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Putin hopeful genetic tests will help Ustyugov with CAS appeal

  • Biathlon

reportedly expressed his hope that genetic tests will help biathlete Evgeny Ustyugov successfully appeal his doping

at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games, was found by the International Biathlon Union's (IBU) Anti-Doping

 An IBU statement said Ustyugov had "committed an Article 2.2 ADRV [anti-doping rule violation]

under the 2012 IBU Anti-Doping Rules" by using the prohibited substance oxandrolone.Ustyugov's results

Games.The International Olympic Committee has accused Russia of "systematic manipulation" of the anti-doping

Doping trafficking ring in Italy dismantled by Europol

  • News

supported by Europol, has taken down a criminal network who were arrested after trafficking illegal doping

suspected involvement, while 30 more have been charged of lesser crimes.Over 900 packs of medicine for doping

European cross country champion Fsiha given four-year doping ban

  • Athletics

European cross country champion Robel Fsiha has been banned for four years by the Swedish Anti-Doping

test result came back positive and was later told he could be stripped of his title.The Swedish Anti-Doping

To get away with it, it is necessary to show to the doping board that you have not intentionally got

to the Expressen, Fsiha had said he had "just ate a medicine tablet for colds", but the Swedish Anti-Doping

WADA uncovers four more cases from Moscow Laboratory investigation

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has uncovered a further four adverse findings as it continues analysing

Russian athletes targeted through the probe, leading to detailed case packages being provided to 28 Anti-Doping

Organisations (ADOs).WADA also said it was confident that a decision in its case against the Russian Anti-Doping

Committee received an update during the meeting on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on WADA's anti-doping

meeting ©Getty Images"We remain committed to assisting ADOs in supporting and monitoring their anti-doping

World Athletics open registration for COVID-19 relief fund for athletes

  • Athletics

World Athletics has opened registration to its COVID-19 relief fund, to help athletes financially who are struggling due to the suspension of activity during the pandemic.

criteria of having already met the entry standard for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, never receiving an anti-doping

Global Athlete calls on AIU and WADA to "uphold the rules" and appeal Dry ban

  • Athletics

representative body for athletes, has called for the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) and the World Anti-Doping

Dry was provisionally suspended by the UK Anti-Doping Agency (UKAD) a year ago, receiving a charge of

"tampering or attempted tampering with any part of doping control", and then admitted lying about his

whereabouts.An independent National Anti-Doping Panel (NADP) dismissed the charge against him, but UKAD

Athlete (@GlobalAthleteHQ) May 14, 2020"The WADA Program rules clearly state that Whereabouts Anti-Doping

organisations to assert a whereabouts anti-doping rule violation after just one missed test."

WADA praise success of partnership between South Africa and Ethiopia

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) claims a three-year partnership agreement between the South African

Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS) and the Ethiopian National Anti-Doping Organization (ETH-NADO)

monitored by WADA, SAIDS provided support, guidance and expertise to ETH-NADO to help build its anti-doping

partnership has led to improvements in the organisation and structure of ETH-NADO, as well as boosting its doping

This partnership has been extremely beneficial to anti-doping in Ethiopia and I would like to thank our

Just as a young athlete can learn from a more senior mentor, so too is the case with National Anti-Doping

In short, this partnership has helped to build anti-doping capacity and strengthen the system within

Weightlifting mourns former figureheads in Albania and Kazakhstan

  • Weightlifting

Two prominent figures in weightlifting in Europe and Asia have died within days of each other this week, Gudar Beqiraj of Albania and Kairat Turlykhanov of Kazakhstan.

who competed in Beijing and London had taken steroids.Kazakhstan has been more rigorous in its anti-doping

procedures in recent years.Only this week, Kazakhstan's National Anti-Doping Agency announced that Anna

Nurmukhambetova, the nation's only remaining medallist from London 2012, had been suspended for four years for doping

at national level.Nurmukhambetova was promoted from fifth place to third in the 69kg class after doping

Exclusive: International Weightlifting Federation budgeted to spend 93 per cent of revenues on anti-doping

  • Weightlifting

Weightlifting Federation (IWF) spent a sum equivalent to well over half its annual revenues on anti-doping

higher than what was evidently a fairly conservative forecast.So the proportion of revenue spent on anti-doping

last year will probably have been somewhat lower, though still eye-poppingly high.Anti-doping expenses

at the body, which presides over a sport that has been shown to have a highly problematic doping culture

.This was in a year when the IWF’s revenues totalled $4.1 million (£3.3 million/€3.73 million).Anti-doping

programme, with those nations with the worst doping records since Beijing punished.In the midst of all

World Anti-Doping Agency calls for nominations for Standing Committees

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is seeking candidates for vacant places on its 2021 Standing Committees

all Standing Committees was capped at 12 as part of governance reforms initiated by the global anti-doping

term as the athlete representative on the CRC, which deals with compliance matters such as the Russian doping

Di Gregorio given four-year ban after conclusion of 2018 doping case

  • Cycling

French cyclist Rémy Di Gregorio has been banned for four years after the conclusion of a doping case

Cofidis suspending and withdrawing him from the race.Rémy Di Gregorio was suspended after a positive doping

with Di Grégorio given a one-year suspended prison sentence for having equipment that can be used for doping

Nigerian Weightlifting Federation to promote vice-president into top role

  • Weightlifting

The Nigerian Weightlifting Federation (NWF) is to promote vice-president Emmanuel Nwankwo to lead the organisation after the death of President Yahaya Muhammad.

including Chika Amlaha, who last December was stripped of a Commonwealth Games gold from Glasgow 2014 for doping

Cameron Angus: Why less is more - sports events in a post COVID-19 world

  • Inside the Blogs

The impact of COVID-19 on the sports industry is difficult to predict, not least because such an impact depends almost wholly on when society returns to "normal" and what that "normal" will look like.

The protection of athletes’ mental and physical health – including the prevention of doping – is paramount

 The steadfast pressure for fast recovery also has a clear link to doping propensity - something