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WADA publishes five-year strategic plan

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has published its five-year strategic plan titled "Leading Anti-Doping

athletes, representatives from the sports movement and Government, industry influencers, National Anti-Doping

proactively tackle emerging issues with agility and innovative solutions across all facets of anti-doping

programmes by enhancing capacity building and knowledge sharing between Anti-Doping Organisations and

programme delivery.Efforts to engage and empower athletes to contribute to the development of anti-doping

policies was cited as part of WADA's aim to be athlete centered.Building an easier anti-doping journey

Bańka defends WADA over handling of Russia crisis and amid US criticism

  • News

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) President Witold Bańka believes time has shown the watchdog made the

correct decision to reinstate the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) in 2018, while he has again defended

report and efforts to pass the Rodchenkov Act into law.The Pole inherited the fall-out of the Russian doping

cases proves WADA made the correct decision to reinstate RUSADA back in 2018.The Russian doping crisis

Thanks to the decision, it was finally possible to obtain samples and data from the Moscow anti-doping

AFLD President Dominique Laurent said the anti-doping community should be united in its efforts."

This role falls to the World Anti-Doping Agency under the UNESCO Convention against Doping in Sport,

Exclusive: Rodchenkov Act could undermine anti-doping system, warns drafter of World Anti-Doping Code

  • News

The Rodchenkov Act could compromise the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) ability to investigate and

will undermine the anti-doping system, Ulrich Haas, one of the co-drafters of the World Anti-Doping Code

said the Act in its current form is "seriously flawed" and could harm rather than improve the anti-doping

€870,000) or imprisonment of up to ten years, depending on the offence.Individual athletes who get caught doping

after Grigory Rodchenkov, the former director of the Moscow Laboratory who blew the whistle on Russian doping

or a similar vehicle provided by her National Anti-Doping Organization."

Haas also suggested the Rodchenkov Act could undermine the harmonisation of anti-doping rules, and warned

Ulrich Haas: Flawed Rodchenkov Act risks a return to anti-doping chaos

  • Inside the Blogs

Designed to protect clean sport, the Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act will have the opposite effect. 

(I&I) and a global anti-doping hotline called "Speak Up!"

or a similar vehicle provided by her National Anti-Doping Organisation.

 Consider how the world of anti-doping was in 1999 when WADA was founded, before the World Anti-Doping

The World Anti-Doping Code, US law or some other rules implemented by other countries?

These measures align with the World Anti-Doping Code and UNESCO's International Convention Against Doping

Nancy Gillen: Athlete A plays an integral role in exposing abuse in sport

  • Inside the Blogs

Streaming service Netflix has been a key feature of lockdown. The vast array of films and television shows on offer have been an effective way of keeping away the boredom caused by endless hours indoors. 

"Icarus" is another excellent watch for sports fans, especially those intrigued by the Russian doping

iNADO backs US call for strengthening of WADA governance after ONDCP report

  • News

The Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO) has backed calls for the World Anti-Doping

The intention of the reform proposals is to strengthen WADA, the global regulator in anti-doping, by

 "National Anti-Doping Organisations need an effective and trusted WADA and iNADO will support efforts

WADA has claimed the ONDCP report sought to discredit the anti-doping watchdog ©Getty ImagesThe ONDCP

when compared to its financial contribution.As well as calling for more independent athletes and anti-doping

IPC publish revised Anti-Doping Code after establishing independent hearing panel

  • Paralympics

International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has announced it has revised its version of the IPC Anti-Doping

Code following the establishment of an Independent Anti-Doping Hearing Panel.

, which will sit as the hearing body for the purposes of the code.This will include overseeing anti-doping

hearings.A completely new version of the IPC Anti-Doping Code will be released on January 1, which will

reflect the changes in the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code.A new version of the code will be published on

Games and all events and competitions under the jurisdiction of the IPC and which the IPC has anti-doping

adopted by the WADA Foundation Board in 2017.The updated code can be accessed here IPC Anti-Doping Code.pdf

Former marathon world record holder Kipsang banned for four years

  • Athletics

Kenya's former world marathon record holder Wilson Kipsang has been given a four-year ban from the sport following whereabouts failures and tampering by providing false evidence and witness testimony.

Kipsang was provisionally suspended in January after being charged with two breaches of anti-doping rules.The

Volare Sports and Wilson strongly believe in a clean sport and support anti-doping measures for a 100

We emphasise that there is no case of use of doping."No prohibited substance was ever found."

ever beaten the current world record holder Eliud Kipchoge over 26.2 miles.The AIU organised an anti-doping

risk.Category A nations are both successful at international level but present a "high absolute doping

"High probability" RusAF will be expelled following missed deadline, RUSADA chief warns

  • Athletics

Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) director general Yury Ganus believes there is a "high probability

pay $6.31 million (£5 million/€5.6 million) as part of reinstatement criteria following the nation's doping

then-President Dmitry Shlyakhtin - being charged by the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) for obstructing an anti-doping

down its taskforce, which is overseeing the country's reinstatement, and has halted the work of the Doping

Kenyan runner facing criminal charge after allegedly falsifying medical records

  • Athletics

long-distance runner is facing a criminal charge, accused of presenting false documentation to the Anti-Doping

Florence Jepkosgei Chepsoi appeared in a court in Eldorat charged under Kenya's Anti-Doping Act on June

statement, and plead not guilty.The case is due to be heard on August 13.Chepsoi was charged with an anti-doping

offence of presenting false documents to ADAK— Anti-Doping

non-compliance.Kenya is one of seven countries classed in Category A by the AIU in relation to their doping

the sport.Category A nations are both successful at international level but present a "high absolute doping

World Athletics stands down Russian Taskforce after deadline for owed money missed

  • Athletics

World Athletics has stood down its Russian Taskforce after confirming it has not been paid the money owed by the country.

pay $6.31 million (£5 million/€5.6 million) as part of reinstatement criteria following the nation's doping

Taskforce, which is overseeing the country's reinstatement, World Athletics has also halted the work of the Doping

The serious allegations of breaching the anti-doping rules resulted in a new RusAF administration and

International Association of Athletics Federations, in November 2015 following evidence of widespread doping

Biathlon Integrity Unit launches new website

  • Biathlon

The Biathlon Integrity Unit yesterday launched its new website, which it feels provides clearer information for biathletes through a user-friendly interface.

Information will be available on matters such as anti-doping, safeguarding, diversity and anti-corruption

secure and confidential ways to give information, via a whistleblower hotline.There will also be anti-doping

learning tools for both athletes and coaches alongside copies of the IBU Integrity Code, World Anti-Doping

Code and World Anti-Doping Agency Prohibited List.The International #Biathlon Union (IBU) is delighted

South African rugby player Ralepelle handed eight-year doping ban

  • Rugby Sevens

Former South African hooker Chiliboy Ralepelle's career will end after he was given an eight-year ban from rugby for failing a drugs test.

The athlete challenged the doping charge and was afforded the opportunity to seek legal counsel to present

The panel reached a decision first on the merits of the case where they found the player guilty of a doping

Ralepelle was handed an eight-year ban, rather than the usual four, because this was his third doping

sports jurisprudence to determine the appropriate sanction which they ruled to be the player's second doping

couple of months ©Getty ImagesAnother Springbok, winger Aphiwe Dyantyi, is currently also facing a doping