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Bach warns weightlifting faces Paris 2024 exclusion unless IWF addresses governance concerns

  • Olympics

Weightlifting is closer to losing its place on the Olympic Games programme than at any time since it became a regular feature more than 100 years ago.

Weightlifting Federation (IWF).Since October Bach has repeatedly criticised the IWF for relaxing its anti-doping

We acknowledged that one change in the IWF anti-doping rules has been reversed after the intervention

rules for nations with multiple doping offences – without informing its own member federations, and

against the advice of the ITA, which oversees the IWF’s anti-doping programme.Eight members of the IWF

full team, or in some cases any team at all, to the re-arranged Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games because of doping

Russian athletes ruled out of European Indoor Athletics Championships

  • Athletics

The Russian Athletics Federation (RusAF) has confirmed its athletes will not participate at next month's European Indoor Championships in Poland as its restoration plan will not be finished in time for the event.

meeting.The organisation has given the RusAF, suspended since November 2015 because of the state-sponsored doping

banned for four years after being found guilty of tampering, complicity, failing to report an anti-doping

forced to change its President earlier this month when Peter Ivanov stepped down because of World Anti-Doping

WADA issues new pandemic testing Q&A and invites athletes to webinar

  • News

Athletes are being invited to register for a World Anti-Doping Agency webinar tomorrow following publication

of the latest question and answer (Q&A) document relating to anti-doping during the coronavirus

14:00 EST (Eastern time zone) and will focus on the impact of COVID-19 on athletes and the anti-doping

nature of the pandemic, the changing testing environment and the fact that a growing number of Anti-Doping

whereabouts information, validating therapeutic use exemptions, maintaining the integrity of the global anti-doping

wish to know more about what specific measures their International Sport Federation or National Anti-Doping

Intarat steps aside and Romania ban nears as weightlifting faces further barrage from IOC

  • Weightlifting

Thailand and Romania, two nations with severe doping problems, have suffered setbacks on the eve of an

vice-president and first vice-president, a role he currently holds.Thailand has been involved in two doping

 Romania’s entire team of four at London 2012 were caught doping when stored samples were retested

2020, or could be banned for ongoing cases, or have had quota restrictions imposed because of multiple doping

violations.All eight Board members from nations with doping problems are standing in the elections scheduled

According to the IWF Anti-Doping Rules (Article 12), Member Federations can be suspended, fined and/or

Mike Rowbottom: Enough of this "ROC" farce - Russia’s real punishment is being guilty until proven innocent

  • Inside the Blogs

deserves to be completely shut out of international competition following the evidence of systematic doping

of Arbitration for Sport hearing last December from the four-year term first imposed by World Anti-Doping

who are able to prove to the satisfaction of event organisers that they have undergone rigorous anti-doping

soon devised within international athletics whereby Russian athletes who had undergone agreed anti-doping

to wear Russian uniform.But under the implementation guidelines approved last week by the World Anti-Doping

We really want to do our job, to fight against doping on behalf of clear sportsmen."

"Our athletes will go to Tokyo and Beijing and act as an ROC team" says Russian Olympic Committee President Pozdnyakov

  • Olympics

Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) President Stanislav Pozdnyakov has welcomed the news the organisation’s athletes will be able to compete under the name “ROC” at the Tokyo 2020 and Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

setting out the principles in relation to the implementation of sanctions imposed on the Russian Anti-Doping

Agency by the World Anti-Doping Agency.The sanctions were initially issued for four years before being

Michael Pavitt: Sanctions against former RusAF officials offer latest endorsement of AIU

  • Inside the Blogs

For the second consecutive month a long-running investigation has concluded with a real page-turner.

Russian high jumper Danil Lysenko, as well as their tampering, complicity, failing to report an anti-doping

cooperate.Former RusAF executive director Alexander Parkin, senior administrator Elena Orlova and anti-doping

An AIU and the Russian Anti-Doping Agency investigation had already concluded the building at the address

would argue, has been one of the key reasons for Russian authorities to face sterner punishments for doping

Russian athletes to participate at Tokyo 2020 and Beijing 2022 under name "ROC"

  • Olympics

Russian athletes are set to participate at the Tokyo 2020 and Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Games under the name "ROC".

The details were announced today in implementation guidelines approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency

guidelines set out the principles in relation to the implementation of sanctions imposed on the Russian Anti-Doping

IFSC refuse to move Sport Climbing World Championships from Moscow

  • Sport Climbing

International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) has risked possible sanctions from the World Anti-Doping

sanctions and cut the period where they apply in half - means Russia's punishment for the state-sponsored doping

As part of its monitoring of the enforcement of the CAS decision by all World Anti-Doping Code Signatory