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Philip Barker: Cheating and the 100-year history of the Olympic Oath

  • Inside the Blogs

Arbitration for Sport has announced the Russian appeal against the sanctions imposed by the World Anti Doping

Nowadays, the majority of disqualifications are for doping.

Rechelle Hawkes became the first athlete to speak an oath "committing ourselves to a sport without doping

Although then-IOC President Jacques Rogge identified "match manipulation" as a growing threat, doping

hockey player Rechelle Hawkes became the first to speak an oath "committing ourselves to a sport without doping

President of Azerbaijan thanked Aján for delaying doping suspensions, says McLaren report

  • Weightlifting

The McLaren report on weightlifting corruption states that the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, personally wrote to Tamás Aján to thank him for delaying the suspension of certain athletes who had tested positive for steroids.

McLaren revealed that dozens of doping cases had been covered up, mostly featuring athletes from Azerbaijan

Aján's "meddling" in anti-doping procedures, against the rules of the body he led, is highlighted by

the McLaren team, which found that 21 Turkish athletes escaped suspension for doping and identified "

Over the decade there have been at least 615 confirmed Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs)."

HUNADO is not the cause of doping sample manipulation or hidden results," he said."

"Claims against me are unfounded," says Aján after weightlifting corruption revelations

  • Weightlifting

Tamás Aján, who was denounced for corruption during his long reign as a weightlifting leader by the Canadian law professor Richard McLaren today, has written an open letter claiming that the accusations against him are unfounded.

past two IWF elections had been rigged through bribery, and that Aján had constantly meddled in anti-doping

of sport, the Hungarian and international Olympic Movement, of weightlifting and the fight against doping

Adamfi’s future under review and ‘bribes-for-votes’ Board members to be investigated, says IWF

  • Weightlifting

The future of Attila Adamfi, director general of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) is "under legal review" following the publication of the McLaren Independent Weightlifting Investigation, said the governing body’s Interim President, Ursula Papandrea.

was castigated by McLaren for overseeing decades of corruption featuring financial malpractice, anti-doping

Papandrea also said that any evidence of criminal activity, or of breaking the rules of the World Anti-Doping

Brian Oliver: How did it come to this? Five months that shook the world of weightlifting

  • Inside the Blogs

’s Day, that two Egyptian coaches had been sent to jail during a Government inquiry into widespread doping

of corruption.The insidethegames headline on the day of the ARD broadcast was "Weightlifting’s doping

– German TV documentary targets IWF President Aján".Allegations of corruption and cover-ups in anti-doping

ago, were directed at Aján, the Hungarian who had held high office at the IWF since 1976.Claims of doping

positives, and who was seen by many as the "poster boy" of the doping era, announced his retirement

as an athlete.This is a sport in which athletes should be the focus of attention, and not for doping,

WADA sign agreement with intergovernmental group for French-speaking countries

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has signed an agreement to help tackle doping in the 43 member countries

CONFEJES will be expected to encourage its members who do not have National Anti-Doping Organisations

(NADOs) to establish them and to ensure their policies are in line with the World Anti-Doping Code and

incentivie its members to ratify and implement the terms of the UNESCO International Convention against Doping

principles of the code", WADA added.WADA said it will provide support to CONFEJES in its various anti-doping

program and are united in their resistance to doping in sport."

Doping cover-ups and more than $10 million missing - Aján condemned in weightlifting corruption inquiry

  • Weightlifting

More than $10 million (£7.9 million/€8.84 million) is unaccounted for, 40 doping positives have been

The primary sources of this cash were doping fines paid personally to the President and cash withdrawals

While Aján has impermissibly interfered with the IWF Anti-Doping Commission, the real problem is the

culture of doping that exists in the sport."

This information has been passed on to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for further investigation.

in the German documentary, of any improper conduct.A statement from WADA said: "The World Anti-Doping

Liam Morgan: The inner workings of the CAS, independence and Sun Yang

  • Inside the Blogs

like an eternity, Russia finally has its date in court in its protracted battle with the World Anti-Doping

International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1984, has three main divisions - ordinary, appeals and anti-doping

related and the other 180 would be handled by the ordinary division.If an athlete wishes to contest a doping

The anti-doping division (ADD), set up to handle such cases on behalf of International Federations, is

Russian Paralympic athletes set to begin return to training this month

  • Paralympics

Russian Paralympic Committee (RPC) President Vladimir Lukin has revealed the country's Para archers and powerlifters are set to return to training later this month after an enforced break due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Court of Arbitration for Sport upholds a series of sanctions imposed on the country by the World Anti-Doping

IMMAF finalise move from Sweden to Lausanne

  • Mixed Martial Arts

The International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) has moved its headquarters from Sweden to Lausanne as part of its bid to gain formal recognition.

turned down on each occasion, a decision which blocks its path to becoming a signatory of the World Anti-Doping

recognition with the GAISF.The global governing body has also taken legal action against the World Anti-Doping

Canadian sprinter handed two-year ban after CCES accepts unintentional violation defence

  • Athletics

Canadian sprinter Graeme Thompson has been suspended for two years after the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) ruled he had ingested banned substances unintentionally.

anabolic agent and tamoxifen is a hormone and metabolic modulator.Both substances are on the World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA) prohibited list.Clenbuterol has long posed a problem for anti-doping authorities as it

Salazar appeal against four-year ban to be heard by CAS in November

  • Athletics

Banned athletics coach Alberto Salazar's appeal against his four-year suspension will be heard by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in November.

were each banned for four years following a six-year investigation conducted by the United States Anti-Doping

Agency (USADA).Salazar was banned for "orchestrating and facilitating prohibited doping conduct" as

16 ©Getty ImagesSalazar was also said to have tampered, or attempted to tamper, with NOP athletes' doping

also banned for four years.No athletes have been charged with any offences, although the World Anti-Doping

of The Netherlands are among those to have been coached by Salazar.Neither has been charged with a doping

CAS sets November date for hearings in Russian doping case against WADA

  • News

Hearings in Russia's long-running case against the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) are set to take place

sport's highest court has set a firm date for the hearings in the case, triggered after the Russian Anti-Doping

four-year period if CAS rules in WADA's favour.Athletes who can prove they were not implicated in the doping

Exclusive: Indian weightlifter wants compensation for "injustice" of unclosed 2017 doping case

  • Weightlifting

lost her chance to qualify for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games because of an unexplained mix-up over a doping

injustice".Even now, more than two and a half years since her sample was taken by the United States Anti-Doping

which, it emerged last week, had its accreditation partially suspended for a month by the World Anti-Doping

champion ©Getty ImagesThe Indian Weightlifting Federation (IWLF) also said it had no knowledge of the doping

said: "Given the complex nature of the case, the initial review under Article 7.2 of the World Anti-Doping

Pending the decision of the IWF Disciplinary Panel, the World Anti-Doping Agency will review the situation