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World 10,000m champion hits out at USADA for timing of Salazar ban announcement

  • Athletics

The Netherlands' Sifan Hassan has hit out at the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) for releasing

tarnished by the four-year suspension handed to Salazar for "orchestrating and facilitating prohibited doping

conscience, knowing we are being monitored to the absolute fullest by USADA and [the] WADA (World Anti-Doping

of his accreditation for the IAAF World Championships after being banned by the United States Anti-Doping

Such investigations can and should only be undertaken by the relevant anti-doping authorities.

 "The Oregon Project has never and will never permit doping.

Exclusive: Salazar athletes in Doha told to stay away from US coach after four-year doping ban

  • Athletics

Athletes here coached by Alberto Salazar, banned for four years by the United States Anti-Doping Agency

USADA said Salazar's punishment was for "orchestrating and facilitating prohibited doping conduct" as

multiple athletes.Salazar was also said to have tampered, or attempted to tamper, with NOP athletes' doping

receive a warning ©Getty ImagesAsked how big a coup the USADA announcement was in the battle against doping

Howman said that the relevant section in the World Anti-Doping Agency's Code regarding association had

RUSADA director general warns Russian sport heading into "abyss" after data tampering claims

  • News

Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) director general Yury Ganus has claimed the organisation has been

"betrayed" and warned sport in the country was heading for the "abyss" after the World Anti-Doping Agency

those behind the alleged tampering had "brought Russian sport to such an unacceptable point in the doping

difficult to predict.IOC President Thomas Bach said the organisation would take a "fresh look" at the new doping

And the individuals whose actions have brought Russian sport to such an unacceptable point in the doping

closed IT perimeter, but did not become one because of the will of those responsible way out of the doping

Coe on course to become International Olympic Committee member before Tokyo 2020

  • Athletics

International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) President Sebastian Coe appears to be on course to finally join the International Olympic Committee (IOC) after it was revealed here that he had been initially proposed for membership four years ago.

overseeing a series of reforms to help restore confidence in the world governing body following the Russian doping

INAS promise largest anti-doping programme at 2019 Global Games

  • Paralympics

Athletes with Intellectual Impairments (INAS) Global Games in Brisbane have promised the largest anti-doping

Committee for the Games, scheduled to take place from October 12 to 19.INAS, a signatory of the World Anti-Doping

skiing, swimming and table tennis.There was only one positive test, which came in athletics.The anti-doping

We are therefore proud to say that we fully support the World Anti-Doping Agency's anti-doping efforts

Coleman takes world 100m title as Hassan earns first half of golden double

  • Athletics

Christian Coleman of the United States won the men’s world 100 metres title here in 9.76sec, the fastest time recorded this year, on a night when The Netherlands' Sifan Hassan completed what could be the first part of a golden double here as she won the women’s 10,000m title at the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) World Championships.

two-years.The case against Coleman, though, was controversially withdrawn after the United States Anti-Doping

Nicaraguan Sports Minister given IFBB Gold Medal

  • Fitness and Bodybuilding

Nicaragua's Minister for Sports has been given an award by the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) for his services to the sport.

recognition of his outstanding support to fitness, healthy lifestyle, sports promotion, and the fight against doping

Exclusive: IWF President warns sport must unite together if doping problems to be tackled

  • Weightlifting

governing body’s Executive Board members they must unite together if they wish to continue to fight against doping

President Maxim Agapitov accusing the IWF of being unfair, unjust and unconstitutional in its anti-doping

secretariat in appointing members of independent panels and to make fundamental changes to the anti-doping

why I told you, if the Executive Board, all the members, really honestly wish to fight against the doping

system" and claimed Aján had done too little to counter the sport's doping problems in the past.Those

Still some countries - it’s very difficult to say this - don’t want to stop the doping."

Bach pledges that IOC will take "fresh look" at Russian doping claims

  • Athletics

Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach promised here today that they will take "a fresh look" at new doping

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) announced on Monday (September 23) that it had given Russia three

allegations that critical data from the laboratory in Moscow linked to allegations of state-sponsored doping

 "RUSADA (Russian Anti-Doping Agency) has served its sanction for what, what we hear

from taking part under its own flag at last year's Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang because of the doping

Jamaican sprinter Williams reprimanded after failed drugs test

  • Athletics

Jamaican teenage sprint star Briana Williams has been given a public reprimand at an Independent Anti-Doping

by Jamaican newspaper The Gleaner.It was also reported that Williams declared the medication on her doping

control form while being tested by Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission officials.

 The IADP has also recommended Williams undergoes another education programme on the anti-doping