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Former British Cycling doctor Freeman found guilty of ordering banned substance for rider

  • Cycling

Former British Cycling doctor Richard Freeman has been found guilty of ordering a banned substance for an unnamed cyclist.

control" by UK Anti-Doping (UKAD).The latter charge would cover an attempt to subvert any aspect of

doping control, including an investigation.UKAD acknowledged today's ruling and confirmed that it had

charged Freeman with two anti-doping rule violations, meaning he is provisionally suspended from all

with the World Anti-Doping Agency and other key partners to ensure robust and independent testing, &

I therefore call upon Dr Freeman to fully co-operate with the UK Anti-Doping investigation into this

South African weightlifter barred from travel by COVID-19 warns "my Olympic dream is at risk"

  • Weightlifting

A South African weightlifter’s chance of realising a lifelong dream of competing at the Olympic Games could be thwarted by coronavirus-related travel restrictions.

WFA elections will be held.Mahgoub, who has overseen Egyptian weightlifting during troubled times of doping

Weightlifting Federation was suspended for two years by the IWF in September 2019 as a result of seven doping

Bach re-elected International Olympic Committee President

  • Olympics

Thomas Bach has been re-elected President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) after receiving near-unanimous backing from the Session to serve a final four-year term.

of troubles" it has faced during his eight years in charge to date.The German referenced the Russian doping

Pyrros Dimas speaks up on IWF reform and says "we must listen to members"

  • Weightlifting

The triple Olympic gold medallist Pyrros Dimas has highlighted the importance of listening to the views of nations around the world during the process of restoring weightlifting’s credibility.

The brand and reputation of weightlifting have been tarnished by mismanagement, doping scandals and infighting

Minimum 30 per cent female representation on ANOC Executive Council to be proposed at General Assembly

  • ANOC News

A minimum of 30 per cent female representation on the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) Executive Council is one of the constitutional amendments that will be presented to the General Assembly due to take place in Seoul on October 26 and 27.

cent female representation on the ANOC executive committee ©Getty ImagesMeanwhile, the ANOC 2021 anti-doping

rules, which have been approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency, were discussed and - upon adoption

the next ANOC World Beach Games.The Commission reiterated its commitment to ensuring that strong anti-doping

Richard Pound: President Bach's re-election will come as a relief to IOC members

  • Inside the Blogs

In 2013, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) elected Thomas Bach, an Olympic fencing gold medallist at the Montreal Olympic Games in 1976, as its ninth President. This outcome was not surprising on either a personal or organisational basis. 

He has been accused of not vigorously pursuing the Russian state doping, thereby damaging the reputation

Marathon star Radcliffe to feature on IMMAF panel discussion

  • Mixed Martial Arts

Three-time London Marathon winner Paula Radcliffe is to feature on an International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) panel discussion on athlete weight management in sport.

 The discussion will be hosted and moderated by Michele Verroken, who serves as IMMAF’s anti-doping

Thomas Bach - the unlucky IOC President

  • The Big Read

On Wednesday afternoon (March 10), a freshly-barbered Thomas Bach will be reinstalled as President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for four more years.

The long-drawn-out Russian doping saga is largely, but by no means entirely, responsible for this.Bach

said to have opened up gaping breaches between the IOC and, in no particular order, the World Anti-Doping

our insidethegames news-lists on a regular basis.Ultimately, I suppose, Bach will be judged on doping

it can be shown convincingly that the ITA has been instrumental in a marked improvement in the anti-doping

then Bach will be able to claim vindication for his efforts in the field.Actually, Bach’s record on doping

Della Casa elected European Cycling Union President

  • Cycling

Italy’s Enrico Della Casa has been elected European Cycling Union (UEC) President at the organisation’s virtual Congress.

a member and President of the UEC Track Commission.The Italian has also held roles as the UCI Anti-Doping