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Sir Bradley Wiggins Tour de France winning bike up for sale on Facebook

  • Collecting and Heritage News

The bike ridden by Sir Bradley Wiggins when he became the first Briton to win the Tour de France in 2012 has been put up for sale on Facebook.

medal of his career at Rio 2016 when the Russian Fancy Bear hacking into the database of the World Anti-Doping

WADA investigating UKAD for allowing British Cycling to conduct own doping probe

  • Cycling

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) is being investigated by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) following reports

nandrolone - defined as a "threshold substance" where a certain amount of it is required to trigger an anti-doping

Under Article 20.5.6 of the 2009 World Anti-Doping Code, National Anti-Doping Organisations (NADOs) had

an obligation to vigorously pursue all potential anti-doping rule violations within their jurisdiction

investigating whether athlete support personnel or other persons may have been involved in a case of doping

UKAD, which has portrayed itself as one of the top NADOs and helped the "rebuild" of the Russian Anti-Doping

Lifetime ban for Albanian weightlifter is warning to others from angry Federation boss

  • Weightlifting

An emergency meeting of the Albanian Weightlifting Federation (AWF) has suspended one of the nation’s top lifters for life after he tested positive for cocaine at the National Championships.

His coach has been banned for five years and the AWF, which has been beset by doping problems in recent

anyone who tests positive will be excluded from the sport for life.The cocaine positive was a second doping

to power for Elez Gjoza, who quit as President of the AWF along with his entire Board because of a doping

banned substance ©Getty ImagesHe said in a statement afterwards: "Our motto is a ceaseless fight against doping

five to the European Championships in Moscow next week, and the fact that four of them have served doping

Music from Tchaikovsky proposed by Russia as anthem replacement at Tokyo 2020

  • Tokyo 2020

Music from composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky will be put forward by the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) as the proposed replacement for the country’s national anthem at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, the organisation has confirmed.

the banning of Russia’s national anthem as part of the sanctions imposed on Russia by the World Anti-Doping

IWF is being "unfair" to weightlifters over Olympic qualification delay, China and France say

  • Weightlifting

The International Weightlifting Federation’s (IWF) failure to take any action over its "obsolete" Olympic qualification system is unfair to athletes and creates a risk that dopers will escape detection.

conditions.The IWF’s inaction puts the sport at risk because it is not policing doping properly, says

by insidethegames.With weightlifting’s place on the Olympic Games programme under threat because of doping

North Korean weightlifters such as Om Yun-chol have not been subject to international anti-doping tests

Also, it brings a strong solution to protect clean lifters by maintaining a high anti-doping policy [

via compulsory whereabouts submissions] to avoid doping cases in Tokyo."

Yekaterinburg 2023 preparations unaffected by Matytsin stepping aside, general director insists

  • Yekaterinburg 2023

Yekaterinburg 2023 general director Alexander Chernov insists the temporary departure of Oleg Matytsin as International University Sports Federation (FISU) President will not affect preparations for the 2023 Summer World University Games.

Sports Minister ©Getty ImagesUnder the terms of the CAS decision, which partially upheld World Anti-Doping

from holding any position at an international governing body that is a signatory to the World Anti-Doping

Exclusive: Reis wins landmark weightlifting medal for Brazil after sample-swapping disqualification

  • Weightlifting

Fernando Reis has become the first Brazilian ever to win an International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) World Championships medal - more than two years after the event.

Athlete Passport Management Unit from the International Testing Agency, which now oversees all anti-doping

effort of all his results listed on the IWF website.There were rumours that Djangabaev had failed a doping

provisionally suspended and the case was initiated by the ITA.Rustam Djangabaev did not deny the anti-doping

That led to Djangabaev being additionally charged under Article 2.2 of the IWF’s anti-doping rules, which

ban for two separate offences at the Olympic Games.That "loophole" has been closed by the World Anti-Doping

AIU head says independence has helped body tackle high-profile cases in sport

  • News

Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) head Brett Clothier believes the body has been a successful example of governance reform, with independence from the sport’s governing body having enabled high-profile cases to be pursued.

conference.The AIU was established in 2017 and is responsible for the management of all aspects of the anti-doping

sanctioning of key Russian Athletics Federation officials, who had been implicated in covering up a doping

been heavily impacted.The need for independence and credibility was highlighted by United States Anti-Doping

Agency (USADA) chief executive Travis Tygart, during a talk titled "The State of the (Doping) Nation

Tygart praised the advancements made in anti-doping efforts over recent decades, but said reviews were

Alan Hubbard: Rainbow's end and how this sporting life has been scarred forever

  • Inside the Blogs

A media release drops into my inbox from UK Anti-Doping with the information that a rugby player, one

seems a multitude of notifications over the past couple of years of grassroots rugby players committing doping

UK Anti-Doping recently reported a case of a 16-year-old youth footballer who received a nine month ban

the memory of it all.The sheer volume of the number of young players who were abused surely outstrips doping

Matytsin steps aside as FISU President for period CAS sanctions against Russia apply

  • Universiade

President of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) Oleg Matytsin is to step aside from his role at the organisation for the period that sanctions imposed on Russia by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) apply.

Minister in January 2020 by President Vladimir Putin.Among the sanctions imposed by the World Anti-Doping

when FISU partnered with the International Testing Agency, enabling the organisation to serve as anti-doping

From reinforcing anti-doping work to the adoption of a clear strategic roadmap to 2027, to the securing