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WADA panel recommends Russia face four-year sanction

  • Olympics

The World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) Compliance Review Committee (CRC) has recommended a four-year sanction

against the Russian Anti-Doping Agency, which could force athletes to compete neutrally with the country's

the facility in January.The data is being used to prosecute athletes involved in the state-sponsored doping

findings and related evidence were removed in 2016 or 2017, after the general scheme to cover up the doping

deleting "important evidence proving that another laboratory staff member was involved in the cover-up of doping

several cases, in which he denies there was any conspiracy to protect Russian athletes from exposure for doping

Russian Olympic Committee demand complete replacement of Russian Athletics Federation leadership

  • Athletics

The Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) has called for the complete replacement of the Russian Athletics Federation (RusAF) leadership and claimed the organisation’s membership would be under consideration at their next meeting.

installed into the post after the resignation of Dmitry Shlyakhtin, charged for obstructing an anti-doping

his coach Evgeniy Zagorulko have also been charged with "tampering and/or complicity" under the anti-doping

Moscow Regional Athletics Federation Artur Karamyan, Elena Orlova, a senior administrator, and anti-doping

Ikonnikova have also been suspended.The fate of the RusAF is set to become clearer when the World Anti-Doping

Agency Executive Committee meets on December 9 to vote on whether to suspend the Russian Anti-Doping

Exclusive: Olympic medallists slam weightlifting dopers - and those who support them

  • Weightlifting

States, Canada and Britain - including a champion and a bronze medallist - have strongly criticised the doping

even if they are by dopers such as Ilya Ilyin, the Kazakh who forfeited two Olympic gold medals for doping

want to scrap the independent sanctions panel that decides on punishments for nations with multiple doping

Weightlifting needs continued resolve against doping, not more uncertainty," it said.Global Athlete,

"Stop cheering cheats" - angry weightlifters speak out as they count the cost of doping

  • The Big Read

In July this year two freestyle swimming medallists at the World Aquatics Championships refused to stand on the podium alongside the multiple champion Sun Yang, of China, because they regard him as a cheat.

Weightlifting is so much easier if you’re doping…it’s less challenging for them [dopers] so I always

Systematic doping should be detected and sanctioned."

The doping problem is not only a loss for the clean athletes."

Weightlifting needs continued resolve against doping, not more uncertainty."

Nations who have systematic doping programmes or who are caught regularly doping have to be out for the

Canadian Para ice hockey banned after testing positive for cannabis recommended by doctor

  • Para Ice Hockey News

Canada's Para ice hockey player Garrett Riley has been banned for six months and stripped of a silver medal after testing positive for cannabis which his doctor had recommended he took to help relieve the chronic pain he suffers as a result of complications relating to an amputation. 

recommending cannabis to help ease the discomfort, despite the fact it is banned by the World Anti-Doping

matter in an expedient and responsible fashion," the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Anti-Doping

Ivanova triumphs in women's event at season-opening Luge World Cup

  • Luge

Tatyana Ivanova of Russia claimed her 11th career singles win on the opening day of the International Luge Federation World Cup season in Innsbruck.

the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi was reinstated on appeal after she was initially disqualified for a doping

Russian Athletics Federation select new President after Shlyakhtin resigns

  • Athletics

Federation (RusAF) President Dmitry Shlyakhtin has resigned after he was charged for obstructing an anti-doping

his coach Evgeniy Zagorulko have also been charged with "tampering and/or complicity" under the anti-doping

Moscow Regional Athletics Federation Artur Karamyan, Elena Orlova, a senior administrator, and anti-doping

Ikonnikova have also been suspended.The fate of the RusAF is set to become clearer when the World Anti-Doping

Agency Executive Committee meets on December 9 to vote on whether to suspend the Russian Anti-Doping

Russia Tokyo 2020 ban closer after WADA panel recommends suspension

  • News

of Russia being banned from next year's Olympic Games in Tokyo has increased after a key World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA) panel recommended the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) be declared non-compliant.

the facility in January.The data is being used to prosecute athletes involved in the state-sponsored doping

World Athletics Council suspend reinstatement process of Russian Athletics Federation

  • Athletics

The World Athletics Council has suspended the process of reinstating the Russian Athletics Federation (RusAF) and is considering expelling the body in the wake of the latest charges against its officials over the obstruction of an investigation.

announced here today by the head of the World Athletics Task Force looking into the question of Russian doping

Integrity Unit (AIU) and the national governing body he leads charged with serious breaches of the anti-doping

his coach Evgeniy Zagorulko have also been charged with "tampering and/or complicity" under the anti-doping

charges follow a 15-month investigation conducted by the body in cooperation with the Russian Anti-Doping

CADF announce new director amid uncertainty over foundation's future

  • Cycling

The Cycling Anti-Doping Foundation (CADF) has named Olivier Banuls as its new director, amid ongoing

director since 2015 and will now be promoted to replace Francesca Rossi, who will join the French Anti-Doping

Agency at the start of 2020.He joined the International Cycling Union in 2007 as part of the anti-doping

He is well-respected in the field and has an unmatched knowledge of the anti-doping landscape in cycling

The CADF carries out anti-doping programmes within cycling on behalf of the UCI, with the organisation

With a different governance model for anti-doping, the same assurances on fund control and allocation

WADA suspend accreditation of Bangkok Laboratory

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has suspended the accreditation of the Bangkok Laboratory, the only

international standards found during inspections of the laboratory in the Thai capital.The National Doping

Control Centre in Thailand is unable to carry out any anti-doping activities, including all analysis

it if the issues uncovered are not rectified.The Bangkok Laboratory is unable to carry out any anti-doping

WADA-accredited laboratory until the suspension is lifted, raising logistical concerns for the anti-doping

sample analysis, which also helps preserve athletes' confidence in this process and the wider anti-doping

British four-man bobsleigh team receive Sochi 2014 Olympic bronze medals at Team GB Ball

  • Bobsleigh and Skeleton

Britain's four-man bobsleigh team have received their Winter Olympic bronze medals from Sochi 2014, over five years since the conclusion of the Games in the Russian city.

Russian quartet which claimed gold, was stripped of his two titles for his role in the state-sponsored doping

stripped of their medals after Zubkov and Voevoda were found to have been involved in the state-sponsored doping

, Ilvir Khuzin, three members of the Russian team which finished fourth, were also disqualified for doping

Russian Athletics Federation President among top officials charged by AIU for obstructing doping investigation

  • Athletics

Integrity Unit (AIU) and the national governing body he leads charged with serious breaches of the anti-doping

his coach Evgeniy Zagorulko have also been charged with "tampering and/or complicity" under the anti-doping

charges follow a 15-month investigation conducted by the body in cooperation with the Russian Anti-Doping

may then refer the matter to the World Athletics Council to be determined in accordance with the anti-doping

extended for the 12th time in September.It followed allegations the data retrieved by the World Anti-Doping

the suspension on RusAF, first initiated in November 2015 following revelations of state-sponsored doping