions rifle men.The event will take place from May 14-23.GB

team: 10m Air Pistol Men: Nick Baxter; 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men: Morgan Cook, Ian Jack; 50m Pistol

Holmes launches Science, Sport, Life programme at Ironbridge Gorge Museums in Shropshire

  • Latest (Paralympics)

By Tom DegunApril 21 - Chris Holmes, the London 2012 Director of Paralympic Integration, has officially launched the Ironbridge Gorge Museum's multi-site Science, Sport, Life programme at the Coalbrookdale Museum of Iron in Shropshire.

which will mark the Closing Ceremony of the Paralympic Games, the exhibition will also include the Team

GB eight-man rowing boat that stormed to Olympic gold at the Sydney 2000 Olympics with the item coming

KPMG and GB Taekwondo extend partnership to 2012

  • Member National Association and Continental Unions News

By David GoldApril 19 - KPMG and GB Taekwondo have extended their partnership to the summer of 2012,

number of years and on numerous projects, providing valuable expertise and resource thus enabling the team

for our GB team and our events, for what is undoubtedly going to be an exciting time for the sport in

KMPG partner Trevor Rees added: "KPMG is thrilled to be involved with such an exciting and dynamic team

As well as doing our best to support the GB Taekwondo team collectively and individually in their preparations

commercial team