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Exclusive: RUSADA has "no control" over Moscow Laboratory data, says acting head Bukhanov

  • Latest

The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) has insisted it has no jurisdiction over the Moscow Laboratory

decision announced last week - in which the four-year period of sanctions proposed by the World Anti-Doping

It is a fact - not disputed by WADA - that the database of the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory was never

(December 17), the CAS Panel "unanimously determined RUSADA to be non-compliant with the World Anti-Doping

and/or carrying out interviews or other investigative measures) as required by WADA or any other Anti-Doping

to WADA by a whistle-blower in or around October 2017 have a case to answer for breach of the anti-doping

Logos revealed but FIVB yet to make call on stripping Russia of 2022 FIVB Men's World Championship

  • Volleyball

The official logos have been released for the 2022 International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) Men's World Championship - although Russia face being stripped of the hosting rights.

Russia was awarded the competition in November 2018 - two months after the Russian Anti-Doping Agency

(RUSADA) was reinstated by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) following the country's doping scandal.But

manipulation of the Moscow Laboratory data.Federations could be deemed non-compliant with the World Anti-Doping

FEI appoint Abu-Dayyeh as new endurance director

  • Equestrian

Royal Jordanian Equestrian Federation secretary general Christina Abu-Dayyeh has been appointed endurance director of the International Equestrian Federation (FEI).

United States.It was hoped the Temporary Committee could help solve issues such as welfare concerns and doping

iNADO slams CAS for sending "confusing" message to athletes after halving Russia ban

  • Olympics

The Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO) has criticised the Court of Arbitration for

iNADO claimed the decision sent a "confusing" anti-doping message to athletes and said it was "difficult

sanction of four years that any individual athlete would receive for cheating deliberately".The World Anti-Doping

found to have manipulated data at the Moscow Laboratory.But following an appeal by the Russian Anti-Doping

and the United States Anti-Doping Agency and now iNADO has also expressed its disappointment.While Russia's

It is difficult to understand why the most serious breach of anti-doping rules and sport values will

Russia’s top weightlifter Kashirina suspended for suspected doping

  • Weightlifting

Russia’s biggest hope for an Olympic medal in weightlifting has been suspended for a suspected doping

suspended because of evidence taken from the Moscow Laboratory during an investigation by the World Anti-Doping

2016, where she would have been favourite, because Russia was banned from weightlifting for its poor doping

Moscow Laboratory database in April it passed on details of 298 suspected offences to 27 different anti-doping

authorities, of which the IWF was one.The IWF has since put all of its anti-doping procedures in the

world champion, the 2013 and 2014 men’s super-heavyweight winner Ruslan Albegov.Because it had so many doping

Alihosseini to coach Iran at next year’s IWF Junior World Championships

  • Weightlifting

Asian Games silver medallist Saeid Alihosseini is set to lead Iran's team in next year’s delayed International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) Junior World Championships.

held in May 2021 in Saudi Arabian city Jeddah.Alihosseini was banned for life in 2009 for two failed doping

Ed Warner: Athletics has had a bad 2020 but the Olympics represent a shot at rejuvenation

  • Inside the Blogs

Athletics has had a lousy 2020. Not that any sport has had a great 12 months, but the absence of a major championships after the postponement of Tokyo 2020, coupled with a severe lack of cash in the World Athletics coffers, has left the sport trailing those that have been able to keep their shows on the road in bubbles for sofa-bound audiences. Shoe wars and drug scandals have hardly helped either. Thankfully, redemption may be but eight months away, if only athletics’ leaders can seize their quadrennial moment when the world drops everything to watch its greatest runners, jumpers...

This is proving one way to sweep away records that have stood since the era of far laxer anti-doping

Just so long as shadows of failed drugs tests, contested missed tests and returning doping cheats don

would be a huge shame.Christian Coleman, the reigning men's 100m world champion, was given a two-year doping

Umar Kremlev - man in a hurry, President without the luxury of a honeymoon period

  • The Big Read

Most Presidents can expect at least a short honeymoon period. Umar Kremlev, elected last Saturday (December 12) as President of the International Boxing Association (AIBA), will have no such luxury.

certification programmes for referees and judges, international technical officials (ITOs), coaches, anti-doping

International advocacy network launched in New Zealand with help of NZOC

  • ONOC

The New Zealand Olympic Committee (NZOC) has helped set up an international advocacy network to enhance the country's "influence in the global sporting sector".

Network for Sport will comprise more than 50 members from various sectors in the nation.Former World Anti-Doping

Tretiak could lose IIHF Council place after CAS verdict in Russian doping case

  • Ice Hockey

the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ruling in Russia's long-running case against the World Anti-Doping

Government representative cannot hold sit on any board or committee at a signatory of the World Anti-Doping

Championships from four years to two in its decision, which followed an appeal from the Russian Anti-Doping

Iranian Para-athlete Eslami receives four-year ban for doping violation

  • Paralympics

Iranian Para-athlete Hamid Eslami has received a four-year suspension for committing an anti-doping rule

in a year-round out-of-competition testing programme," said International Paralympic Committee anti-doping

conducted more targeted out of competition tests on athletes as part of our increased investment in anti-doping

Tygart describes Russia sanctions as "slap on the wrist" for the "most egregious sporting crime" ever seen

  • Olympics

United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) chief executive Travis Tygart has described the Court of Arbitration

The CAS halved the four-year period of sanctions imposed by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as punishment

be served in individual Russian athlete cases of those that were involved with the state sponsored doping

The CAS halved the four-year period of sanctions imposed on Russia by the World Anti-Doping Agency yesterday

 Russian Anti-Doping Agency officials have also claimed a win in the dispute.

 UK Anti-Doping chief executive Nicole Sapstead was another to voice confusion at the reduction

FIS ban Russia from bidding for 2025 World Championships after CAS verdict

  • News

following the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) verdict in the country's case against the World Anti-Doping

Krasnoyarsk, the only bidder, before the appeal against the series of punishments from the Russian Anti-Doping

shooting before the two-year period lapses.Federations could be deemed non-compliant with the World Anti-Doping

Liam Morgan: Concessions, caveats and cop-outs in CAS decision lend credence to Russian victory claims

  • Inside the Blogs

why the Court of Arbitration for Sport’s (CAS) verdict in the protracted Russia versus the World Anti-Doping

sport itself and is an insult to the sporting movement worldwide".Even though athletes found guilty of doping

Witold Bańka, the sanctions are "the strongest set of consequences ever imposed on any country for doping-related

justice over collective responsibility and the way it has fudged its way through the fallout to the doping

©Getty ImagesThe only Russian athletes who will be excluded from a neutral team are those serving a doping

requirements on Russian athletes, who will no longer have to prove they have not been involved in the doping