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"We will have to keep an eye on them" says AIU chief Howman of Salazar athletes

  • Athletics

associated with Alberto Salazar, the head coach at the Nike Oregon Project (NOP) who was given a four-year doping

The decision, which followed a four-year investigation by the United States Anti-Doping Agency, was made

that a "fresh look" would need to be taken at new claims that the data handed over to the World Anti-Doping

Agency by the Moscow Laboratory in the wake of the Russian doping crisis had been "manipulated"."

Keeping an eye on things - AIU chief Howman's view of the anti-doping chess game

  • The Big Read

the head coach at the Nike Oregon Project, had been banned for four years by the United States Anti-Doping

There are a couple of projects going on relating to genetic doping.

What we are trying to do is advance the way in which analysis can take place to detect doping.

When I was at WADA we were trying to set up an anti-doping agency there nationally.

Doping is only one aspect of the challenges we have to overcome or confront," he said.

The big issue still will be doping - but it won't be the only issue."

Double Paralympic powerlifting champion Lin given two-year doping ban

  • Powerlifting News

Double Paralympic powerlifting gold medallist Lin Tzu-hui of Chinese Taipei will miss the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games after receiving a two-year ban for testing positive for a prohibited substance.

Eger in April contained the stimulant Methylephedrine - prohibited in-competition by the World Anti-Doping

ruled out of the sport until April 27 2021.She is the latest powerlifter to be sanctioned for an anti-doping

The IPC would like to remind all athletes the principle of strict liability applies to anti-doping matters

Each athlete is strictly liable for the substances found in his or her sample, and that an anti-doping

Keep Rugby Clean on show this weekend

  • Rugby Sevens

weekend will provide a global stage to educate the next generation of rugby stars about the dangers of doping

behind Keep Rugby Clean on Saturday (October 5) to Sunday (October 6), in a show of support for the anti-doping

Rugby Clean T-shirts on match days and at public events.The campaign is recognised by the World Anti-Doping

 The #KeepRugbyClean weekend is a key education strategy to deter doping, assist players in making

 World Rugby Chairman Sir Bill Beaumont said: "Doping is the biggest threat to the integrity of

sport and the fight against doping begins with education."

Accreditation of Athens Laboratory suspended by WADA

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has suspended the accreditation of the Athens Laboratory for up to

lack of funding in the laboratory was among the issues uncovered by inspectors from the global anti-doping

made to the Executive Committee.The suspension prohibits the laboratory from carrying out any anti-doping

sample analysis, which also helps preserve athletes' confidence in this process and the wider anti-doping

the laboratory fails to correct the issues revealed by WADA, but it could also be lifted sooner.The Doping

New Delhi because of problems with a test which can help detect the presence of steroids in an anti-doping

IOC seek information on athletes linked to Salazar amid fears over Olympic results

  • Athletics

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) will be asked by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) whether

involving Salazar, banned for four years earlier this week, as "very concerning".The United States Anti-Doping

Agency (USADA) revealed Salazar's punishment was for "orchestrating and facilitating prohibited doping

multiple athletes.Salazar was also said to have tampered, or attempted to tamper, with NOP athletes' doping

around the case.This includes whether results at the Olympic Games may have been impacted by possible doping

Long-term storage of pre-Games doping samples set to be introduced

  • Olympics

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) will seek to establish a long-term sample storage scheme for pre-Games testing programmes.

develop and implement dried-blood-spot (DBS) testing.Described as a potential "game-changer" for anti-doping

the inconvenience of urine and blood tests, as a sample can be taken via a simple finger prick.Anti-doping

long-term storage programme we think we can really have a stronger programme and more deterrent anti-doping

happy that the investment the IOC made at the very beginning through the Olympic Agenda 2020 into anti-doping

We invested $10 million (£8 million/€9 million) in the research for doping and another $10 million in

WADA announce deals to research "game changer" for anti-doping

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has signed deals with seven organisations to develop and implement

Described as a potential "game-changer" for anti-doping at major sporting events, WADA believes it could

to join WADA are the International Olympic Committee and the International Testing Agency.The anti-doping

It has the potential to add to the current global anti-doping programme by complementing existing urine

and blood testing to expand upon the programme's testing coverage and capacity to better reveal doping

There is a real sense among project participants that DBS could be a game-changer for the anti-doping

Russian rower banned from Rio 2016 to compete for Belarus at Tokyo 2020 after IOC approves switch

  • Olympics

Rower Anastasiia Ianina will compete for Belarus at Tokyo 2020 after her change of nationality from Russia was confirmed by the International Olympic Committee's Executive Board here.

) in July 2016 after the IOC asked FISA to "carry out an individual analysis of each athlete's anti-doping

excluded simply for failing to meet guidelines and "are not at all considered to have participated in doping

Another top Kenyan runner suspended for doping

  • Athletics

Kenya's doping problems have deepened after another of its leading runners was suspended following a

2018, 138 Kenyan athletes tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs, according to a World Anti-Doping

FISU visit three cities to assess preparations for World University Championships

  • Universiade

International University Sport Federation (FISU) delegations have visited Bangkok, Shanghai and Dnipro to assess preparations for their respective 2020 World University Championships in badminton, squash and water-skiing.

.The venue was inspected and discussions held on areas such as volunteers, medical facilities, anti-doping

IOC Executive Board puts AIMS forward for full recognition

  • Olympics

The Alliance of Independent Recognised Members of Sport (AIMS) body will be fully recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) at its Session in Lausane in January.

McConnell said good governance, strong anti-doping policy and educational support for athletes had also

ITA to oversee anti-doping at Olympic boxing qualifiers

  • Boxing

The International Testing Agency (ITA) has been appointed to take charge of anti-doping for the Olympic

We are looking to reflect all the arrangements that we have at the Olympic Games in terms of anti-doping

behalf for all five qualifying events and any necessary case management will be handled by the CAS Anti-Doping

This will ensure full independence in the anti-doping programme."

Anti-doping had been raised as a concern by the IOC, which led to AIBA's suspension and not being involved

Future host city elections among topics at IOC Executive Board meeting

  • Olympics

Future host city elections for the Olympic Games will be among the topics discussed at the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board’s two-day meeting.

politics in sport.IOC President Thomas Bach also claimed the organisation will take "a fresh look" at new doping

claims against Russia.The World Anti-Doping Agency announced last month it had given Russia three weeks

allegations that critical data from a laboratory in Moscow, linked to allegations of state-sponsored doping

development and potential changes to regulations for transgender athletes, will also be presented.Anti-doping