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Exclusive: Urso will not stand for IWF Presidency this time - or even for the Board

  • Weightlifting

Antonio Urso, the Italian who was beaten by Tamás Aján in the last International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) election, will not stand for the Presidency again and has no intention of returning to the Executive Board either at the next Congress early next year.

what I have been saying for 10 years – that we need ethically correct people in weightlifting, not doping

and appointed Intarat Yodbangtoey in her place.Intarat is from Thailand, a country with a terrible doping

After weightlifting’s week of turmoil will the IOC step in and do what the athletes want?

  • The Big Read

Here is a report amalgamated, with slight modifications, from three different sources – this website and two newspapers who published this news on May 22 last year.

that are banned from Tokyo 2020 or restricted in how many athletes they can send because of multiple doping

predecessor Intarat Yodbangtoey from Thailand, whose nation is banned from Tokyo 2020 for multiple doping

law professor Richard McLaren showed that Aján had overseen widespread corruption in finance, anti-doping

I wrote on behalf of athletes to say there was still a lot of doping, that clean athletes weren’t being

Board members should be suspended if their national federation is sanctioned for doping violations,"

Russian world champion weightlifter suspended for doping offence

  • Weightlifting

Another of Russia’s world champions has been provisionally suspended on a doping charge by the International

historical offence based not on a positive sample but on evidence from an investigation by the World Anti-Doping

evidence, plus a number of ongoing cases will likely take the total of Russian weightlifters banned for doping

and is restricted to one male and one female lifter at the postponed Tokyo 2020 Games because of its doping

The IWF was empowered to fight against doping but instead of fighting, we saw a hypocritical deception

Russian racewalker Borchin rejects return to competition after eight year doping ban

  • Athletics

Olympic racewalking champion Valery Borchin rejected a return to competition after serving an eight year doping

eight-year ban from October 15 2012 following irregularities in his biological passport, his second doping

ban from 2005 for failing an in-competition drugs test for the banned stimulant ephedrine.With his doping

 More than 25 leading Russian walkers have been banned for doping violations in recent years, including

AIBA Interim President claims "real change" has been made and calls for IOC support

  • Boxing

International Boxing Association (AIBA) Interim President Mohamed Moustahsane has claimed the organisation is delivering "real change" and has asked for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to support its reform process.

extend its contract with the International Testing Agency to continue its compliance with the World Anti-Doping

Exclusive: Ex-Interim President Papandrea quits IWF Board that has "absolute disregard for IOC"

  • Weightlifting

The Executive Board of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) has been accused of putting its own members’ interests ahead of the sport’s Olympic future in a damning resignation letter by Ursula Papandrea.

Federation", it said.Aján was shown to have overseen decades of corruption at the IWF - in finance, anti-doping

Intarat, from the IOC and within weightlifting, as he represents a nation that has a long history of doping

whom are from nations that are banned from Tokyo 2020 or can only send small teams because of multiple doping

so.Interfering in the work we asked the International Testing Agency to do [the ITA oversees the IWF’s anti-doping

Article 12 draft and insisting on rewriting it in a way that gave protections to countries with multiple doping

Exclusive: European weightlifting leader Urso resigns from "crazy and destructive” IWF Board

  • Weightlifting

Antonio Urso, one of weightlifting’s most prominent anti-corruption campaigners, has resigned from the Executive Board of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) because of its "crazy and destructive" behaviour.

outcry about the decision he stepped aside within 48 hours.Intarat is from Thailand, a nation with a bad doping

years and was shown by the McLaren investigative team to have overseen corruption in finance, anti-doping

whom are from nations who are banned from Tokyo 2020 or have lost athlete quotas because of multiple doping

four years ago, has reformed the sport throughout Russia but his federation is plagued by historic doping

FITEQ launch webinar series on integrity and anti-doping

  • Teqball

International Federation of Teqball (FITEQ) has launched a series of webinars on integrity and anti-doping

, webinars on an introduction to the FITEQ integrity framework will be held.An introduction to anti-doping

 This is due to be followed by webinars on the specifics of anti-doping on November 4 and 5, and

 FITEQ became a signatory to the World Anti-Doping Code in September ©Getty ImagesMembers are strongly

an update on the organisation’s recent milestones, including becoming a signatory to the World Anti-Doping

Weightlifting crisis continues as Britain's Irani takes charge of IWF after Intarat steps down

  • Weightlifting

The British doctor Mike Irani has become the fourth leader of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) in less than nine months.

down as Interim President after less than two days in office.The IWF also agreed to extend its anti-doping

October 13).The appointment of Thailand’s Intarat, whose nation is banned from Tokyo 2020 because of doping

Board members whose nations are either banned or restricted to small teams at Tokyo 2020 because of doping

live ©Getty ImagesIrani, 71, is a long-standing member of the IWF Board, a former chair of the Anti-Doping

enable us to continue the successful cooperation by which the ITA has managed the IWF’s robust anti-doping

Entire Cycling Anti-Doping Foundation Board resigns before sport's switch to ITA

  • Cycling

All four members of the Cycling Anti-Doping Foundation (CADF) Board have today resigned as the International

effect.It comes after the International Cycling Union (UCI) decided to transfer the running of its anti-doping

Following the UCI's decision earlier this year to transfer global cycling's anti-doping operations to

With this new era for cycling's anti-doping programme looming closer, and with our mission at the CADF

It has been a privilege and an honour for the CADF to be at the helm of global cycling's anti-doping

 "Following what was a troubling time for our sport, when doping was rife, international cycling

Dentsu facing conflict of interest claims over $6 million Tokyo 2020 payment

  • Tokyo 2020

Dentsu is facing conflict of interest allegations after it was revealed the company paid more than $6 million (£4.6 million/€5.1 million) towards Tokyo 2020's successful campaign for the Olympic and Paralympic Games at the same time it was working for the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Massata.Both have already been convicted of corruption by a French court for covering up positive Russian doping