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Britain to prepare for Vancouver in Calgary

  • Archive News

  FEBRUARY 12 - BRITAIN'S team to compete in the Vancouver Winter Olympics next year are to prepare

"Team GB’s preparation camp prior to the Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games was also in Calgary

"We are confident that it can deliver what we need to allow Team GB to go into the Games as the best

prepared team possible.  

GB would have moved from 21st position in the medal table in Turin to 12th in 2008.  

will host the Team GB Preparation Camp in 2010 and they are great.  

British basketball coach resigns after relegation

  • Basketball

BASKETBALL today announced the resignation of Mark Clark (pictured) as head coach of the British women's team

Clark led the team to six consecutive victories in 2007, which consequently gained them promotion into

status.The International Basketball Federation (FIBA) has given Britain the target of being a Division-A team

to be able to take up the hosts' slot for 2012, so the team must now ensure they are promoted from Division-B

Following discussions with British Basketball I am resigning from the position of head coach of the women’s team

“I feel extremely privileged to have head coached the GB team and proud of the progress the team has

Olympic football tournament is Mickey Mouse, former Scotland manager claims

  • Archive News

 FEBRUARY 5 - CRAIG BROWN (picured), the former Scotland manager, has today claimed that the Olympic football tournament is just a "Mickey Mouse" event that means nothing.  He said: "It's [the Olympics] basically a Mickey Mouse tournament.

Brown has started an e-petition on the Scottish Parliament opposing the formation of a British football team

A petition on the Downing Street website calling for the creation of a British team has so far attracted

But Brown has warned that people in England do not realise the potential dangers of a combined team in

He said: "I am utterly convinced that a British team at the Olympics in London will bring Scotland the

"The people in England who are campaigning for a Team GB seem not to realise that the end of the Home

Olympic football tournament is Mickey Mouse, former Scotland manager claims

  • Football

 FEBRUARY 5 - CRAIG BROWN (picured), the former Scotland manager, has today claimed that the Olympic football tournament is just a "Mickey Mouse" event that means nothing.  He said: "It's [the Olympics] basically a Mickey Mouse tournament.

Brown has started an e-petition on the Scottish Parliament opposing the formation of a British football team

A petition on the Downing Street website calling for the creation of a British team has so far attracted

But Brown has warned that people in England do not realise the potential dangers of a combined team in

He said: "I am utterly convinced that a British team at the Olympics in London will bring Scotland the

"The people in England who are campaigning for a Team GB seem not to realise that the end of the Home

Woodhall joins British amateur boxing team

  • Archive News

  FEBRUARY 2 - FORMER world champion Richie Woodhall (pictured) is to help guide the fortunes of Britain's amateur boxers for London 2012, it was announced today.

Woodhall said: "I have been waiting for an opportunity to help talented up-and-coming boxers in the GB

"I relish the prospect of getting involved as part of the GB team and I am delighted to do my bit to

Woodhall joins British amateur boxing team

  • Boxing

  FEBRUARY 2 - FORMER world champion Richie Woodhall (pictured) is to help guide the fortunes of Britain's amateur boxers for London 2012, it was announced today.

Woodhall said: "I have been waiting for an opportunity to help talented up-and-coming boxers in the GB

"I relish the prospect of getting involved as part of the GB team and I am delighted to do my bit to

British cross-country team to be based at 2012 training camp

  • Archive News

 FEBRUARY 2 - BRITAIN'S team, led by Ian Stewart (pictured), will base themselves in the same town earmarked

for Team GB’s 2012 Olympic holding camp in preparation for the World Cross Country Championships

single room accommodation and access to the officers mess, including a chef assigned specifically to the team

”  Aldershot Barracks, which is located only a 10 minute drive away, was announced as the Team

GB 2012 Olympic holding camp by the British Olympic Association in January 2008.

End of the line for Britain's golden sailing girls after class dropped from 2012 Olympics

  • Sailing

DECEMBER 22 - BRITAIN'S sailing’s golden girls, Sarah Ayton, Sarah Webb and Pippa Wilson, today announced that they have raced for the last time as a trio following the controversial removal of the Yngling class from the 2012 Olympic Games.

fleet racing option for three women any longer, that effectively means the end of the line for us as a team

own after Athens it was really tough, but the RYA (Royal Yachting Association), through the Skandia Team

 GB programme, supported us 100 per cent."

Scots: We don't care what FIFA decide, we won't play ball

  • Archive News

ASSOCIATION officials today made it clear that even if FIFA do give the green-light to a British football team

"Personally, I'd prefer it if the English FA were the same, because I think going ahead with a GB team

would not cause a threat to their independence but has also said that if the British team were made

Will said: "It would set a very dangerous precedent to allow Scottish players to be involved in a GB

football team at the Olympics.

"That is the only scenario where they would be required to formally approve a team.  

Hoy crowned BBC Sports Personality of the Year

  • Archive News

  CHRIS HOY (pictured), the triple Olympic champion, was tonight crowned the BBC Sports Personality of the Year for 2008 as cycling dominated the awards ceremony in Liverpool.

  The 32-year-old Scot gold medals in the sprint, team sprint and keirin events in Beijing in August

Britain's Olympic cycling team, which won 14 medals, including eight golds, Beijing was named the BBC's

Team of the Year, while performance director Dave Brailsford was chosen as Coach of the Year.  

Football great Sir Bobby Charlton, a member of England's 1966 World Cup winning team and whose tally

Simmonds, who was the youngest member of the GB team in Beijing, was born with achondroplastia or dwarfism

Former Scotland manager to present petition over 2012

  • Archive News

former manager, has organised a petition designed to show the opposition to a united British football team

Jim Murphy, the Scottish Secretary, recently claimed that he had received assurances that a British team

the Scottish Parliament’s health and sport committee, said: “The threat posed by the creation of a GB

football team goes way beyond football and if FIFA carries out the action outlined by their president

“No one, bar a handful of politically-motivated zealots in London, wants a GB football team precisely

Support for London 2012 strong, new poll claims

  • Archive News

  A NEW Government-commissioned poll published today claims that public enthusiasm for London staging the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in 2012 now stands at 78 per cent.

Research Bureau (BMRB), also claimed that Britain’s strong showing in the Beijing Games, where the team

That compares with only 42 per cent who believed in 2007 that Team GB could come fourth in the medals

Scottish MP complains to FIFA about English FA

  • Archive News

Government have "conspired" with the Football Association in an attempt to ensure a British football team

The Scottish Football Association (SFA) have stated their firm opposition to a GB football team taking

A spokesman for the SFA said: "The SFA remains utterly opposed to the concept of a team GB [football

team] in the London 2012 Olympics or any other competition.  

British Basketball appoints Canadian to help women's team

  • Archive News

BRITISH BASKETBALL has appointed Canadian Ken Shields (pictured) as assistant coach to the senior women’s team

He said: “I am delighted that Ken has agreed to become part of the GB Programme.   

Shields’ role with British Basketball is his fifth head or assistant national team position, in which

His first international job came with the Canadian national team, where he assumed several roles, but

and an assistant coach to the senior men’s national team.  

"He will be a great addition to our off-court team."  

UK Sport take over fundraising role

  • Archive News

    UK SPORT will take over the job of seeking private-sector sponsorship to help Olympic sports, like handball, prepare for London 2012 after a Government campaign failed to raise any money.

"This is £40million more than Beijing, where Team GB achieved such fantastic results.