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Sir Craig claims WADA will defend Russian doping decision with "utmost vigour" at CAS

  • News

Outgoing World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) President Sir Craig Reedie has claimed the organisation will

WADA confirmed it had received official notice from the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) disputing

triggers an appeal process at the CAS, which will take the final decision in the long-running Russian doping

Olympic and Paralympic Games.However, Russian athletes who can prove they had no involvement in the doping

Tokyo.Should CAS rule in WADA's favour, it will be mandatory for all signatories of the World Anti-Doping

Italian athletes responsible for more anti-doping rule violations than any other country, WADA figures

  • News

Italian athletes were responsible for comfortably the most confirmed anti-doping rule violations (ADRVs

) in 2017, according to new statistics made public by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

2016 and 2017.”Niggli continued: "While in- and out-of-competition testing remains critical to detect doping

events have recently shown that investigative work is becoming even more important.”Among National Anti-Doping

Weightlifting at Tokyo 2020 will suffer if top lifters do not qualify, says angry Olympic champion

  • Weightlifting

Iran’s Olympic champion weightlifter Kianoush Rostami made a career high total in one of the best head-to-head contests of 2019 at the Qatar Cup in Doha, the final Olympic qualifying competition of the year – but he still needs a miracle if he is to go for gold again at Tokyo 2020.

well over 100kg.In fifth place was Ilya Ilyin, the Kazakh who was twice stripped of Olympic gold for doping

RUSADA send formal notice to WADA of appeal against doping ban

  • News

The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) has sent formal notice to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), which will take the final decision in the long-running Russian doping

Review Committee which recommended the sanctions, has expressed confidence the ruling from the anti-doping

Olympic and Paralympic Games.However, Russian athletes who can prove they had no involvement in the doping

Tokyo.Should CAS rule in WADA's favour, it will be mandatory for all signatories of the World Anti-Doping

RUSADA and ROC to be represented by different Swiss law firms at CAS in WADA appeal

  • Olympics

Swiss law firm Schellenberg Wittmer have been appointed by the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) to

released in two parts by professor Richard McLaren into allegations and evidence of state-sponsored doping

 On December 9, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Executive Committee approved the recommendations

and RUSADA as an interested party in line with regulations and timeframe stipulated by the World Anti-Doping

Lasitskene fears athletics "will remain the poorest" even if Russia allowed to compete at Tokyo 2020

  • Athletics

champion Mariya Lasitskene has claimed that even if Russia wins its appeal against the latest World Anti-Doping

who won her last two world titles as an Authorised Neutral Athlete (ANA) who had passed required anti-doping

basis "on hold", and had also frozen the reinstatement process for RusAF for further "serious anti-doping

breaches".RusAF has until January 2 to respond to charges against officials accused of obstructing an anti-doping

year's Olympic Games in Tokyo, despite a series of sanctions imposed on the country by the World Anti-Doping

The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) confirmed earlier this month that it will appeal the decision

International Skating Union President highlights progress in season's greetings message

  • Skating

International Skating Union (ISU) President Jan Dijkema has used his season’s greetings message to the sport’s family to provide an insight into the progress on several priorities that the world governing body has set for the period from 2018 to 2022.

The first modules are about skating techniques, sleep and recovery, anti-doping, iCoachKids, officiating

IIHF President Fasel hints at working in Russia after stepping down next year

  • Ice Hockey

International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) President René Fasel has suggested he could work in Russia when he steps down from his role next year.

Anti-Doing Agency (WADA) on a string of proposed sanctions against Russian sports.The Russian Anti-Doping

Olympic and Paralympic Games.However, Russian athletes who can prove they had no involvement in the doping

Russian Athletics Federation granted extension to respond to AIU charges

  • Athletics

granted a three-week extension to respond to charges against officials accused of obstructing an anti-doping

Unit (AIU) confirmed it had given RusAF until January 2 to provide explanations for the "serious anti-doping

participate as neutrals at Tokyo 2020, despite a series of sanctions imposed on the country by the World Anti-Doping

 WADA ruled that Russian athletes who can prove they had no involvement in the doping scandal or

Preparations for Luge World Championships in Sochi unaffected by WADA ruling, FIL claim

  • Luge

Preparations for the 2020 Luge World Championships in Sochi are continuing "unabated", despite the decision to ban Russia from hosting major events for four years, according to International Luge Federation (FIL) executive director Christoph Schweiger.

February 14 to 16, are due to be the first global sporting event to be held in Russia since the World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA) declared the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) non-compliant.It is likely to come too

imposed on Russia by WADA.WADA will allow competitors who can prove they had no involvement in the doping

Taekwondo coaching course in Nigeria attracts over 100 participants

  • Member National Association and Continental Unions News

More than 100 coaches from five countries participated in a two-day World Taekwondo-approved certification course in Abuja.

the event in Nigeria's capital and said it included more topics than participants had expected.Anti-doping

New WADA data highlights effectiveness of gas chromatography in fight against doping

  • News

isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/IRMS) has emerged as one of the most potent weapons in the anti-doping

police's armoury, in new testing statistics published by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

analytical finding (AAF)-rate in 2018.This compares with an overall AAF figure of just 1.42 per cent.Anti-doping

producing 119 AAFs.More than 40 per cent of these AAFs – 51 in total – came in weightlifting, a sport whose doping

Public Security Intelligence Agency warns of cyber-attack threat before Tokyo 2020

  • Tokyo 2020

Japan's Public Security Intelligence Agency has warned in its annual end-of-year report that cyber-attacks targeting next year's Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo are among the biggest threats the country faces.

Ceremony began.With Russia facing a similar ban from Tokyo 2020 due to allegations of state-sponsored doping