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UKAD claims WADA yet to ask for samples to be retested for Salazar investigation

  • Athletics

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) has denied claims they refused a request from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA

would "look at" athletes who trained under banned coach Alberto Salazar.Salazar was found guilty of doping

violations earlier this year, after a four-year investigation by the United States Anti-Doping Agency

We comply with the World Anti-Doping Code, the international standards and the UK National Anti-Doping

UKAD had faced criticism from the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) for their alleged refusal to hand

over samples to WADA.UKAD played a leading role in helping rebuild the anti-doping system in Russia,

Aján moves aside as IWF President for 90 days - United States' Papandrea steps up

  • Weightlifting

Tamás Aján has stepped aside as President of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) for 90 days, pending investigations into allegations of corruption.

nbsp;The meeting was called in the aftermath of a recently aired German television documentary Secret Doping

– Lord of the Lifters, which featured allegations of corruption, both financial and in anti-doping procedures.The

will include identifying, nominating and recommending independent experts in fields including anti-doping

WADA suspend status of Moscow Laboratory in response to Russian data tampering

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has provisionally suspended the Moscow Laboratory from carrying out

In a statement, WADA revealed the status of the Laboratory at the heart of the Russian doping scandal

The accreditation of the Moscow Laboratory had been revoked when the allegations of state-sponsored doping

new WADA President Witold Bańka, took effect.It is the first major decision made by the global anti-doping

procedures, and doping by 13-year-old girls in Thailand.In response to the documentary, WADA said its

Code.WADA also promised it would follow-up on accusations regarding doping of weightlifters in Thailand

Russia beat United States to clinch men's ice hockey title at Lausanne 2020

  • Lausanne 2020

Russia sent a warning of the strength-in-depth in their junior ranks, easing to victory over the United States to secure the men's ice hockey gold medal at Lausanne 2020.

will be banned from major events, including the Olympic Games, as punishment for the state-sponsored doping

RUSADA and Russian Olympic Committee confident Matytsin can help solve crisis after appointment as Sports Minister

  • News

Oleg Matytsin can help solve the crisis in Russia following the doping scandal after he was appointed

International University Sports Federation (FISU) President's appointment has been welcomed by Russian Anti-Doping

found to have manipulated data from the Moscow Laboratory before it was handed over to the World Anti-Doping

attending major events if the Court of Arbitration for Sport rules in favour of WADA in the Russian doping

FISU President Matytsin appointed Russian Sports Minister

  • Universiade

International University Sports Federation (FISU) President Oleg Matytsin has been appointed as Russia's new Sports Minister in a Government reshuffle following the resignation of the entire cabinet.

predecessor Vitaly Mutko, Sports Minister from 2008 to 2016 and who was implicated in the state-sponsored doping

with the Russian appeal against a four-year set of sanctions imposed on the country by the World Anti-Doping

Matytsin's first task will be dealing with the Russian doping scandal and the series of sanctions from

Sport (CAS) rules in WADA's favour.Only Russian athletes who can prove they were not involved in the doping

expected to be held before May.Mutko was banned for life by the IOC for his role in the state-sponsored doping

Aján's 44-year reign at IWF under threat as Executive Board members demand change

  • Weightlifting

Tamás Aján's reign at the helm of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) will face arguably its biggest challenge tomorrow, when the governing body's Executive Board meets to discuss the sport's future.

or President of the IWF since 1976.He was the main target of a German television documentary, Secret Doping

"missing millions" in Swiss bank accounts that were accessible only to Aján, of corruption in anti-doping

procedures, and doping by 13-year-old girls in Thailand.The IWF strongly denied all the accusations,

which, if made, "would mean two years from now we would be in a better place, not just on the anti-doping

ITF confirm suspension of Wimbledon doubles champion Farah

  • Tennis

The reigning Wimbledon doubles champion Robert Farah has officially been provisionally suspended for doping

Under Article 8.3.1(c) of the 2019 Tennis Anti-Doping Programme, the suspension follows Farah providing

an out-of-competition testing mission on October 17 2019.Farah's sample was sent to the World Anti-Doping

, but has chosen not to exercise that right to date.Farah has denied the allegation.The Tennis Anti-Doping

I did an anti-doping test in Shanghai which had a negative result."

metabolite and Stanozolol metabolite - both on the WADA Prohibited List (Anabolic Agents).The Tennis Anti-Doping

Ursula Papandrea: Look beyond the dark clouds in weightlifting - when threats become opportunity

  • Inside the Blogs

Admittedly, these are very dark times for the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF).

sport.If the allegations prove true, the reputation of the sport, which has already been plagued with doping

way ever again.That would mean two years from now we would be in a better place, not just on the anti-doping

front, but on all fronts.So, it might not look like it, but the documentary Secret Doping – The Lord

testing and results database that anybody can access, which is what we have with the United States Anti-Doping

problem, it created an opportunity for us to provide a clean sport for our athletes, and in anti-doping

Qatari drug test failures put Tokyo 2020 jumping place at risk

  • Equestrian

A Qatari sheikh is one of two show jumpers from the country to have failed a drugs test for cannabis, with the national team's Tokyo 2020 Olympic place now under threat.

provisionally suspended by the FEI as carboxy-THC is only a specified substance on the 2019 World Anti-Doping

banned under the FEI's rules for human athletes.Should the governing body find the pair guilty of a doping

Weightlifting doping tally reaches 60 after fourth Romanian from London 2012 tests positive

  • Weightlifting

Romania’s chances of competing at this year's Olympic Games in Tokyo took another hit again when it was announced that another of its London 2012 lifters had tested positive.

sports.Gabriel Sîncrăian, already serving an eight-year suspension after being disqualified from Rio 2016 for doping

and, should Romania appeal, the Court of Arbitration for Sport.The time taken to close and confirm doping

having replaced Egypt, which lost the hosting rights after being suspended for two years for multiple doping

offences.The nine nations suspended in 2017-2018 were China for three doping violations in the retests

Olympian Studebaker-Hall named to key US Biathlon operations role

  • Biathlon

US Biathlon says it has taken a big step in organisational management with the hiring of Olympian Sara Studebaker-Hall to a new role as director of operations. 

ImagesShe will oversee organisational administration, including compliance with SafeSport and US Anti-Doping

UKAD criticised by Russia after refusing to give over Farah samples for Salazar investigation

  • Athletics

Russia have accused UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) of creating "a wall of mistrust" after they revealed they would

block any attempts by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to seize samples given by Sir Mo Farah during

substances.UKAD refused a request to hand over those it held for Sir Mo during the United States Anti-Doping

Agency's investigation into Salazar, banned in October for four years for doping offences.They claimed

system in Russia following the publication of a series of reports which led to the Russian Anti-Doping

 "Be it the British Anti-Doping Agency, RUSADA or some other.

doping samples can be carried out at any time solely on the instructions of the anti-doping organisation