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Trinidad and Tobago set to boost athlete testing

  • PASO

The Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC) Anti-Doping Organisation has pledged to test more athletes

With the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) holding their "Play True Day" on April 9, TTOC is looking to

measures in the future to ensure more people are tested in their pool.Terry Ali, chairman of TTOC's Anti-Doping

something in sport like training with a statement 'I support Play True' to the Trinidad and Tobago Anti-Doping

years ©Getty ImagesAli said, "There is always room for increased numbers of testing, but national anti-doping

at the high risk, medium risk and low risk sports - sports with different degrees of risk of using doping

Estonian coach admitted coordinating blood doping FIS decision reveals

  • Cross-Country

to coordinating contact between cross-country skiers and German doctor Mark Schmidt to conduct blood doping

coach Andrus Veerpalu have since been banned for their involvement in the Operation Aderlass blood doping

scandal.Kärp has been handed a sanction of two years and six months for “blood doping and use of prohibited

substances”, according to the Estonian Anti-Doping Agency.The reduced sanction was due to active cooperation

Schmidt and his assistants performed blood doping,” read an FIS decision, published by Estonian outlet

network.Dürr, suspended for two years after being sent home from Sochi 2014 for doping, is among the

WADA encourage stakeholders to Play Safe on Play True Day

  • News

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) have encouraged athletes, sporting organisations and anti-doping bodies

virus.Numerous sporting events have either been cancelled or postponed during the pandemic, while anti-doping

“We salute this global team effort on Play True Day and remain well prepared for the day when anti-doping

Thailand appealing "unfair" Olympic weightlifting ban

  • Weightlifting

weightlifting at Tokyo 2020 and suspended from the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) for multiple doping

given that those two were suspended for a year in 2017 under the IWF’s "Tbilisi decision" concerning doping

two to four years, depending whether it was a first or second offence.Thailand was also involved in a doping

filmed an interview with the Olympic medallist Siripuch Gulnoi, who said girls as young as 13 were doping

and held high hopes of more at Tokyo 2020 until being derailed by doping.Malaysia - which had four doping

Programmes to raise awareness and avoid doping among the lifters will continue."

CAS hearing dates for banned Russian bobsleigh athletes and FIFA officials confirmed

  • Bobsleigh and Skeleton

issued by the International Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation on April 23, as well as the World Anti-Doping

Khuzin.The four athletes were handed two-year bans by the IBSF after being implicated in the Sochi 2014 doping

together in the country's second four-man team, coming fourth.The teams were later disqualified for doping

Athletes who dope before postponed Olympics risk ban from Tokyo 2020 and Paris 2024, warn AIU

  • Athletics

Athletes who dope between now and the postponed Tokyo 2020 Olympics risk being banned from that event and the Games in Paris four years later, the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) has warned.

The AIU, which handles doping cases for World Athletics, sent the message amid concerns over the impact

others, leading to suggestions athletes may look to take advantage of the gaps even the World Anti-Doping

2021 - that they could miss two consecutive editions of the Games if they are caught as first-instance doping

drug cheats, who would have been excluded from the Games had they taken place this year because of a doping

 "Under the World Anti-Doping Code, the sanctions are a function of time and are not correlated

IMMAF chief takes aim at WADA and GAISF during recognition bid

  • Mixed Martial Arts

has criticised the Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) and the World Anti-Doping

recognition by the GAISF, a decision which blocks its path to becoming a signatory of the World Anti-Doping

Code, we require information about the organisation’s governance, structure, planned or existing anti-doping

Two weightlifting Championships postponed due to coronavirus crisis

  • Weightlifting

Two International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) affiliated events - the Pan American Youth Championships and the African Championships have been postponed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

North Carolina.Due to the lack of training ability for athletes and a struggle to maintain consistent doping

Tokyo 2020 weightlifting bans for Thailand and Malaysia confirmed by sanctions panel

  • Weightlifting

been officially banned from sending weightlifters to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games because of multiple doping

event was postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic.Thailand, the country with the worst recent doping

at the 2018 World Championships.The decision from the panel, which punishes countries with multiple doping

under-18s cannot compete for five months after the next IWF competition.Thailand has the worst recent doping

this year if the organisation can demonstrate it has adhered to criteria designed to prevent further doping

 The panel, which comprises legal and anti-doping experts from the United States, Germany, Canada

Athletics Integrity Unit still to test "where safe to do so" amid coronavirus crisis

  • Athletics

The Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) have said they will only conduct their priority testing where it is deemed safe to do so with the ongoing threat of COVID-19 worldwide.

Testing Pool.Currently seven nations are on the AIU's Category A, meaning they are the highest risk of doping

are all changing very rapidly.Asbel Kiprop of Kenya is one of the biggest names to test positive for doping

under the AIU enforcement ©Getty Images"As a result, there is no doubt that our anti-doping programme

balancing considerations of public health and the health of athletes against the need to conduct anti-doping

or enabling doping in the sport.Among the biggest names to fail a test under the AIU is Olympic 1500