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Russian Athletics Federation file response to AIU doping charges

  • Athletics

Federation (RusAF) has filed its response to charges that several of its officials obstructed an anti-doping

the explanation from RusAF, but neither party has divulged any further details.The AIU, which handles doping

and disciplinary issues for World Athletics, in November accused RusAF officials of "serious anti-doping

participate as neutrals at Tokyo 2020, despite a series of sanctions imposed on the country by the World Anti-Doping

 WADA ruled that Russian athletes who can prove they had no involvement in the doping scandal or

Liam Morgan: Balance and contrition - my hopes for the Olympic Movement in 2020

  • Inside the Blogs

International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach’s New Year's message painted an unsurprisingly one-sided picture of 2019.

The message was absent of any controversy - such as the doping and corruption scandals which continue

equally guilty with its claims that it speaks for athletes globally when clearly it does not.The Russian doping

decisions for political reasons - would the stance on Russia been different had the state-sponsored doping

refugee team - the second manifestation of which will come at Tokyo 2020 - and a reanalysis programme of doping

will hold its annual symposium, one which will almost certainly be dominated by the protracted Russian doping

Bach warns athletes against political protests at Tokyo 2020

  • Olympics

International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach has warned athletes against protesting in any form at Tokyo 2020, claiming the Games "must never be a platform to advance political or any other potentially divisive ends".

Horton and Scott, who protested against Sun's appearance at the World Championships because of his doping

WADA Intelligence and Investigations unit suffering from "acute" lack of resources, says independent audit

  • News

An audit of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Intelligence and Investigations department has described

audit, conducted by independent supervisor Jacques Antenen, argued that "for the credibility of anti-doping

department, under director Günter Younger, has been much consumed in recent times with the Russian doping

recently that "investigative work is becoming even more important".Niggli said that the "number of [anti-doping

Choue excited about "notable" taekwondo firsts at Tokyo 2020

  • Taekwondo

World Taekwondo President Chungwon Choue is confident the sport can achieve "even more" this year with the Tokyo 2020 Olympics in sight.

Choue also said that the governing body had strengthened its work in areas including governance, anti-doping

Egypt’s top weightlifting coaches jailed during inquiry into doping scandal

  • Weightlifting

Egypt’s national weightlifting team have been sent to jail during a Government inquiry into widespread doping

by insidethegames.Egypt is banned from international weightlifting for two-years because of multiple doping

Khalaf, 28, revealed she had complained to the Sports Minister more than once about the prevalence of doping

names have never been made public because they were minors.Two of them were 14-year-old girls.Six more doping

won bronze in the 69 kilograms.Egypt's Sports Minister Ashraf Sobhy is leading an inquiry into the doping

and said increased awareness was essential.The scandal of doping and alleged financial crimes within

Sun Yang confident of Tokyo 2020 success despite doping controversy

  • Swimming

targeting winning gold at this year's Olympic Games in Tokyo, despite still awaiting the result from a doping

swimming at London 2012 ©Getty ImagesSun denies wrongdoing and blamed a lack of credentials possessed by doping

control officers for the row which led to a security guard destroying the vial.The World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA) dispute this and insist the credentials of the doping control officials were in order.A

Sir Craig claims WADA stronger than ever despite Russian doping scandal

  • News

Outgoing World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Sir Craig Reedie described the Russian scandal as an "egregious

such as the Olympic Games - as punishment for manipulating the Moscow Laboratory data.The Russian Anti-Doping

Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).Russian athletes who can prove they had no involvement in the doping

pleased to see how WADA responded to the challenges it faced since 2014, in particular the Russian doping

his term, also singled out WADA's governance reforms, compliance and developments to the World Anti-Doping

Presidency.He claimed WADA is "serving athletes better than ever before" through an overhaul of the Anti-Doping

Third Swiss law firm hired to help fight Russian doping case at CAS

  • Olympics

A third prominent law firm in Switzerland has been hired as part of the appeal by Russian Anti-Doping

at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) to get a series of sanctions proposed by the World Anti-Doping

RUSADA as an interested party (third party) in the procedure and terms provided for by the World Anti-Doping

A Decade of Discord

  • The Big Read

Ten years ago, at the end of the Noughties, I was given the perfect laptop bag. It is sturdy, compact and sensibly compartmentalised. I still take it on every overseas trip. 

antepenultimate day of a very different Olympic decade - a decade of trouble and strife; of the Russian doping

as a result, one cannot help but observe that the decade’s dominant "bad news story" - the Russian doping

World Championships gold medallist latest Kenyan to be banned for doping

  • Athletics

Half Marathon gold medallist Sammy Kiprop Kitwara is the latest leading Kenyan runner to be banned for doping

IAAF) World Half Marathon Championships in Nanning, tested positive for asthma drug Terbutaline.The doping

The athlete has accepted the above consequences for his anti-doping rule violations and has expressly

Half Marathon in 2016.Nearly 50 Kenyan athletes are currently banned or provisionally suspended for doping