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Three candidates vying to become RusAF President at crucial conference

  • Athletics

Three candidates will be in the running to succeed Dmitry Shlyakhtin as President of the Russian Athletics Federation (RusAF) when the crisis-ridden body holds elections at an Extraordinary Conference in Moscow tomorrow.

Dmitry Shlyakhtin, who resigned after he was one of seven officials charged with obstructing an anti-doping

governing body, which has been suspended from World Athletics since allegations of state-sponsored doping

WADA fail with bid to hold Russia doping case hearing in public

  • News

A request from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to hold the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) hearing

in the protracted Russian doping case in public has been rejected because of an "absence of an agreement

The CAS also confirmed today that the hearing in the procedure, triggered after the Russian Anti-Doping

any World Championships it has been awarded.Athletes who can prove they were not implicated in the doping

British Commonwealth Games medallist banned after UKAD successfully appeal decision to clear him

  • Athletics

Games hammer double bronze medallist Mark Dry has been suspended for four-years for a breach of the doping

Scotland, admitted lying about his whereabouts at an initial hearing before the independent National Anti-Doping

Panel (NADP) in October last year.The Panel dismissed the charge against Dry, but UK Anti-Doping (UKAD

of the NADP appeal tribunal, Dry's false account was deemed to be conduct intended to "subvert the doping

It is UKAD's role to uphold the anti-doping rules, which apply to all athletes, and there are very strict

sanctions for anyone who deliberately interferes with or tries to obstruct the anti-doping process."

Liam Morgan: Responses to athlete survey paint worrying picture for sport

  • Inside the Blogs

Almost a year ago to the day, a new advocacy group for athletes burst onto the scene with promises to give competitors across sport an enhanced voice and to repair the "disconnect" between them and governing bodies.

beyond.A statement from the group would appear almost immediately after the likes of the World Anti-Doping

Ukraine striker Besedin given one-year doping ban by UEFA

  • Football

Ukraine international Artem Besedin has been banned for a year by UEFA after a breach of anti-doping

The 23-year-old was provisionally suspended on December 19 following an unnamed anti-doping rule violation.In

Russian Sports Minister promises to protect interests of Loginov after anti-doping raid

  • Biathlon

everything necessary" to protect the interests of Alexander Loginov after he was the subject of an anti-doping

Loginov and his coach Alexander Kasperovich were searched on Saturday (February 22) on suspicion of doping

phone and laptop during the raid, which the Russian Embassy claimed did not produce any evidence of doping

this week, the IBU denied it had instructed Italian authorities to raid Loginov, who served a two-year doping

using another person's accreditation".Drachev said the raid could be connected to Loginov's previous doping

the Biathlon Integrity Unit.Loginov was also among the five Russians investigated for possible anti-doping

Albanian sprinter found guilty of doping offence at London 2012

  • London 2012

Albanian sprinter Klodiana Shala has been found guilty of committing an anti-doping offence at London

the 200 metres but did not race after withdrawing injured.However, she was still subject to the anti-doping

this manner, including Olympic champions and medallists.IOC sanctions one athlete for failing anti-doping

Disciplinary Commission, chaired by Denis Oswald, ruled that Shala was "found to have committed an anti-doping

Colombia face prospect of Tokyo 2020 weightlifting ban after three positive tests

  • Weightlifting

participating at Tokyo 2020 weightlifting competitions after three of their athletes were suspended for anti-doping

risk.A rule adopted with the new Olympic qualifying system states that any nation with three or more doping

Thailand have already been ruled out of the Tokyo 2020 after multiple positive tests.Under the IWF's anti-doping

Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus and Azerbaijan - can send only two athletes because they have had 20 or more doping

Former Swiss professional Lang confesses to involvement Aderlass doping network

  • Cycling

Former Swiss professional cyclist Pirmin Lang has confessed to involvement in the Aderlass doping network

athletes in several sports, including skiing and cycling, as being involved alleged involvement in a doping

Mr Lang tendered his resignation after being interviewed by police investigating historical doping offences

banned as part of Operation Aderlass.Durasek, Preidler and Denifl received four-year bans following anti-doping

suspended by the International Cycling Union (UCI) in May as part of an investigation into "potential anti-doping

IBU denies instructing Italian authorities to conduct raid on Loginov

  • Biathlon

The International Biathlon Union (IBU) has denied instructing Italian authorities to conduct a raid on Russian Alexander Loginov and his coach Alexander Kasperovich during the World Championships in Antholz-Anterselva.

to compete in the men’s mass start competition following the raid.The Russian, who served a two-year doping

Loginov has been targeted ©Getty ImagesDrachev said the raid could be connected to Loginov's previous doping

, but not for the conflict.”Loginov was also among the five Russians investigated for possible anti-doping

Controversial swimmer among six Australians named Tokyo 2020 ambassadors by Optus

  • ONOC

Swimmer Mack Horton is among a group of six sports stars announced by Optus who will represent the telecommunications company’s sponsorship of the Australian Olympic team on the road to Tokyo 2020.

Sun Yang during the World Aquatics Championships in South Korean city Gwangju, because of his rival's doping

Farah faces fresh scrutiny after documentary claims Olympic champion changed account to investigators

  • Athletics

reportedly receiving injections of the legal supplement L-carnitine when questioned by United States Anti-Doping

yesterday in the wake of controversial American distance running coach Salazar receiving a four-year doping

October.Salazar was sanctioned by the USADA for allegedly "orchestrating and facilitating prohibited doping

multiple athletes.Salazar was also alleged to have tampered, or attempted to tamper, with NOP athletes' doping

supplement, could help to boost performance.Infusions or injections were permitted within World Anti-Doping

UK Anti-Doping (UKADA) chief executive Nicole Sapstead claimed the body had watched the programme and

Røiseland secures fourth gold medal at Biathlon World Championships

  • Biathlon

Marte Olsbu Røiseland anchored Norway to victory in the women's relay to secure her fourth gold medal at the Biathlon World Championships in Antholz-Anterselva.

men's 7.5km event, which Russian Alexander Loginov competed in despite being the subject of an anti-doping

Italian police raid Loginov and coach on suspicion of doping at Biathlon World Championships

  • Biathlon

Italian police have conducted an anti-doping raid on Russian Alexander Loginov and his coach Alexander

Recently crowned sprint world champion Loginov, who served a two-year doping ban between 2014 and 2016

Bolzano prosecutor’s office, which searched the two Russians as part of an investigation into possible doping

another person's accreditation".Drachev also said the raid could be connected to Loginov's previous doping

products)".The Russian Embassy claimed the raid did not reveal any evidence of doping use.Loginov told

Loginov was among the five Russians investigated for possible anti-doping rule violations by Austrian

CHINADA to resume testing in China after suspension due to coronavirus

  • News

The Chinese Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) will resume testing next week following a temporary suspension

In a statement, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) said CHINADA would resume its testing programme,

supplementary set of guidelines have been implemented by CHINADA to help reduce the risk of infection of the doping

control while also monitoring the whereabouts of Chinese athletes to maintain the integrity of the doping

The safety of athletes and sample collection personnel involved in the doping control process within