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Former Diack legal advisor Cissé given life ban for corruption by IAAF

  • Athletics

Habib Cissé, the former legal advisor to Lamine Diack and the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), has been banned for life for alleged corruption offences.

of positive analytic results for prohibited substances in samples provided for the purposes of anti-doping

distance running and race-walking coach Alexei Melnikov were banned for life in 2016.Former IAAF anti-doping

his release.The lawyer is thought to have played a key role in the scandal, including the cover-up of doping

biological passport cases by Diack and was accused of being inserted into a role within the IAAF anti-doping

department by the former President to corrupt the system by a World Anti-Doping Agency Independent Commission

IMMAF to apply for full GAISF membership in 2020 if observer application successful

  • Mixed Martial Arts

The International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) will be in a position to apply for full membership of the Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) in 2020 if its bid for observer status is successfully reconsidered next month, according to chief executive Densign White.

be successful, White claims the IMMAF will automatically be given signatory status by the World Anti-Doping

with which it is also in dispute.The IMMAF is taking legal action against WADA after the global anti-doping

required five years of General Assemblies, five years of audited accounts and a WADA Code compliant anti-doping

Russian Sports Minister says country over "the most difficult stage" of doping crisis

  • News

Russian Sports Minister Pavel Kolobkov believes the country is over the worst of its doping crisis.

politician made the claim as International Federations continue to analyse data recovered by the World Anti-Doping

governing bodies.All are suspected of playing a part in a far-reaching Russian scheme involving serial doping

concluding stage is currently underway with WADA, reanalysing the data and samples from the Moscow Anti-Doping

FASANOC Voices of the Athletes programme visits school competitions

  • ONOC

The Fiji Association of Sports and National Olympic Committee's (FASANOC) Voices of the Athletes (VOA) programme reached out to just under 900 students after visiting a number of school sporting events. 

While our main focus was non-communicable diseases, we also stressed on the importance of anti-doping

From doping basket-case to Olympic role model – how weightlifting rescued itself

  • The Big Read

When the International Olympic Committee (IOC) put weightlifting's place on the Games schedule under threat on June 9, 2017, there were many within the sport who feared the worst, with good reason.

IOC President Thomas Bach said weightlifting had a "massive doping problem" and since then, as if to

violations based on information from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) rather than positive tests,

warning two years ago, when the sport was effectively put on probation, there have been more than 80 doping

for Ironman; and Andrea Gotzmann, President of the German National Anti-Doping Agency.Along with many

I believe the IWF was the only International Federation with a special anti-doping policy for the Rio

WADA Athlete Committee urges organisation to establish deadlines for IFs on Russian cases

  • News

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Athlete Committee has urged the global anti-doping watchdog to establish

evidentiary packages on 43 competitors to the relevant world governing bodies.It is up to IFs to pursue anti-doping

rule violations against those found to have been involved in the doping scandal, which corrupted events

provisionally suspending 12 athletes - including some who had already been stripped of Olympic medals for doping

Global Athlete pledge support to Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act

  • News

Global Athlete, the athlete-led movement for change, has pledged its support to the Rodchenkov Anti-Doping

Act comes at a crucial time for the international fight against doping in sport."

The Russian doping fraud scandal shook the very foundations of the global anti-doping system and the

Fully compatible with the UNESCO Convention Against Doping in Sport and the World Anti-Doping Code, the

the type of behaviour discovered in the Russian doping scandal."

to investigate and pursue, and ultimately hold accountable, doping fraud perpetrators.

Leyva appointed iNADO chief executive

  • News

The Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO) has announced Jorge Leyva as its chief executive

December 1.Mexican Leyva has worked with the umbrella body for four years and is a well-known anti-doping

continue taking iNADO forwards.”iNADO is a non-profit organisation whose main aim is to help national anti-doping

improve their programmes and to adopt best practices.It had previously been critical of the World Anti-Doping

Agency's handling of the Russian doping scandal but has softened its stance under Ask, elected iNADO

Lima 2019 discus silver medallist provisionally suspended after positive test

  • Lima 2019

Lima 2019 silver medallist Andressa Oliveira de Morais has been provisionally suspended following a positive drugs test, the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) has announced.

Championships in Doha.The South American champion is the third athlete to have been implicated in a doping

disqualified from the competition.At the time of Perez's failed test, Panam Sports said a total of 1,197 anti-doping

International Swimming Federation.It was the second consecutive Pan American Games he had been embroiled in a doping

Iran women help boost entry numbers to record level for IWF Weightlifting World Championships

  • Weightlifting

Final entries for the 2019 International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) World Championships later this month have broken all previous records - thanks in part to the presence of Iranian female lifters for the first time.

Georgia.Kazakhstan's Ilya Ilyin, disqualified from first place at the Beijing 2008 and London 2012 because of doping

2020 having already been stripped of Olympic gold medals from Beijing 2008 and London 2012 because of doping

have any lifters competing, as Thailand withdrew from international competition because of multiple doping

Liam Morgan: Is the proposed new ISSF constitution a step forward or backward?

  • Inside the Blogs

International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) President Vladimir Lisin will be hoping it is second time lucky when the General Assembly votes on a proposed new constitution in December.

October 4 meeting.The ISSF will also exclude members, or any officials, if they are found to have abetted doping

Council – the second legislative body of the ISSF which deals with general regulations, ethics and anti-doping

Athletics Integrity Unit not to appeal USADA decision on Coleman

  • Athletics

The Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) will not appeal the United States Anti-Doping Agency's (USADA) decision

against American sprinter Christian Coleman, for violation of the whereabouts rules under the World Anti-Doping

USADA announced its decision on Monday (September 2) following consultation with the World Anti-Doping

whereabouts information should be considered to have occurred.The AIU, as the body that oversees anti-doping

Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), has the right to appeal such decisions under the World Anti-Doping

times so they can be drug-tested at random.Missing three tests in 12 months is the equivalent of a doping