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Decision over whether to hold FIS Congress as in-person event set to dominate Council meeting

  • Skiing

A decision on what format the International Ski Federation (FIS) will hold its Congress in Portorož in Slovenia in June is set to be the main topic of the organisation’s Council meeting tomorrow with some countries growing concerned that an in-person event could prevent them from fully participating.

Championships following the Court of Arbitration for Sport verdict in the case between the World Anti-Doping

Agency and Russian Anti-Doping Agency that no Russian venue is permitted to host World Championships

"Using McLaren Weightlifting Report against me is wrong" says EWF candidate Akkus

  • Weightlifting

Hasan Akkus has made a strong rebuttal of claims, based on the contents of the McLaren Report on weightlifting corruption, that he is an unworthy candidate for the Presidency of the European Weightlifting Federation (EWF).

Agency (NADO), has written to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) "requesting correction of the report

Unfortunately McLaren did not ask any questions about doping to the Turkish Federation."

/€4,260) fine for individual doping violations."

Nobody is an idiot to leave the doping cases open."

Turkish Parliament created a Commission to investigate all doping."

Embattled British Cycling names Jones chief medical officer

  • Cycling

Nigel Jones has been appointed British Cycling's first-ever chief medical officer, as the organisation seeks to restore credibility in the wake of former doctor Richard Freeman being found guilty of ordering a banned substance for a rider and struck off the medical register as a consequence.

which will include COVID-19 protocol and collaboration with the International Cycling Union and UK Anti-Doping

Grenadiers - has been charged with two offences by UKAD.UKAD is in turn being investigated by the World Anti-Doping

FINA begins hunt for new executive director after Marculescu resignation

  • Swimming

The International Swimming Federation (FINA) has begun its search to find Cornel Marculescu's successor as executive director.

 Yang had been given a secret three-month doping ban two years before winning the 200 metres freestyle

title, and FINA's attitude towards Sun has been a source of severe criticism from anti-doping advocates

"Be careful, IOC is watching" says European weightlifting election candidate Conflitti

  • Weightlifting

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) will be keeping a close watch on Thursday (April 1) when the European Weightlifting Federation elects a new leader, says one of the three candidates hoping to replace the outgoing Italian Antonio Urso as President.

reign of its former general secretary and President Tamás Aján.Aján resigned last April because of a doping

I do not deny and do not hide the fact that I represent a National Federation that got involved in doping

the nine countries suspended, as were Russia and Turkey, in 2017 for having three or more athletes doping

team coach, one other coach and the entire senior team "except for one who had never been involved in doping

the question that always arises is about the doctor from Moldova (who was allegedly involved in anti-doping

Real Madrid expected to sue doping doctor Fuentes over comments in interview

  • Football

Real Madrid is expected to sue Eufemiano Fuentes after the doctor, the centre of the Operation Puerto doping

athletes cannot be named due to the 10-year statute of limitations having ended, despite the World Anti-Doping

The substances were not banned at the time, but would be classed as doping under current rules.Cacho

Puerto case with a one-year suspended sentence.The sentence was given on public health grounds, as doping

Russia was part of weightlifting's problem but now "leading the fight against doping", says EWF Presidential

  • Weightlifting

Maxim Agapitov, who hopes to take over the leadership of the European Weightlifting Federation (EWF) this week, claims Russia is "building the framework for a new era" in the sport after years of being involved in "the corruption of Tamás Aján and his inner circle".

Agapitov admits that Russia featured in anti-doping corruption in the past, during the long reign of

Many countries including Russia were part of the problem, but now Russia is leading the fight against doping

The problem was that it is virtually impossible to win outside of Tamás Aján's system of doping."

We need uniform and regular doping testing for all athletes."

Russia is ready to host additional anti-doping seminars."

Jessica Ennis-Hill

  • Universiade Legends

was stripped of Olympic silver at the 2008 Beijing Games and banned for life for what was a second doping

equalling Kluft's record in the event - when Chernova was retrospectively disqualified from Daegu for a doping

Mike Rowbottom: Springing back to sporting exuberance

  • Inside the Blogs

One of the loveliest experiences right now is watching our two dogs race around the garden. Our older dog - whose former playmate died in November 2019 - used to be the faster one. But, although he still motors, the newbie one-year-old floats away from him.

positive test for nandrolone from one of Britain's top riders, rather than being followed up by UK Anti-Doping

then allowed to conduct their own independent investigation.This was in contravention of World Anti-Doping

UKAD, which in recent months has played a key part in recalibrating and "rebuilding" the Russian Anti Doping

Agency in the wake of the doping scandals that emerged following the Sochi 2014 Winter Games.It is another

cyclist in 2011.Freeman has been struck off the British medical register and charged with two anti-doping

National anthem greets Russian skaters on return from World Championships

  • Figure Skating

Russian figure skaters received a hero's welcome, including a rendition of the national anthem, on their return to the country following their successful performance at the World Championships in Stockholm.

forced to compete as FSR due to sanctions imposed on the country as punishment for the state-sponsored doping

and anthem is also banned at major events under the terms of the sanctions, imposed by the World Anti-Doping

FINA says ITA to collect 3,200 samples during pre-Games testing period for Tokyo 2020

  • Aquatics

The International Testing Agency (ITA) will collect around 3,200 samples during the pre-Games testing period for Tokyo 2020 from athletes in aquatics, the International Swimming Federation (FINA) has said.

pre-Games expert pool, which comprises of specialists from International Federations and National Anti-Doping

compete at the Games.It performs a risk assessment and shares testing recommendations with other anti-doping

the governing body saying its plan has seen significant benefits.FINA said the majority of the OOC doping

control programme is focused on the pre-Games period due to the increased doping risk that comes with

during the pre-Games testing period from athletes seeking to compete in FINA disciplines.Reinforced doping

Three Russian weightlifters including ex-Olympic medallist Evstiukhina given doping bans

  • Weightlifting

details of the suspensions handed down to three Russian weightlifters who were found to have committed doping

Getty ImagesThe trio had all already been provisionally suspended under Article 2.2 of the IWF Anti-Doping

Policy, which refers to doping violations based on evidence from witnesses or other investigations rather

Olympics.Russia may send only one male and one female weightlifter to this year's Games because of the country's doping

- and they will compete under the "ROC" banner with Russia's name and flag banned under World Anti-Doping