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International Testing Agency to support anti-doping programme at Minsk 2019 and Lausanne 2020

  • Lausanne 2020

The International Testing Agency (ITA) will support both the Minsk 2019 European Games and Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympics, the organisation's chair Valérie Fourneyron has revealed.

Fourneyron stated that the ITA would provide an independent oversight of the anti-doping programme at

will take place in Belarus' capital city Minsk from June 21 to 30.The ITA will then prepare the anti-doping

latest major events in which the ITA has been involved, prior to the organisation handling the anti-doping

had collected 700 samples at the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games.The ITA also coordinated anti-doping

will supervise all the procedures conducted on the ground.Furthermore, the ITA will trained the 16 doping

Dahlin targets summer secretary general appointment in drive to reform IBU

  • Biathlon

International Biathlon Union (IBU) President Olle Dahlin hopes to appoint a permanent secretary general in the summer as he seeks to develop the organisation and drive through reform efforts.

told it must meet included increased drugs testing and access to raw data from Moscow’s infamous anti-doping

laboratory.The data has since been given to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for analysis.Dahlin

The IBU President is also hopeful over the potential progress of anti-doping cases, following the World

Anti-Doping receiving Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) data from the Moscow Laboratory.The

data is expected to be key to whether anti-doping cases could be established against athletes."

Latvian long jumper and Armenian weightlifter disqualified from London 2012 Olympics following retest of samples

  • London 2012

Latvian long jumper Ineta Radevica and Armenian weightlifter Melanie Daluzyan have both been disqualified from the London 2012 Olympic Games following the retesting of their seven-year-old samples, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has announced today.

dehydrochlormethyltestosterone - otherwise known as oral turinabol -and stanozolol.Both athletes, who have retired, face doping

as another blow to the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) with the sport having had a poor doping

of Arbitration for Sport or before an IOC disciplinary commission.This choice is given as the anti-doping

The fight against doping is a top priority for the IOC, which has established a zero-tolerance policy

to combat cheating and to make anyone responsible for using or providing doping products accountable

FIS become first Winter International Federation to partner with CAS Anti-Doping Division

  • Skiing

A partnership with the Anti-Doping Division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has been announced

of Arbitration for Sport.The partnership means the new CAS Division will adjudicate on alleged anti-doping

 "The transition of authority for the adjudication of doping cases to the CAS Anti-Doping Division

Agency and offer a choice of options for parties who make appeals.Previously temporary CAS Anti-Doping

The CAS Anti-Doping Division has been established at the request of the Olympic Summit and follows the

success of the separate CAS Ad Hoc Anti-Doping Divisions at recent Olympic Games," said Coates."

Bańka given further European boost in bid to become next WADA President

  • News

Witold Bańka has been given another boost in his bid to become the next President of the World Anti-Doping

year-old former athlete, one of three candidates to replace Sir Craig Reedie as head of the global anti-doping

backing of the EU and all its Member States in the election of the future President of the World Anti-Doping

backing of the EU and all its Member States in the election of the future president of the World Anti-Doping

— Witold Bańka (@WitoldBanka) May 6, 2019Bańka's manifesto includes a pledge to establish an anti-doping

solidarity fund, which he claims will "help build a strong network of National Anti-Doping Organisations

Russian middle-distance runner banned for 12 years by AIU for positive test and forging medical documents

  • Athletics

Russian middle-distance runner Kseniya Savina has been banned for 12 years after she tested positive for a prohibited substance and was found to have forged medical documents in an attempt to avoid punishment.

documents to support her claim that Savin was suffering from the condition.The AIU and the Russian Anti-Doping

writing to RUSADA that records were forged.The AIU statement confirmed Savina was guilty of two anti-doping

Federations following a ban imposed on the country in November 2015 following allegations of state-sponsored doping

IAAF revoke neutral status of Russian sprinter after failed drugs test

  • Athletics

Russian sprinter Igor Obraztsov's status as a neutral athlete has been revoked by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) after he failed an out-of-competition test.

Russian Athletics Federation has been suspended by the IAAF since November 2015 when the World Anti-Doping

Agency found evidence through an Independent Commission of state-sponsored doping and cover ups.The

Mike Rowbottom: When dopers tell the truth about cheating - if that’s what it is…

  • Inside the Blogs

A paradox: being honest about cheating.

The recently published book by Christophe Brissonneau and Jeffrey Montez de Oca - Doping in Elite Sports

" has been defined and constructed over the years by sports doctors; the second looks at doping from

Pressing Armstrong on the subject of his doping, Winfrey asked: "Did it feel wrong?"

They seized, monopolized, and formulated the issue of doping in the 1950s."

If that’s doping, who wants to be clean?

WADA could only be given increased funding if it demonstrates good governance, United States warns

  • News

Future increases in funding from the United States Government to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

For 2020, ONDCP is proposing to combine grant funding supporting domestic anti-doping activities and

WADA dues payments into a single 'Anti-Doping Activities' programme account," the budget plan adds."

WADA officials have consistently called for increased funding to help the fight against doping worldwide

fraud conspiracies, entitled the Rodchekov Anti-Doping Act.It is named after former Moscow Laboratory

WADA notes the proposal by the United States Government to restructure its funding model for anti-doping

Germany to send up to 150 athletes to Minsk 2019 European Games

  • Minsk 2019

The German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) has nominated its team for the European Games in Minsk with up to 150 athletes set to travel to Belarus’ capital next month.

to the team are the signing of the DOSB athlete agreement and a review by the German National Anti-Doping

Olympic gold medallist Meilutytė facing ban after missing three drugs tests

  • Swimming

Olympic 100 metres breaststroke gold medallist Rūta Meilutytė is facing a suspension of up to two years and could be ruled out of Tokyo 2020 after she missed three drugs tests in 12 months.

the International Swimming Federation (FINA) regarding Meilutytė's failure to appear for the three doping

London 2012 Olympic champion has accepted fault for the missed tests ©Getty ImagesUnder the World Anti-Doping

reduced depending on the degree of the competitor's fault.Kristina Jagminiene, director of the Anti-Doping

It is very disappointing that such an anti-doping rule violation has been recorded by an athlete who

Biathlon Integrity Unit to be set up by IBU in response to doping, fraud and corruption allegations

  • Biathlon

Plans to establish an independent integrity unit to handle anti-doping and ethical procedures have been

will be designed to manage all integrity related matters concerning biathlon.This will involve anti-doping

The main thing is to separate the anti-doping and ethics work from operations and the sport," Dahlin

IBU External Review Commission came about largely as a result of criminal investigations focused on doping

The main thing for us is to regain the trust as we separate anti-doping work from operations."

The Unit is expected to provide a further boost to the handling of anti-doping matters, following on