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Exclusive: Colombian weightlifting chief vows "we will compete in Tokyo - we do not support cheating"

  • Weightlifting

Three Colombian weightlifters can clear their names from doping charges and help their nation to overcome

CWF) told insidethegames that the widespread use of boldenone in farming was the cause of the three doping

We do not support doping or cheating."

Pena pointed out that Colombia had very few doping positives over a period of decades, yet it was liable

positives.A suspension could be imposed under Tokyo 2020 qualifying rules, and also under the IWF’s anti-doping

We do our thing, a lot of education in the fight against doping, discipline and order, and many controls

Antidoping Switzerland receive funding boost to support efforts

  • Latest

Federal Councillor Viola Amherd, giving the organisation financial support in the fight against anti-doping

It will increase funding for Antidoping Switzerland, who recently developed an improved anti-doping plan

credibility was a common interest, with the finances helping to further provide a strong and reputable anti-doping

expand training for staff, improve surveying and international collaboration and looking to keep up with doping

will enable it, in the medium term, to have the essential resources to credibly lead its fight against doping

IIHF reportedly decide to strip Belarus of World Championship co-hosting rights

  • Ice Hockey

International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) President René Fasel is set to inform Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko that the country has been stripped of its 2021 World Championship co-hosting rights, according to Swiss media reports.

major events until December 2022 under the series of sanctions imposed on the nation by the World Anti-Doping

IWF Interim President Irani encouraged by progress since weightlifting overhaul

  • Weightlifting

Weightlifting Federation (IWF), Mike Irani, has promised to continue taking problems surrounding anti-doping

until 2024 and requested it to investigate allegations made in the McLaren Report and by the World Anti-Doping

Report detailed how the IWF was plagued with decades of corruption and financial malpractice, anti-doping

nations facing a ban from competing at weightlifting during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics for multiple anti-doping

around 120 athletes expected for the Games, down from 260 at Rio 2016, due to a pattern of mass anti-doping

will be restricted to just one male and female lifter at Tokyo 2020 due to having more than 20 anti-doping

Putin and Bach hold first telephone conversation since CAS decision to halve ban

  • Olympics

Russian President Vladimir Putin has held a telephone conversation today with Thomas Bach, the Kremlin has reported.

announced its decision earlier this month to halve the sanctions imposed on Russia by the World Anti-Doping

Putin spends much of his time, have now become notorious for being at the centre of the state-sponsored doping

also many partially related to sports Western figures who tend to overemphasise our role in promoting doping

AIU perform 60 per cent of out-of-competition testing during COVID-19 pandemic

  • Athletics

The Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) has reported that 60 per cent of its planned out-of-competition testing during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 went ahead.

were conducted in full compliance with guidelines from local health authorities and the World Anti-Doping

the International Association of Athletics Federations, now World Athletics, in April 2017 to combat doping

New AIBA President waives allowances as he launches reform process

  • Boxing

Umar Kremlev, the new President of the International Boxing Association (AIBA), has revealed he will waive the representation allowance and any other expenses in his bid to cut costs at the international governing body.

AIBA events, a Women's Committee aims to ensure gender equality in boxing and the Medical and Anti-Doping

International Testing Agency for 2021.This cooperation includes the general management of boxing's anti-doping

New Albanian Weightlifting Federation President says dopers will face criminal prosecution

  • Weightlifting

Elez Gjoza, who resigned as head of the Albanian Weightlifting Federation (AWF) because of doping scandals

Regarding the doping issue, we will maintain very precise and permanent relations with WADA [World Anti-Doping

While that is possible in Albania, where doping can be treated as a criminal offence, it has never happened

Tokyo 2020, where Albania will be restricted to two male and two female places because of its past doping

AWF President, was elected as an ex-officio member of the European Weightlifting Federation’s board.A doping

had won snatch gold at the 2014 IWF World Championships in Kazakhstan, only to be disqualified for doping

US weightlifter given four-year ban after positive test for harmful GW1516

  • Weightlifting

American weightlifter Megan Munsell been suspended for four years following a doping violation.

Munsell tested positive for metabolites of banned substance GW1516.The United States Anti-Doping Agency

(USADA) said that it received intelligence that Munsell was doping, which led it to test the weightlifter

performance-enhancing capabilities, is illegal in the US and clinical trials found it can cause cancer.The World Anti-Doping

ROC President suggests folk song to replace banned national anthem at Tokyo 2020

  • Tokyo 2020

The President of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) Stanislav Pozdnyakov, has suggested that a folk song can be used for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics instead of the Russian national anthem, as the nation prepares to compete under a neutral flag at the Games.

manipulation of data ©Getty ImagesRussia was initially given the four-year suspension from the World Anti-Doping

banner.OAR was created following the suspension of the Russian Olympic Committee in the wake of the doping

Russia and China to cooperate in sports development in 2022 and 2023

  • News

Russian Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin has announced that Russia and China have agreed to cooperation in 2022 and 2023 to aid sports development and physical culture.

first time ever, we held even face-to-face sessions of the UNESCO Conferences on the fight against doping

period for Russia from four years to two years due to findings of state-sponsored doping.The World Anti-Doping