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RUSADA to decide on appeal against WADA decision at Supervisory Board meeting

  • News

The Supervisory Board of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) will "most likely" decide to appeal

against the range of sanctions from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), according to deputy director

the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.Russian athletes who can prove they had no involvement in the doping

decision is rendered, most likely by CAS, it will be mandatory for all signatories of the World Anti-Doping

Multiple world champion Vincent-Lapointe awaits Tokyo 2020 fate after doping hearing

  • Canoeing

Canada's multiple world champion Laurence Vincent-Lapointe will find out whether she can compete at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games in the next 30 days, after attending a hearing following a failed drugs test.

was announced that trace amounts of prohibited substance ligandrol were found in her system during a doping

been provisionally suspended, Vincent-Lapointe has now attended a closed hearing before the ICF anti-doping

Russian Biathlon Union hopeful athletes can compete under own flag at World Championships

  • Biathlon

Union (RBU) President Vladimir Drachev is hopeful sanctions imposed on the country by the World Anti-Doping

the event in Antholz because of an expected appeal against the WADA decision from the Russian Anti-Doping

the International Biathlon Union (IBU) said its Biathlon Integrity Unit, which deals with its anti-doping

provisional member of the IBU after the worldwide governing body relegated its status in 2017 because of the doping

Coe insists Russian athletes unable to compete at Tokyo 2020 unless "absolutely comfortable" they are clean

  • Athletics

World Athletics President Sebastian Coe has said Russian track and field athletes will not be admitted to compete at next year’s Olympic Games in Tokyo unless he is "absolutely comfortable" they are clean.

process.Tarasenko, who replaced Dmitry Shlyakhtin after he was among the RusAF officials charged with obstructing a doping

process for RusAF and warned it would consider expelling the organisation, following the "serious anti-doping

Athletes (ANAs) should be put on hold.Russia has since been handed a four-year ban by the World Anti-Doping

Championships it has been awarded.WADA ruled that Russian athletes who can prove they had no involvement in the doping

his coach Evgeniy Zagorulko have also been charged with "tampering and/or complicity" under the anti-doping

USOPC chair shares concerns over how Russian athletes prove clean status

  • Olympics

United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) chair Susanne Lyons has expressed concerns over how governing bodies will determine whether Russian athletes are clean ahead of potentially being granted neutral status to compete at Tokyo 2020.

Lyons raised the concern following a USOPC Board meeting, where the topic of the Russian Anti-Doping

sanction was among the discussion points.Under the terms of the sanction approved by the World Anti-Doping

As a signatory of the World Anti-Doping Code, the UCI is closely following the proceedings for non-compliance

Defending overall skeleton champions triumph at IBSF World Cup

  • Bobsleigh and Skeleton

Defending overall skeleton champions Alexander Tretiakov and Elena Nikitina of Russia secured victories at the International Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation World Cup in Lake Placid.

Sochi 2014 Olympic champion Tretiakov, who kept his gold medal after a successful appeal against a doping

while Axel Jungk of Germany is third.Nikitina, stripped of her Olympic bronze medal from Sochi 2014 for doping

Richard Pound: Taking off the gloves - Russia called to account

  • Inside the Blogs

The velvet glove treatment did not produce the hoped-for conduct change within Russia's sport-doping

International Olympic Committee (IOC) refused to accept a unanimous recommendation by the World Anti-Doping

WADA) that Russia be excluded from those Games, despite incontrovertible evidence of systemic Russian doping

immediately following those Games.WADA developed a roadmap to reinstate RUSADA, the Russian national anti-doping

, only those Russian athletes able to demonstrate that they have not been implicated in any Russian doping

Russia must refund all WADA costs incurred on the anti-doping matter since January 2019 and pay a fine

Johaug aims to continue FIS Cross-Country World Cup winning streak in Davos

  • Cross-Country

Therese Johaug of Norway will aim to continue her International Ski Federation (FIS) Cross-Country World Cup winning streak at the next event in the Swiss resort of Davos.

The 10-time world champion, who missed last year's Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang because of a doping

RusAF President claims Russian track and field athletes could compete as neutrals at Tokyo 2020

  • Athletics

Acting Russian Athletics Federation (RusAF) President Yulia Tarasenko has claimed it is still possible for athletes from the country to be cleared to compete as neutrals at Tokyo 2020, despite the suspension of the governing body's reinstatement process.

Tarasenko, who replaced Dmitry Shlyakhtin after he was among the RusAF officials charged with obstructing a doping

process for RusAF and warned it would consider expelling the organisation, following the "serious anti-doping

Neutral Athletes should be put on hold.Russia has since been handed a four-year ban by the World Anti-Doping

 WADA ruled that Russian athletes who can prove they had no involvement in the doping scandal or

Moscow Regional Athletics Federation Artur Karamyan, Elena Orlova, a senior administrator, and anti-doping

WADA director general claims "great polarisation of athlete views" following Aggar criticism

  • Olympics

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) director general Olivier Niggli has admitted there is a "great polarisation

defended the WADA Executive Committee's decision to endorse a four-year sanction against the Russian Anti-Doping

including the Olympics and the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, provided they can prove they were not part of the doping

Athlete Committee had "consistently been informed of the steps being taken by WADA as part of the Russian doping

that of December 9, have reflected the great polarisation of athlete views with respect to the Russian doping

Clean Game sign up with International Rugby League as anti-doping partner

  • Non-Olympic Sports

International Rugby League (IRL) has appointed non-governmental organisation Clean Game as its independent anti-doping

Based in Serbia, Clean Game is operated by officials responsible for the national anti-doping systems

Clean Game will become fully integrated into IRL operations, responsible for all aspects of its anti-doping

community.Clean Sport will be responsible for the International Rugby League anti-doping programme ©

organisation which knows how to support International Rugby League in every aspect of anti-doping."

The problem of doping is ongoing for both rugby league and union, with numerous cases this year.Recent

IFBB and Jamaican Olympic Association hold joint anti-doping seminar

  • Fitness and Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding (IFBB) and the Jamaican Olympic Association (JOA) organised a joint three-day seminar on anti-doping

technology and commerce of sport.The seminar, organised with the IFBB, focused on kinesiology and anti-doping

application to kinesiology and human movement, the use of therapeutic exemption forms and the types of anti-doping