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International Testing Agency warns of higher costs

  • Latest

The International Testing Agency (ITA) has warned that it faces higher costs as a consequence of global events and inflation.

The doping control agency used its 2022 financial statements to disclose that it expects "a negative

Triple Olympic equestrian medallist Lamaze suspended for four years over fabrication of medical documents

  • Equestrian

Triple Olympic equestrian medallist Eric Lamaze of Canada has been suspended for four years for fabricating medical documents.

received the ban after the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) concluded he committed an anti-doping

diagnosis for brain cancer, which he made public in 2019 is suspended until September 11 in 2027.Under anti-doping

with brain cancer ©Getty ImagesHe has 21 days in which to appeal the decision, as do the World Anti-Doping

Agency and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, as the athlete’s national anti-doping organisation.The

First German cross-country skiing world champion Grimmer dies aged 80

  • Cross-Country

Gerhard Grimmer, the first German cross-country skiing world champion, has died aged 80 due to illness.

competitors.He worked as an official after retiring and has been accused of being part of the state-sponsored doping

programme.However, the former skier has denied claims despite Stasi documents saying he was aware of the doping

IWF commended by Bach prior to decision set to save its Olympic status in Mumbai

  • Weightlifting

commended by International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach for "the most strict anti-doping

Weightlifting was left off the initial programme for Los Angeles 2028 following doping and corruption

former President Tamás Aján resigned in 2020 after an ARD documentary accused him of corruption in anti-doping

They have started a robust anti-doping programme.

So when we look at the numbers, there is a significant reduction in doping cases."

This is the most strict anti-doping programme weightlifting has ever had in their history."

WADA vice-president Yang calls on Governments to assist anti-doping efforts

  • Hangzhou 2022

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) vice-president Yang Yang has insisted that education should be made a

The double Olympic champion feels the anti-doping system should also strike a balance between supporting

We all must do more about the entourage - every department of anti-doping is involved," the Chinese former

NADOs (National Anti-Doping Organisations) must be properly resourced and Governments can help further

It's necessary for them to get enough anti-doping education and be held accountable if they are 'bad

 "Many are well-educated about anti-doping matters but some are not.

North Korea’s record-breaking weightlifters - "they’re so good it’s scary"

  • The Big Read

China’s women weightlifters lead the ranking list in all five weight categories for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

encouraged Kim to say something.He had himself spoken about his country’s efforts to comply with strict anti-doping

medals were won by women.Many athletes, coaches and followers of weightlifting around the world suspect doping

foreign testers were now welcome in his country, by saying: "Some countries misunderstand our anti-doping

Our athletes are tested by our NADO [National Anti-Doping Agency]."

Exclusive: WADA warns OCA will face "consequences" over North Korean flag at Asian Games

  • Hangzhou 2022

The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) is set to face the "appropriate consequences" from the World Anti-Doping

than the Olympic and Paralympic Games for as long as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Anti-Doping

reach a "mutually acceptable" agreement.The DPRK ADC was declared non-compliant with the World Anti-Doping

programme.As insidethegames reported today, North Korean has agreed to open up to foreign visitors from anti-doping

The borders have opened and they can send the doping control officers to do the testing which the WADA

WADA will continue to work with the NADO to strengthen the anti-doping system in DPRK in order to protect

North Korea "opens up" to foreigners following stunning Asian Games return after threat of exclusion from weightlifting

  • Weightlifting

North Korea has agreed to open up to foreign visitors from anti-doping agencies to protect its sporting

North Korea has taken the decision to allow foreign anti-doping officials into the country following

Some countries misunderstand our anti-doping controls, it is an unfortunate situation," he added."

Our athletes are tested by our NADO [National Anti-Doping Agency].

If CHINADA (the Chinese Anti-Doping Agency) wants to come, if WADA wants to send people, we are open

rule will have taken effect.By categorising nations based on risk of doping violations from November

JJIF President wants China to host ju-jitsu events after Hangzhou 2022 success

  • Hangzhou 2022

Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) President Panagiotis Theodoropoulos is hopeful that China will become a future host of one of the body's major events following the sport's success at the Asian Games here.

important [for ju-jitsu] that this works and that other event types which are recognised, under World Anti-Doping

Former Polish NOC President Kraśnicki receives EOC Order of Merit

  • EOC

Former Polish Olympic Committee (PKOL) President Andrzej Kraśnicki has been awarded the European Olympic Committees (EOC) Order of Merit at the General Assembly here.

Relations Commission José Manuel Araújo, EU Brussels office director Folker Hellmund, Medical and Anti-Doping

Commission chair Klaus Steinbach and World Anti-Doping Agency director for the European office and Olympic

Mongolian weightlifter becomes latest athlete to fail drugs test at Hangzhou 2022

  • Hangzhou 2022

A Mongolian weightlifter has become the sixth athlete to test positive for doping during the Asian Games

provisionally suspended by the International Testing Agency (ITA) after being found to have violated anti-doping

returned an adverse analytical finding for drostanolone metabolite, a steroid that is on the World Anti-Doping

Agency’s banned list.The sample in question was collected by the ITA during an out-of-competition anti-doping

The matter will thereafter be referred to the Anti-Doping Division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport

for adjudication under the OCA [Olympic Council of Asia] anti-doping rules."

North Korea's weightlifting world records given seal of approval by IWF

  • Hangzhou 2022

World records set by North Korean weightlifters at the Asian Games have been validated by the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) and published today on its website.

North Koreans had competed since December 2019 or earlier, and none had been subject to the same anti-doping

eligible to compete.The IWF said that all 14 North Korean lifters had been "subjected to at least one doping

The IWF also said that all 14 North Korean lifters had been "subjected to at least one doping control

at the Asian Games".A new IWF anti-doping policy comes into effect on January 1, from when North Korea

will have to "open up" to allow doping control officers into the country for unannounced testing if