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Xiao and Moses to join US Congressional panel overseeing USOPC reform

  • PASO

Han Xiao, Karin Korb, Patty Cisneros Prevo and Edwin Moses are among the latest confirmed appointments to a Congressional Commission established by the Empowering Olympic and Amateur Athletes Act which will examine the United States Olympic and Paralympic Movement.

included on the list of appointments.Moses is currently Chairman Emeritus of the United States Anti-Doping

Olympic champion hurdler McNeal charged with alleged tampering of doping control

  • Athletics

Rollins-McNeal, has been provisionally suspended by the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) for alleged tampering of doping

was "tampering within the results management process", as outlined in Article 2.5 of the World Anti-Doping

Barack Obama respectively.McNeal is the latest American athlete to face potential sanctions for anti-doping

Doctor Schmidt faces potential prison sentence with verdict due in doping trial

  • Cycling

five-and-a-half-year prison sentence when a court rules on his involvement in an alleged international blood doping

Schmidt has been accused of masterminding the doping network, which was uncovered by authorities in 2019

athletes undergo blood transfusions.The doctor admitted during the trial that since 2012 he had been using doping

methods and given prohibited substances to athletes.He claimed he had not initiated the doping network

four into it".Several athletes have also faced sanctions as part of the "Operation Aderlass" blood doping

handed down by the Innsbruck regional court being suspended.Austrian skier Johannes Dürr, whose blood doping

WADA claims CAS panel failed to fully explain why Russia sanctions were reduced

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has claimed the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) panel has failed

CAS panel last month cut the period of sanctions to two years following an appeal by the Russian Anti-Doping

fraudulently promote their fabricated defence strategy and mitigate or avoid the consequences of the doping

In crude terms, the non-compliance in this case is an attempt to cover up evidence of the doping and

When the cover-up of the doping scheme began to unravel, the solution adopted by the Russian authorities

, stakeholders and the wider public in the ability of WADA to defend the integrity of sport against doping

Athletics South Africa President confident Manyonga can clear his name

  • Athletics

Athletics South Africa President Aleck Skhosana is confident world champion long jumper Luvo Manyonga can clear his name before the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games after he was provisionally suspended for missing three tests in a 12-month period.

Manyonga has faced issues regarding anti-doping in the past after he admitted to having an addiction

IWAS issues reminder to athletes as new Anti-Doping Code comes into force

  • Paralympics

International Wheelchair and Amputee Sports Federation (IWAS) has issued a reminder to athletes as its new Anti-Doping

The 2021 IWAS Anti-Doping Code came into force on January 1 alongside the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code.In

addition, the 2021 World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) list of prohibited substances and methods, Athletes

’ Anti-Doping Rights Act and a series of international standards are now active.

within anti-doping organisations (ADOs) around the world.

in the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code.

Austrian cyclist Denifl given two-year prison sentence for involvement in Aderlass doping scandal

  • Cycling

Stefan Denifl has been sentenced to two years in prison for his role in the Operation Aderlass blood doping

The former professional, given a four-year ban for blood doping in 2019, has been convicted of serious

$425,000).Denifl, who represented IAM Cycling and Aqua Blue Sport during his professional career, admitted doping

athlete involved in Operation Aderlass to have been given a jail sentence.Involvement in the blood doping

sentences for several athletes ©Getty ImagesOthers include Austrian skier Johannes Dürr, whose blood doping

and in the German city Erfurt.At least 23 athletes are believed to have been involved in the blood doping

AIBA and ITA to implement joint educational programme for boxing

  • Boxing

Association (AIBA) and the International Testing Agency (ITA) is set to roll out a large-scale anti-doping

Continental Forums.AIBA renewed its contract with the ITA for 2021 earlier this week to ensure anti-doping

This is an important step towards making boxing a completely doping-free sport."

The new cooperation between AIBA and ITA will aim to educate boxers on anti-doping ©AIBACohen said the

The ITA has been managing AIBA's anti-doping programme for some time now and I am extremely grateful

Canada miss out on Tokyo 2020 team jumping berth as CAS appeal dismissed

  • Lima 2019

Nicole Walker and Equestrian Canada's appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) over the athlete's disqualification from the Lima 2019 Pan American Games has been rejected, meaning the Canadian jumping team misses out on a place at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

2019, but that was lifted on September 26 last year.Walker has blamed drinking cocoa tea for the anti-doping

Bashkortostan in Russia mulling bid for 2030 Winter Olympic Games

  • 2030 Olympics

The Russian region of Bashkortostan is considering a bid for the 2030 Winter Olympic Games.

expired.Russia received the ban as part of a package of sanctions imposed on the country by the World Anti-Doping

Russia held the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014, an event marred by the state-sponsored doping

AIBA and ITA sign agreement to extend partnership through 2021

  • Boxing

The International Boxing Association (AIBA) has signed an agreement with the International Testing Agency (ITA) to extend the partnership between the two organisations through 2021.

In boxing, we continue to fight doping at all levels to make sure our sport is completely doping-free

clean sports ©AIBA"We are doing everything possible to ensure that AIBA has the most up-to-date anti-doping

responsible for all out of competition testing for boxing this year, general management of the anti-doping

programme and overseeing compliance with the World Anti-Doping Agency.An extension of the partnership

during a virtual AIBA Board of Directors meeting, when the creation of a new AIBA Medical and Anti-Doping

Fasel pictured with Belarusian Ice Hockey President IIHF are investigating for role in death of political opponent

  • Ice Hockey

International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) President René Fasel has been pictured with the Belarusian Ice Hockey Association President Dmitry Baskov, who the world governing body are supposed to be investigating for his role in an alleged murder, at a Kontinental Hockey League in Minsk. 

but it would no longer be permitted to do so under sanctions imposed on the country by the World Anti-Doping

Mike Rowbottom: Sad farewell to Lloyd Cowan, a great athletics coach and a beloved man

  • Inside the Blogs

Following today’s news that the hugely popular and influential British athletics coach Lloyd Cowan had died at the age of 58, his lifelong friend Shaun Pickering pointed up a post he had put up on Facebook just a few days ago.

London, was shocked and considering retirement because of the automatic Olympic ban that went with such doping

Russian athletes set to compete under FIS flag at upcoming World Championships

  • Skiing

Russian athletes will compete under the International Ski Federation (FIS) flag at upcoming World Championships run by the governing body, according to Russian Cross-Country Skiing Federation Elena Vyalbe.

after the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) upheld sanctions imposed on Russia by the World Anti-Doping

Ivanova clinches fifth European title at Luge World Cup in Sigulda

  • Luge

Tatyana Ivanova earned her fifth European title after triumphing in the women's contest at the International Luge Federation (FIL) World Cup in Sigulda.

of 11 Russian athletes banned for life by the International Olympic Committee in December 2017 for doping