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Philip Barker: The IOC Executive Board at 100

  • Inside the Blogs

Earlier this week, International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach made the dramatic announcement of sanctions against those who run Olympic sport in Belarus.

By this time the IOC was also considering measures against doping, and the more delicate problem of gender

David Owen: Rejection of cross country may fuel rising tension between two old stagers

  • Inside the Blogs

And so, after much palaver, the main takeaways regarding the Paris 2024 sports programme boil down to this: breakdancing is in; cross-country running isn't.

Shakespeare" and "the professor".In recent years, however, going back at least as far as the Russian doping

bull wildebeest jostling over a favoured spot at the communal water-hole.Apart from the whole Russian doping

ITA to begin further reanalysis of samples from Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics

  • Sochi 2014

The International Testing Agency (ITA) has announced it will conduct further reanalysis of samples from the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, with all nationalities targeted and an aim of completing the process before Beijing 2022.

Sochi 2014 has been overshadowed by the revelations regarding hosts Russia's state sponsored doping programme.This

ones, a practice confirmed by whistleblower Grigory Rodchenkov, the former head of the Moscow Anti-Doping

until mid-2021.Samples from Russian athletes have already been reanalysed following the Sochi 2014 doping

scandal ©Getty Images"The ITA is confident that this consolidation and centralisation of anti-doping

In collaboration with the World Anti-Doping Agency-accredited laboratory in Lausanne, Switzerland, the

Bach and Coe clash over podium protests at Olympic Games

  • Tokyo 2020

Tension has surfaced between Thomas Bach and Sebastian Coe over athlete protests at the Olympic Games, after the International Olympic Committee (IOC) President implicitly criticised his World Athletics counterpart for giving an award to the trio who famously demonstrated on the podium at Mexico City 1968.

episode in Bach and Coe's tense relationship after they publicly clashed over the handling of the Russian doping

IWF Board blamed for "failing athletes and the sport" after weightlifting's Olympic quota cut

  • Weightlifting

The rift in weightlifting has been exposed again by the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) decision to cut the sport's athlete quota for the Olympic Games by more than half.

two Olympic Games.The loss of 140 places in eight years is almost on a one-for-one basis for every doping

are now in the hands of the International Testing Agency (ITA) - and banned nine nations for historic doping

offences at Beijing 2008 and London 2012.But doping scandals involving teenagers in Egypt and Thailand

were published in the McLaren Report in June.In October, the World Anti-Doping Agency released news

help from independent experts like our partners at the ITA, we have already reformed the IWF's anti-doping

WADA join SIA in appealing Australian swimmer Jack's two-year doping ban

  • Swimming

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has confirmed it will join Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) in appealing

the decision to reduce swimmer Shayna Jack's doping ban to two years.

 Jack had her doping ban reduced to two years by the CAS in November, with the suspension backdated

to have contained ligandrol.Jack's ban was reduced after the CAS confirmed she had committed an anti-doping

Your athlete was not innocent - it was a doped athlete, it was a doping offence," he said.

 Shayna Jack had her doping ban reduced to two years by CAS in November ©Getty ImagesThis was after

the anti-doping system received criticism from figures such as United States Anti-Doping Agency chief

Two-time world junior canoeing champion handed four-year drugs ban

  • Canoeing

Hungary's two-time world junior canoeing champion Andras Redl has been given a four-year ban after testing positive for EPO.

out-of-competition drugs test for the red blood cell booster, which was conducted by the Hungarian Anti-Doping

Don McKenzie, the chairman of the ICF's Medical and Anti-Doping Committee, said Redl's case should act

of a positive test result from a teenage athlete from Hungary underlines the importance of our anti-doping

 "There can be no excuses for any athlete, coach or medical personnel involved in doping."

Russia critical of US politicisation of sport after passing of Rodchenkov Act

  • News

Russian Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin has claimed it will be necessary to take steps to minimise the risks posed to his country's athletes by the Rodchenkov Act.

The Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act, which gives United States officials the power to prosecute individuals

for doping schemes at international sports competitions involving American athletes, sponsors and companies

head Grigory Rodchenkov, who both devised and then was a whistleblower on the Russian state sponsored doping

There is already the opinion of a single sports community, including World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA),

that such a step could lead to an imbalance in the system of monitoring and implementing anti-doping

Sport Integrity Australia appeal Jack's two-year doping ban

  • Swimming

Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) has appealed the decision to reduce swimmer Shayna Jack's doping ban

Jack had her doping ban reduced to two years by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in November.

to have contained ligandrol.Jack's ban was reduced after the CAS confirmed she had committed an anti-doping

 SIA's chief executive David Sharpe confirmed Shayna Jack's two-year doping ban would be appealed

©Getty ImagesOther organisations such as Swimming Australia, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and

 "Anti-doping works the other way around, you are guilty and it’s up to you to prove your degree

USADA chief claims versions of Rodchenkov Act should be introduced in other countries

  • News

Act to prevent repeats of the Russian scandal and protect sport across the world, United States Anti-Doping

The Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act, which gives US officials the power to prosecute individuals for doping

sponsors and companies, was signed into law by outgoing President Donald Trump last week.The World Anti-Doping

The passage of the Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act demonstrates the importance of the ongoing fight against

 "Having a fair and effective international anti-doping programme is vital to ensuring that the

pattern of networks around the athletes implicated in most cases of doping.

IOC Executive Board to confirm Paris 2024 event programme at latest meeting

  • Olympics

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board is set to confirm the Paris 2024 programme at its latest remote meeting tomorrow following a host of submissions from International Federations for the inclusion of new events and disciplines.

Weightlifting's place on the Olympic programme at Paris 2024 remains under threat because of governance and anti-doping