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CAS Anti-Doping Division rules in favour of IBU in Ustyugov biological passport case

  • Biathlon

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) Anti-Doping Division has ruled in favour of the International

Lawyers representing Ustyugov have confirmed the CAS Anti-Doping Division has found in favour of the

human population should anyone wish to confirm this fact", adding that he has never had a positive doping

ImagesThe gold medal is already in doubt due to Ustyugov being sanctioned earlier this year by the IBU Anti-Doping

on analysis of Moscow Laboratory data.The IBU said Ustyugov had "committed an Article 2.2 ADRV [anti-doping

rule violation] under the 2012 IBU Anti-Doping Rules" by using the prohibited substance oxandrolone.He

Ricci Bitti set to secure third and final term as ASOIF President

  • Olympics

Francesco Ricci Bitti is set to be re-elected for a third and final term as Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF) President after being confirmed as the sole candidate for the position.

from July 23 to August 8 next year.Reports will also be delivered by Paris 2024 and the World Anti-Doping

Russian Sports Minister sets top-three target for nation’s athletes at Tokyo 2020

  • Olympics

Russian Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin insists he is "not backing down" from setting his country’s Tokyo 2020 hopefuls the "ambitious" goal of finishing in the top three of the medals table - despite the prospect of having to field a neutral team.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) issued Russia with a four-year package of sanctions including a ban

Games after the country was found to have manipulated data at the Moscow Laboratory.The Russian Anti-Doping

Olympic Games in Pyeongchang in South Korea after the Russian Olympic Committee was banned due to the doping

Earlier this week, Matytsin stressed the need to ensure the fight against anti-doping was free from political

Pyeongchang.Russia's Sports Ministry has also previously been accused of involvement in a state-sponsored doping

Exclusive: Russia’s former NBA star Kirilenko claims WADA sanctions will end dreams of innocent athletes

  • Tokyo 2020

Russia’s former National Basketball Association star Andrei Kirilenko has warned the proposed four-year package of sanctions against which his country is appealing to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) next week would punish many innocent athletes.

the Russian Basketball Federation, told insidethegames the punishments handed down by the World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA) following its investigation into alleged state-sponsored doping would be "really unfair

to a lot of athletes who have never been involved in doping".The CAS is due to hear the Russian appeal

As a player usually you see what is going on with the team, so if somebody would offer you doping or

And that’s why I am quite positive that there is not a system in Russian sport for doping."

Angry Agapitov criticises focus on old cases after more Russian weightlifters are banned

  • Weightlifting

Four more Russian weightlifters have been banned for historic doping offences, including a 35-year-old

competed in ultra-running and CrossFit since she was banned from weightlifting by her National Anti-Doping

- other than historic ones.The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) handed over information on 298 Russian

©NTV"In my opinion, this style of work of the anti-doping organisation does not help the fight against

doping and does not protect our clean athletes today."

The IWF was empowered to fight against doping but instead of fighting, we saw a hypocritical deception

CADF finds no adverse results in samples retested after Operation Aderlass

  • Cycling

The Cycling Anti-Doping Foundation (CADF) announced there were no adverse analytical findings in the

 The results have been shared with the World Anti-Doping Agency and the Austrian authorities for

German city of Erfurt.The raids followed revelations made by Austrian skier Johannes Dürr about blood doping

the defendants.Prosecutors have accused Schmidt and his co-defendants of assisting athletes in blood doping

especially in cycling and winter sports.Last month, Schmidt admitted that since 2012 he had been using doping

athletes.The defendants could face prison sentences of up to 10 years if found guilty, following anti-doping

Andrei Kirilenko, NBA’s AK-47, targets "unfair" WADA sanctions on young Russian athletes

  • The Big Read

As Russia prepares its appeal against a series of World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) sanctions excluding

"It’s really unfair for a lot of athletes who have never been involved in doping," Kirilenko, who has

Doping is a global problem.

And that’s why I am quite positive that there is not a system in Russian sport for doping.

Maybe somebody in the high echelon of Government knows about doping - maybe not. We don’t know.

But for me it doesn’t look like Russia has a doping system.

Exclusive: IWF rejects calls for Board to quit and announces strong support for March elections

  • Weightlifting

Weightlifting Federation (IWF) will be restricted in its attempts to act on the sport’s latest anti-doping

have appropriate provisions" for dealing with Board members who might be implicated in the World Anti-Doping

look forward to the ITA diligently and professionally handling the intelligence and suspected anti-doping

line with the WADA Code, which requires International Federations to ensure its members follow anti-doping

Seven members of the IWF Board are from nations with poor doping records, including two which are banned

from Tokyo 2020, Thailand and Egypt.WADA’s report stated that weightlifting doping in Romania, also

Biathlete Slepov cleared by RUSADA in whereabouts failures case

  • Biathlon

The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) has cleared biathlete Alexey Slepov in a whereabouts failures

TASS, he was able to prove he was in hospital with "poisoning" instead of at the location on the Anti-Doping

 Doping has been a prominent issue in biathlon, particularly among Russian athletes.In February,

RBU) was demoted to provisional membership of the IBU in December 2017 in response to the country's doping

RUSADA to begin process of selecting new director general in December

  • Olympics

The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) is set to begin the process of selecting a new director general

 The decision to sack Ganus prompted the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the Institute of National

Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO) to express concern over the independence of RUSADA.RUSADA acting general

"Shocking" findings of WADA investigation into weightlifting to be passed on to other sports

  • Weightlifting

Weightlifting Federation’s (IWF) Interim President, Mike Irani, has admitted that the latest revelations about doping

A three-year investigation, which is continuing, by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) intelligence

control is good news for all clean athletes, and it is a step towards ridding our sport of doping."

The provisional outcomes of WADA’s investigation into doping within weightlifting make for shocking reading

This week’s agreement will empower the ITA to manage the entire anti-doping programme for international

weightlifting, including the investigation and prosecution of all anti-doping rule violations, said

Transfusions, tip-offs, bribery, undetectable growth hormones - how doping corruption in weightlifting

  • Weightlifting

A three-year World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) investigation into doping in weightlifting, based largely

the McLaren Independent Weightlifting Investigation, published in June, related to historic cases of doping

to swap clean urine for dirty urine.A law-enforcement agency is currently investigating alleged anti-doping

or former officials suspected of knowingly facilitating the doping of athletes under their supervision

Coaches provided athletes with doping programmes, and one coach acted as a doping consultant to athletes

of bribes in exchange for anti-doping protection."

CAS delays hearing Ustyugov and Sleptsova appeals due to COVID-19

  • Biathlon

Russian biathletes Evgeny Ustyugov and Svetlana Sleptsova face a longer wait for their appeals against doping

the delay.Ustyugov and Sleptsova were given two-year bans after being found guilty of violating anti-doping

rules by the International Biathlon Union's (IBU) Anti-Doping Hearing Panel.The IBU found Ustyugov had

thousands" on legal fees challenging the IBU ruling, and claimed the Russian athletes found guilty of doping

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) have created a system

WADA weightlifting probe uncovers "doppelgangers" providing urine samples on behalf of athletes

  • Weightlifting

weightlifters from six countries are suspected of providing manipulated urine samples after a World Anti-Doping

International Testing Agency, which is in charge of the International Weightlifting Federation's (IWF) anti-doping

For too long, clean weightlifters have had to deal with an entrenched culture of doping in their sport

We also commit to identifying other new investigative methods for our partners in the fight against doping

 "We want to detect doping wherever and however it occurs.

 "We will share the learnings and methodologies with anti-doping organisations, laboratories and