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Pistorius sets sights on Berlin World Championships

  • Archive News

May 20 - Double-amputee sprinter Oscar Pistorius (pictured) hopes to compete against the top stars at the World Championships in Berlin despite his boat accident earlier this year, he has said.

.   "I had a lot of help from the medical team and friends and family.   "The first six

  BT Ambassador Sir Chris Hoy (pictured), who trains alongside the British Paralympic cycling team

at the Manchester Velodrome, was exclusively involved in the GB men's final wheelchair basketball training

I wish all the athletes competing in Manchester the best of luck.”   GB wheelchair basketball

Team GB Paralympic basketball teams named

  • Archive News

 MAY 15 - PARALYMPICSGB today confirmed the athletes selected as part of the men’s and women’s wheelchair basketball teams for the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games.

 Among those selected to the women’s team is 18-year-old Helen Freeman, making her Paralympic

”  Women’s team head coach Garry Peel said: “This is a great selection.  

led the team to silver in the Paralympic World Cup last week, where the team just missed out on the gold

squad is a real mixture of youth and experience and I believe this year could be a special one for GB

Cup in Manchester, where many of these athletes put in top performances to win silver and bronze for GB

Sir Alex set to be free to manage Team GB in 2012

  • Archive News

    SIR ALEX FERGUSON has today paved the way for him to manage Britain's football team in the 2012

But managing a British team to compete in London 2012 event could well appeal to the Scot, especially

footsteps of another former Manchester United managerial legend, Sir Matt Busby, who was in charge of the team

Cash boost for Australian sport

  • Archive News

  AUSTRALIAN SPORT is to receive an additional A$12.6 million (£5.3 million) in funding from the Government to help it prepare for the 2010 Commonwealth Games, it was announced today.

Kate Ellis, who lost her bet with British counterpart Gerry Sutcliffe that they would finish above Team

GB in the Olympic medals table.  

BOA appoints Sportsworld for Vancouver 2010

  • Archive News

  THE British Olympic Association has exclusively appointed Sportsworld as the official ticket and tour operator for Britain for Vancouver 2010, they announced today.

At the last Winter Games in Turin in 2006, Britain's team of 40 won one medal, thanks to Shelly Rudman

Turin followed Salt Lake City in 2002 when Britain's female curling team so memorably won the gold medals

are delighted to be working with Sportsworld to create opportunities for families and supporters of Team

GB to be part of the Vancouver Games.  

SPORTS ROUND-UP: A review of what is happening in Olympic sport

  • Archive News

  BRITISH sportsmen and women are travelling all over the world either seeking to qualify for the Beijing Olympics or to continue their preparations and insidethegames is with them every step of the way

With strong winds and the gold theirs to lose on Sunday’s final day, the Skandia Team GBR pair played

postponement waiting for conditions to settle, the medal race fleet got underway, but the British ‘Team

“I think the fact we were able to do that just highlights the strength of us as a team, and that’s what

qualification opportunity for the 30-year-old who must finish in the top three in Budapest and beat her three team

Yamauchi wants to skip Team GB training camp and prepare in Tokyo   MARA YAMAUCHI, Britain's best bet

London hosts Beijing Olympic debrief

  • Archive News

  A FOUR-DAY debrief on this year's Beijing Olympics is due to start in London this morning.

number one lesson" from Beijing was that the "most extraordinary" medal-winning performances of both Team

GB and ParalympicsGB is something that should be built upon in the next four years.  

British Olympic ski team dressed to win after signing new deal

  • Archive News

  BRITAIN'S Olympic ski team, including Chemmy Alcott (pictured), have signed a new deal with Italian

Mark Simmers, the chief executive of Snowsport GB, the governing body of the British Ski and Snowboard

teams, said: “The team has had a great summer of training and are in peak condition for the new season

company’s founder and current president said: "We are committed to supporting a young, highly motivated team

Chambers appointed chief commercial officer at BOA

  • Archive News

 HUGH CHAMBERS (pictured) was today appointed as the chief commercial officer of the British Olympic Association (BOA), it was announced.

In 2002 Prodrive took over responsibility for the running of the BAR Honda Formula 1 team where Chambers

"I also expect Hugh to play an important part in the new executive management team at the BOA, and look

”  Colin Moynihan, chairman of the BOA, said: "The BOA now has a world class commercial team with

"After Team GB’s great success in Beijing we now need to gear up to London 2012 as the host nation

Britain will improve soon claims Ohuruogu

  • Archive News

 BRITAIN'S athletes will soon start fulfilling their potential claimed Olympic gold medallist Christine Ohuruogu (pictured), who is set to face her own new challenger at London 2012.

"There is a lot more to come from the GB athletics team, it might not happen this year but it will happen

But Ohuruogu, having seen off Felix's team-mate Sanya Richards in Beijing and the 2007 World Championships

Athletes families to receive tickets for London 2012

  • Archive News

  BRITISH athletes' families, like Chris Hoy (pictured), will be guaranteed tickets for the London 2012 Olympics after many were forced to resort to the black market in Beijing.

"The athletes have given their lives to be members of Team GB and their family should be given the opportunity

London 2012 Parklands given green light

  • London 2012

MAY 2008 - THE largest new urban park to be created in the UK in the last 150 years moved a step closer today after the Parklands that will host the London 2012 Games were approved by the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) Planning Committee.

wildlife.”Hargreaves Associates was selected to design the Olympic Park Parklands in March 2008.The team

includes: Buro Four, LDA Design Ecology, the University of Sheffield , Field GB, TEP, Sarah Price Landscapes

Our legacy masterplanning team have been working closely with the parkland design team to ensure that

Britain set to hit Beijing medal target but no thanks to its athletes

  • Archive News

 AUGUST 3 - BRITAIN is set to achieve its target of winning 35 Olympic medals in Beijing but is heading for its worst performance in athletics for more than 30 years, the latest set of predictions published today warned.

Sailing will also be a big earner for Team GB, according to Sports Illustrated, with Ben Ainslie winning

GB (4km team pursuit); Wiggins and Mark Cavendish (Madison); Chris Hoy (keirin); Rebecca Romero (3km

Silver: Frankie Gavin (60kg boxing); Brabants (kayak single 500m); Hoy (sprint); Team GB (men's team

team event); Heather Fell (Modern Pentathlon); Team GB (women's quadruple sculls); Nick Rogers and Joe

Bronze: Team GB (men's team archery); Billy Joe Saunders (64kg boxing); Campbell Walsh (kayak single

Tory leader wants play-off for Team GB football in 2012

  • Archive News

  DAVID CAMERON (pictured), the leader of the Conservative Party, today said a tournament between the four football teams from the Home Countries should be held to decide who represents Britain at the 2012 London Olympics.

football governing bodies of Scotland and Wales and are opposed to the idea of a combined British football team

Cameron told BBC Scotland's Politics Show there was a need for one national team when it came to the

He said: "Maybe the answer is to have a home tournament, see who wins and that team goes forward, but

for the Olympics we've got to settle this so there is a representative team."  

He said: "What we're talking about in the Olympics is an under-21 team and the idea that, in any sense

Tory leader wants play-off for Team GB football in 2012

  • Football

  DAVID CAMERON (pictured), the leader of the Conservative Party, today said a tournament between the four football teams from the Home Countries should be held to decide who represents Britain at the 2012 London Olympics.

football governing bodies of Scotland and Wales and are opposed to the idea of a combined British football team

Cameron told BBC Scotland's Politics Show there was a need for one national team when it came to the

He said: "Maybe the answer is to have a home tournament, see who wins and that team goes forward, but

for the Olympics we've got to settle this so there is a representative team."  

He said: "What we're talking about in the Olympics is an under-21 team and the idea that, in any sense