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Aján resigns as honorary International Olympic Committee member

  • Weightlifting

International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) President Tamás Aján has resigned as an honorary member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) after he was accused of corruption in a German TV programme.

that of the Olympic Movement".Aján was the main subject of the German television documentary Secret Doping

broadcast by ARD on January 5, which featured allegations of corruption, both financial and in anti-doping

will include identifying, nominating and recommending independent experts in fields including anti-doping

Whistleblower hotline set up to help McLaren investigation into allegations of corruption in weightlifting

  • Weightlifting

A whistleblower hotline established to help Richard McLaren's independent investigation into allegations of corruption in weightlifting has gone live and is now operational.

Sport Solutions, the Canadian lawyer - whose investigative work did so much to expose state-sponsored doping

raised in a German television documentary in January.Allegations of corruption in finance and anti-doping

procedures involving the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF), and of doping by children in

Thailand, were made in the television documentary Secret Doping – Lord of the Lifters, which was shown

WADA describe anti-doping progamme at 2019 African Games as "massive step forward"

  • Morocco 2019

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has described the programme in operation at last year's African Games

confidence in athletes and the public as to the quality, effectiveness and reliability of the Games' anti-doping

Committee and the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa were praised for a "robust" anti-doping

 "The anti-doping programme that was implemented during these Games was a massive step forward in

as all African countries hosting major events, will support and commit further to the fight against doping

in sports, by making use of this report and ensuring that the fight against doping continues to progress

Nancy Gillen: Sharapova leaves behind complicated legacy as tennis star retires

  • Inside the Blogs

The news of Maria Sharapova’s retirement was significant, but not entirely surprising.

It is more likely the silence surrounding her retirement is to do with the 15-month doping ban she received

Sharapova’s doping ban still came as a shock however, such was her prominence.Maria Sharapova shocked

The player claimed she had been unaware the drug was added to the World Anti-Doping Agency’s list of

ban.Sharapova’s doping offence has also seemed to stick in the mind of the public, who responded to

The chief sports correspondent for The Times, Matt Lawton, replied, “the 15 month doping ban aside

Sun Yang intends to appeal eight-year ban as lawyer alleges decision based on "lies"

  • Swimming

Sun Yang’s lawyer has confirmed the swimmer will lodge an appeal to the Swiss Federal Tribunal, following the decision to ban the swimmer for eight years last week.

Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on Friday (February 28).Sun received the maximum eight-year sanction for a second doping

and will not be able to return until February 2028.The CAS panel upheld an appeal by the World Anti-Doping

Swimming Federation (FINA) to let Sun off with a warning after finding him guilty of tampering with the doping

times world champion protest his innocence and claim the officials' credentials did not adhere to anti-doping

regulations.The CAS panel had agreed with WADA that the accreditation of the doping control officer

UCI claim no risk of coronavirus spread at World Track Cycling Championships

  • Cycling

The International Cycling Union (UCI) has issued a statement insisting that there is no risk of riders at World Track Cycling Championships in Berlin being infected with coronavirus.

in several European nations have been postponed or cancelled as a result, including the World Anti-Doping

Coronavirus outbreak forces WADA to cancel Annual Symposium

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has cancelled next month's Annual Symposium in Lausanne after Switzerland

officials from across the world.Topics on the agenda for this year's event were set to include the Russian doping

scandal and the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code.WADA President Witold Bańka claimed the decision was made

disappointed to announce the cancellation of its Annual Symposium, which has become the annual event for anti-doping

Yurchenko elected Russian Athletics Federation President at Extraordinary Conference

  • Athletics

Yevgeny Yurchenko has been elected as President of the crisis-stricken Russian Athletics Federation (RusAF) at an Extraordinary Conference in Moscow.

Dmitry Shlyakhtin, who resigned after he was one of seven officials charged with obstructing an anti-doping

governing body, which has been suspended from World Athletics since allegations of state-sponsored doping

maintained.The ANA process has allowed Russian athletes who have been able to show a record of proper anti-doping

Leeper continues campaign to compete at Tokyo 2020 with CAS appeal

  • Tokyo 2020

Blake Leeper of the United States has appealed World Athletics' decision to not allow him to compete against able-bodied athletes at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).

bronze in the 200m at London 2012, but missed the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.He had received a two-year doping

Olympic champion Sun Yang banned for eight years by CAS

  • Swimming

Chinese Olympic swimming champion Sun Yang has been banned for eight years after one of his entourage destroyed his blood vial with a hammer during an attempted drugs test in September 2018, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) announced today.

The CAS panel upheld an appeal by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) against a decision from the International

Swimming Federation (FINA) to let Sun off with a warning after finding him guilty of tampering with the doping

champion who served a three-month drugs ban in 2014, received the maximum eight-year sanction for a second doping

the court building this morning ©Getty ImagesThe panel agreed with WADA that the accreditation of the doping

In its ruling, FINA's independent doping panel declared the attempted sample collection "invalid and

CAS set to announce verdict in Sun Yang doping case

  • Swimming

A decision in the high-profile doping case involving controversial Chinese Olympic swimming champion

verdict would be published at 10am CET.CAS will rule on whether to accept an appeal from the World Anti-Doping

marred by translation issues, Sun protested his innocence and blamed a lack of credentials possessed by doping

which led to a security guard destroying the vial.WADA dispute this and insist the credentials of the doping