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Translation issues delay CAS verdict in Sun Yang doping case

  • Swimming

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has confirmed its verdict in the high-profile Sun Yang doping

parties, CAS added.The CAS hearing, the first to be held in public in 20 years, came after the World Anti-Doping

dismissed by lead judge Franco Frattini.Sun denies wrongdoing and blamed a lack of credentials possessed by doping

which led to a security guard destroying the vial.WADA dispute this and insist the credentials of the doping

Aggar resigns from WADA Athlete Committee in protest at Russia decision

  • Olympics

Britain's Victoria Aggar has resigned from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Athlete Committee in protest

the nation is set to be stripped of major events it has already been awarded after the Russian Anti-Doping

including the Olympics and the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, provided they can prove they were not part of the doping

Liam Morgan: Beckie Scott, Penny Heyns and the what-if on Russia

  • Inside the Blogs

What if it had been Beckie Scott providing the athletes’ voice on the Compliance Review Committee (CRC) when it discussed how to punish Russia for manipulating the Moscow Laboratory data, rather than Penny Heyns?

question which came to mind following an answer given by CRC chairman Jonathan Taylor at a World Anti-Doping

year’s Olympic Games in Tokyo, the CRC instead said athletes who can prove they had no role in the doping

are in a new generation and who had not competed in 2012-2015, had nothing to do with the underlying doping

skier resigned from the panel in protest at the decision to conditionally reinstate the Russian Anti-Doping

As is always the case with anti-doping issues, and especially in the Russian doping saga, it will come

ASOIF executive director calls for Governments to step up over Russian doping saga

  • Olympics

Ryan has claimed Governments need to play their part, while defending sport’s handling of the Russian doping

the criticism from some groups who had called for a blanket ban on Russian athletes.The World Anti-Doping

the nation is set to be stripped of major events it has already been awarded after the Russian Anti-Doping

including the Olympics and the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, provided they can prove they were not part of the doping

David Owen: How WADA hit a high note in Lausanne as President Reedie rides off into the sunset

  • Inside the Blogs

on Monday, under the full glare of the global media spotlight, on the whole displayed the World Anti-Doping

stewardship.We are still a long way from the end of the mind-boggling and deeply depressing Russian doping

Harmonisation of sanctions, World Anti-Doping Codes, hugely improved legislation then leading onto intelligence

Certainly it is cleaner in Russia because we rebuilt one of the biggest anti-doping agencies in the world

Sharapova accepts she will miss Tokyo 2020 after signing up for California event

  • Tennis

Maria Sharapova seems to have admitted that she will miss next year's Olympics in Tokyo, after committing herself to playing a tournament in California during the week of the Games.

second consecutive Olympics the Russian has had to sit out, after missing Rio 2016 because of a 15-month doping

one of the spots, her drugs suspension could rule her out, following the decision of the World Anti-Doping

Russians free to continue to compete in ISL as long as they have not been banned for doping

  • Swimming

continue competing in the International Swimming League (ISL), despite the decision of the World Anti-Doping

will continue to allow athletes from Russia to compete in the league if they do not have a previous doping

ISL, though, were keen to underline that they remained tough when it comes to dealing with potential doping

ISL respects WADA and correctly follows all anti-doping procedures," it said."

We work closely with relevant national anti-doping authorities in the countries where we organise our

swimmers competing at ISL matches are subject to in-competition testing according to already established doping

Fasel foresees re-run of Pyeongchang if WADA’s Russia sanctions confirmed before IIHF World Championships

  • Ice Hockey

René Fasel, President of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF), has moved swiftly to reassure Swiss ice hockey fans that Russia will take its place at next year’s World Championships.

Lausanne newspaper, that if a final decision on sanctions against Russia proposed by the World Anti-Doping

participate had to do so as part of a neutral team, in response to the "systemic manipulation" of the anti-doping

referred to CAS.This may happen as soon as December 19, when the Supervisory Board of the Russian Anti-Doping

Aracaju and Gramado next up to host Brazil's Youth School Games programme

  • ANOC News

Aracaju and Gramado will, for the first time, hold regional rounds next year for Brazil's Youth School Games, which have just enjoyed a highly successful conclusion for 2019 in Blumenau.

also offer the Basic Management Course for Coaches, at no cost to participants, besides presenting the Doping

Taylor confident WADA Russia ruling will be upheld by CAS

  • News

The senior barrister who chairs the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) body which originally proposed that

the final say now the Executive Committee has endorsed the CRC’s recommendation that the Russian Anti-Doping

be implemented.Formal notice will now be sent to RUSADA, alleging non-compliance with the World Anti-Doping

Code for failing to provide an "authentic" copy of Moscow anti-doping laboratory data.RUSADA will then

active.Said Taylor: "If an athlete from Russia can prove that they were not involved in the institutionalised doping

Rodchenkov casts doubt on innocence of all Russian athletes after data manipulation

  • News

Grigory Rodchenkov has questioned how any Russian athletes can prove they are "clean" after a World Anti-Doping

body endorsed a recommendation from the Compliance Review Committee (CRC) to declare the Russian Anti-Doping

RUSADA) non-compliant for a four-year period.Russian athletes who can prove they are not part of the doping

Arbitration for Sport (CAS), which will have the final say.Rodchenkov, who exposed the state-sponsored doping

by the scandal to participate at the Olympics has been criticised by the likes of United States Anti-Doping